$ gofmt --help // or go doc cmd/gofmt
usage: gofmt [flags] [path ...]
-cpuprofile string
write cpu profile to this file
-d display diffs instead of rewriting files
-e report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines)
-l list files whose formatting differs from gofmt's
-r string
rewrite rule (e.g., 'a[b:len(a)] -> a[b:]')
-s simplify code
-w write result to (source) file instead of stdout
- -l 显示那些需要格式化的文件
- -w 把改写后的内容直接写入到文件中,而不是作为结果打印到标准输出。
- -r 添加形如“a[b:len(a)] -> a[b:]”的重写规则,方便我们做批量替换
- -s 简化文件中的代码
- -d 显示格式化前后的diff而不是写入文件,默认是false
- -e 打印所有的语法错误到标准输出。如果不使用此标记,则只会打印不同行的前10个错误。
- -cpuprofile 支持调试模式,写入相应的cpufile到指定的文件
$ gofmt -w -l logic //go代码目录
$ go help fmt //or go fmt --help
usage: go fmt [-n] [-x] [packages]
Fmt runs the command 'gofmt -l -w' on the packages named
by the import paths. It prints the names of the files that are modified.
For more about gofmt, see 'go doc cmd/gofmt'.
For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
The -n flag prints commands that would be executed.
The -x flag prints commands as they are executed.
To run gofmt with specific options, run gofmt itself.
See also: go fix, go vet.
使用go fmt命令,其实是调用了gofmt
$ go fmt -n github.com/lcp0578/smart_lock C:\Go\bin\gofmt.exe -l -w main.go
$ go fmt -x github.com/lcp0578/smart_lock C:\Go\bin\gofmt.exe -l -w main.go