We have instructions for Debian-based Linux distributions and recommend using DebianTesting.
It is possible to work on this repository using other operating systems such as Windows or other Linux distributions. However, we do not currently have instructions.
On Debian-based Linux systems:
Install Bazel and Jsonnet.
sudo apt-get install bazel jsonnet
sudo apt-get install python3-absl
bazel build //...
If that doesn't work, you might need to specify the Java JDK path. This example is using bash:
PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin:$PATH bazel build //...
Finding the results:
ls bazel-bin/catalog/
Running the unittests:
bazel test //...
Running the Earth Engine Catalog Checker:
This requires a recent version of XCode (e.g. 14.1).
Install Homebrew from here: https://brew.sh/
Setup the environment and run the checker as follows:
brew install jsonnet
brew install bazelisk
# Install bazel
type -a bazel
bazel is /usr/local/brew/bin/bazel
bazel --version
# bazel 5.3.2
# You will want to checkout your own fork
git clone https://github.com/google/earthengine-catalog.git
# Mac OSX comes with a python that is too old.
brew install python3
pip3 install absl-py
bazel test //...
bazel build //checker:ee_stac_check