- Click the github classroom link
- Create team name
- Accept the assignment and refresh screen to allow github to create an empty repo.
- STOP! Just need the repo to stay empty.
- Create a new Rails app on the desktop: $ rails new rails-full-stack -d postgresql -T
- $ cd rails-full-stack
- Create a database: $ rails db:create
- Begin the rails server: $ rails server
- In a browser navigate to: http://localhost:3000
- Connect the local app and the empty github repo: Copy the
$ git remote add origin
command from empty repo - Ensure a main branch exists:
$ git checkout -b main
- Make an initial commit to the main branch:
a)$ git status
b) If you are tracking all the files and folders displayed:$ git add .
c)$ git commit -m "initial commit"
d)$ git push origin main
- Join the github classroom team
- Clone the github repo for your team
- Create the empty database:
$ rails db:create
- Migrate all the changes:
$ rails db:migrate
- Add all dependencies:
$ bundle
NOTE: You will have to scaffold/stub more data entries in the rails console because the database is saved locally.
- Comedy full stack rails app
- Model: Comedy with joke, punch_line. Both will strings.
- Create a branch to add new features:
$ git checkout -b dependencies
- Add the dependencies for RSpec:
$ bundle add rspec-rails
$ rails generate rspec:install
- Generate the model with appropriate columns and data types:
$ rails g model Comedy joke:string punch_line:string
- Save changes to db schema:
$ rails db:migrate
- Generate the controller:
$ rails g controller Comedy
RESTful routes: index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy
HTTP verbs: get, post, put, patch, delete
CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete
RESTful routes: methods within the controller, aka action method, that map to an HTTP verb to allow crud actions to be performed within the application
NOTE: The order that restful routes need to be place on the routes.rb is INCSEUD (ink-say-ud): index, new, create, show, edit, update, destroy.
read -> get -> index
read -> get -> show
read -> get -> new
create -> post -> create
update -> patch -> update
update -> put -> update
delete -> delete -> destroy
- scaffolding: stubbing, create initial data entries using the rails console
> Comedy.create(joke: 'What do you for a sad web developer?', punch_line: 'You console them.')
> Comedy.create(joke: 'What do bees sit on?', punch_line: 'Their behind.')
> Comedy.create(joke: "Why can't you trust a burrito", punch_line: 'Because it will spill the beans.')
> Comedy.create(joke: 'Why does a computer go to the bar? ', punch_line: 'To get a screenshot.')
> Comedy.create(joke: 'Why did the Math Book look sad?', punch_line: 'Because it had too many problems!')
- MVP: Minimum Viable Product, minimum requirements to have a basic functional application
- Allow a user to see all the data in the database --> index
- Allow a user to see more information about a single data entry --> show
- Allow a user to create data entries --> new, create
- Create a new branch for each feature
- Add the restful route to the controller in app/controllers
- Create a route for the restful route (action method) in config/routes.rb
- Create a views file for that restful route in app/views
- Verify user experience
branch: index
index restful route: display all the instances in the database
read -> get -> index
- controller
def index
@joke_list = Comedy.all
- routes
# define the url with the `get` http verb that calls the index method
# use `to:` instead of the hash rocket that is shown in the syllabus and ensure the url has a `/`
get '/jokes', to: 'comedy#index', as: 'jokes'
- views
Create a views file that has the same name as the restful route that will iterate across the array stored by the instance variable. Display each instance on a separate line.
- use erb syntax to reference ruby code
<%= %>
used to display values<% %>
used to reference ruby code that will not be displayed
<h1>India Comedy Factory</h1>
<% @joke_list.each do |chuckle|%>
Joke: <%= chuckle.joke %> Punch line: <%= chuckle.punch_line %>
<% end %>
- Verify user experience:
- Enter
in the browser
branch: show
show restful route: displays one instance from the database
read -> get -> show
- controller
The params hash will be used to abstract the value of the primary key from the url.
def show
@one_joke = Comedy.find(params[:id])
- routes
- use the same url as the index, add the requirement of a param
get '/jokes/:id', to: 'comedy#show', as: 'joke'
- views
- use dot notation to display the values of each applicable column
- Verify user experience. Remember to provide an applicable primary key from the database.
