The @leXed is focused on [experimental learning] which mimic real-life situations
@pmgandi has curated a set of eminent lawyers, legal engineers and l'experts to provide thought leadership on contemporary topics. The format is a lineup of speakers with moderator to kickstart and help field questions from the audience.
Popularised before cryptowinter, @tenfinney proposed a series of public arena verbal hors d'combat. The format is a topic with participants (and perhaps posture) randomly selected with a short time to prep and present.
![Szaboan] ![Zamfirism] ![Walchit] ![Woodoot]
Currently @drllau is painstalkingly identifying case studies which can be source material for mini-moots or repository of panels. The goal is to eventually translate such into Spanish and other languages preferred for the international membership base.
As outgrowth of the USPTO hackathon, a retrospective history of LexDAO will be curated and presented at the 5th anniversary.
These are the bread and butter of traditional legal education. Studies are usually incisive analysis of legislation, judicial decisions or plaint/briefs. CaseWork (intended for lvl3- rogues) are to refactor situations (prior or existing) using technqiues from the legal engineering toolbox (Ricardian contracts, cryptoeconomics, mechanism design, etc) whereas caseload may be to actually implement a feature under superivision of a LEETHodler as part of an external project.
- alpha - draft RfQ indicating the subject matter
- beta - work in progress
- gamma - available for review
- delta - variations to 3 using different jurisidiction, fact pattern or distinguishing scenario
- epsilon - usually a finalisation of work for submission as evidence of LEETH worthiness
see also leXpunk army