- BED files BED format
- bedGraph
- data that has chrom/start/stop. Can have a score.
BED 3:
chr1 100 500 chr1 150 300 chr1 800 1000
BED 4:
chr1 100 500 A chr1 150 300 B chr1 800 1000 C
BED 4 with track lines:
track name="example track, dense" color="128,0,0" visibility=dense chr1 100 500 A chr1 150 300 B chr1 800 1000 C track name="example track, pack" color="0,255,0" visibility=pack chr1 100 500 A chr1 150 300 B chr1 800 1000 C track name="example track, squish" color="200,0,200," visibility=squish chr1 100 500 A chr1 150 300 B chr1 800 1000 C track name="example track, with score" visibility=pack useScore=1 chr1 100 500 A 1000 chr1 150 300 B 500 chr1 800 1000 C 100 track name="example track, with strand" visibility=pack chr1 100 500 A 0 - chr1 150 300 B 0 - chr1 800 1000 C 0 +
bedGraph. Note track line with type=bedGraph
, which is important:
track type=bedGraph name="bedGraph example" chr19 49302000 49302300 -1.0 chr19 49302300 49302600 -0.75 chr19 49302600 49302900 -0.50 chr19 49302900 49303200 -0.25 chr19 49303200 49303500 0.0 chr19 49303500 49303800 0.25 chr19 49303800 49304100 0.50 chr19 49304100 49304400 0.75 chr19 49304400 49304700 1.00
colored example:
track type=bedGraph name="bedgraph with color" description="BedGraph format" visibility=full color=200,100,0 altColor=0,100,200 priority=20 chr19 49302000 49302300 -1.0 chr19 49302300 49302600 -0.75 chr19 49302600 49302900 -0.50 chr19 49302900 49303200 -0.25 chr19 49303200 49303500 0.0 chr19 49303500 49303800 0.25 chr19 49303800 49304100 0.50 chr19 49304100 49304400 0.75 chr19 49304400 49304700 1.00
Raw reads (i.e. fastq). They need to be mapped first
Mapped reads. Visible, but they are hard to look at. They need to be aggregated and usually scaled. BAM cannot be uploaded directly, but must instead be hosted somewhere. http://helix.nih.gov/~dalerr/ex1.bam (this is hg19).
Data that are not in chrom-start-stop format, e.g.:
Genes Thy1 Lypla1 1.21377 Tcea1 0 Atp6v1h 2.77439 Oprk1 0 Rb1cc1 2.96399 Fam150a 0 St18 0.721644 Pcmtd1 3.34769 ... ...
Multiple sequences example:
Sometimes what you need is only in a different assembly!
Track hubs are sets of tracks that have been prepared by other people. Some are public, some only work if you have the URL.
What is the y-axis? Rarely is it described. It may take reverse-engineering the analysis to figure it out. See the genomics section for an example of trying to figure out what the scores in a BED file are for a published data set.
Erythroid long noncoding RNA from Alvarez-Dominquez et al 2014, mm9. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2013-10-530683. Table S2.
Excel spreadsheet, separate worksheets for each class of ncRNA, mm9. Format:
Name Coordinates (mm9) lincRNA-EC1 chr5[+]23356389-23365750 lincRNA-EC2 chr18[+]54581940-54621217 lincRNA-EC3 chr4[-]109074924-109080172 ... ...
Strategy: our goal is to convert:
lincRNA-EC1 chr5[+]23356389-23365750
chr5 23356389 23365750 lincRNA-EC1 0 +
Physical domains from Sexton et al 2012, in fly embryro (dm3). PMID: 22265598. Table S1
Excel spreadsheet, one worksheet. Format:
Table S1: List of physical domains, related to Figure 3 domain id chrom start end epigenetic class 1 chr2L 67150 156849 Active 2 chr2L 156850 250149 Null 3 chr2L 250150 295749 Active 4 chr2L 295750 421449 HP1 centromeric 5 chr2L 421450 472049 HP1 centromeric 6 chr2L 472050 488649 Active 7 chr2L 488650 542149 PcG 8 chr2L 542150 809749 PcG ... ...
GAF ChIP-seq: GSE40646. Called peaks and WIG files. dm3.
Transcription in adult germline stem cells, PMID: 24835570.
FPKM, keyed by gene symbol. Format, for each sample:
Genes Thy1 Lypla1 1.21377 Tcea1 0 Atp6v1h 2.77439 Oprk1 0 Rb1cc1 2.96399 Fam150a 0 St18 0.721644 Pcmtd1 3.34769 ... ...