- Enter
in the browser
branch: new-instance
- Instead of creating a new instance in the rails console:
> Comedy.create(joke: 'Why do programmers prefer dark mode?', punch_line: 'Because light attracts bugs.')
- User input will be used to create a new instance and then saved to the database using the new and create restful routes.
new restful route: a html form that collects user input for the values that will be saved for a new instance or data entry in the database
read -> get -> new
- controller
def new
@new_joke = Comedy.new
- route
get '/jokes/new', to: 'comedy#new', as: 'new'
- views
<h2>Add a New Joke</h2>
# form_with helper is connecting to a model
# reference the instance variable which is the place holder for the empty instance that will accept values for each attribute or column in the database
<%= form_with model: @new_joke do |form| %>
<%= form.label :joke %>
<%= form.text_field :joke %>
<%= form.label :punch_line %>
<%= form.text_field :punch_line %>
# the submit button then will look for the create method/restful route associated with this new method/restful route
<%= form.submit 'Add Joke' %>
<% end %>
- Verify user experience
- To see the form:
create restful route: saves a new instance or data entry in the database, no views will be required for this route because its role is to save data not display it.
create -> post -> create
Create restful route will restrict how the user interacts with the database using the following:a)
: prevents access to certain data/methods across the applicationb) strong params: method listed under private to control what attributes can be created by the user
: establishes which model will have the requirementsd)
: establishes which attribute(s) the user can provide value(s)
def create
# create takes the strong params method as argument
@new_joke = Comedy.create(joke_params)
# redirect to the index page if the new instance is valid
if @new_joke.valid?
# alias is referenced with `_path`
redirect_to comedies_path
# restrictions
# strong params method
def joke_params
# allows the user to provide values for each attribute or column
params.require(:comedy).permit(:joke, :punch_line)
post '/jokes', to: 'comedy#create'
Verify user experience:
a) Go to the form:
b) Input values for each field
c) Click the button to save the new instance to the database
d) If the instance is valid, the index page should be displayed
Rails will require the alias for the index restful route to be the model name
- plural for the index
- singular for the show
To see available urls (routes created from the config/routes.rb)
- To see on the browser:
- To see in the terminal:
$ rails routes -E
Views file will be referencing the instance variable used on the applicable method/restful route
branch: link
- Add navigation to the different views/pages
- Remove the punch line from the index view
A link will be created on the index page. To create a URL link to the show route for a specific instance, we use the ID in the URL. Therefore, the path will receive the instance as an argument.
<%= link_to "Joke: #{chuckle.joke}", comedy_path(chuckle) %>
NOTE: Because link_to helper method requires a string for the text on the link, we used string interpolation to abstract the value at the joke key (attribute).
features that enhance the user experience beyond the MVP
- Allow a user to modify an existing instance in the database --> edit, update
- Allow a user to remove an existing instance in the database --> destroy
User input will be used to modify an existing instance and then save it to the database using the edit and update restful routes. branch: modify
edit restful route: provides an html form that displays the values for an existing instance, needs a params id to specify which instance is being updated
read -> get -> edit
- controller
def edit
@modified_joke = Comedy.find(params[:id])
routes - Make sure to follow the INCSEUD pattern on the routes file
views - Make sure to specify the patch method
user experience
update restful route: used to saved the modifications to an instance, needs a params id to specify which instance is being updated, no view necessary
update -> patch -> update
- controller
def update
# abstract the instance
@modified_joke = Comedy.find(params[:id])
# update the permitted attributes as specified as specified by the strong params
# if valid redirect to the show page
if @modified_joke.valid?
redirect_to comedy_path
routes: make sure to use the patch http verb
user experience
destroy restful route: used to remove an existing instance, needs a params id to specify which instance is being updated, no view necessary
delete -> delete -> destroy
- controller
def destroy
@no_joke = Comedy.find(params[:id])
redirect_to comedies_path
route: http verb delete
a) need a button to trigger the method
b) create alias for destroy RESTful route
c) using helper method button_to which takes in three arguments:- text to be on button
- destroy path that takes in the variable
- method option that maps to the delete http verb
d) place button on show.html.erb
<%= button_to 'Delete this joke', destroy_path(@one_joke), method: :delete %>
user experience