- Add cross referencing service and config [DL-6352]
Ensure the environment variables are correctly set for worship-decisions-cross-reference
, e.g. :
WORSHIP_DECISIONS_BASE_URL: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
The following links;
- DEV: "https://dev.databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- QA: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- PROD: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
drc restart migrations dispatcher
drc up -d toezicht-abb worship-decisions-cross-reference
- Add Jaarrekening PEVA form [DL-6284]
- New semantic form
- New semantic forms for cross referencing
- Frontend v0.28.2 (DL-5435)
- Update URI form "Aangewezen Burgemeester" [DL-6298]
drc restart migrations ; drc up -d enrich-submission
- Remove more eredienst besluittypes. (DL-6234)
Make sure migrations are properly run.
- Bumped
and add new form file (DL-5930)
Make sure that at least lblod/app-digitaal-loket#596 is deployed as well. Otherwise, the migration in these last releases needs to be re-executed.
- Fix duplicate URI for IBEG migration. (DL-5770)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Remove duplicate URI for IBEG. (DL-5770)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Add missing
keys. [DL-6095]
drc up -d search tika elasticsearch
- Remove multiple besluittypes that don't belong in this application. [DL-5861]
- Fix custom info label field in forms LEKP-rapport - Melding correctie authentieke bron and LEKP-rapport - Toelichting Lokaal Bestuur (DL-5934)
drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Update forms
- Adjust LEKP rapport Klimaattafels (DL-5832)
- Add new LEKP rapport Wijkverbeteringscontract (DL-5829)
drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Update forms
- Adding new form Aanduiding en eedaflegging van de aangewezen burgemeester (DL-5669)
- Adding new form Strandconcessies - reddingsdiensten kustgemeenten (DL-5625)
- Adding new form Melding onvolledigheid inzending eredienstbestuur (DL-5643)
- Adding new form Opstart beroepsprocedure naar aanleiding van een beslissing (DL-5646)
- Adding informational text to forms to minimize usage of the wrong forms (DL-5665)
- Adding new form Afschrift erkenningszoekende besturen (DL-5670)
- Frontend v0.28.0 (DL-5735)
- drc up -d enrich-submission toezicht-abb; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Update forms
- New forms LEKP Collectieve Energiebesparende Renovatie, Fietspaden, Sloopbeleidsplan
- New forms Niet-bindend advies op statuten and Niet-bindend advies op oprichting
- Change form LEKP Melding correctie authentieke bron, removed field "type correctie"
- drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- update forms
- drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- update forms
- bump frontend
- drc up -d toezicht-abb ; drc restart migrations
- migration to add bestuurseenheden to selectbox
- new forms
- bump frontend
drc restart migrations enrich-submission resource cache; drc up -d
- bump frontend to 0.26.2
- bump search to 0.9.0-beta.7
- bump search to 0.9.0-beta.6
- bump frontend to 0.26.1
- fix migration
- migrations to fix labels
- migrations to fix issues vendor-data-distribution-service
- update forms
- bump frontend
- adjusted schorsing beslissing eredienstbesturen form for deputatie
- Update forms
- Update forms (going to prod with erediensten)
- Due to various issues after a batch sent in prod of automatic submission, we removed them to try again
- update file model
- update forms
- added Welzijnsvereniging de Wijngaard
- update forms
- Allow users to load more "bestuurseenheden" in the select filter
- Update OVO Kabinet Somers
- Added new forms
- Added new forms (for erediensten)
- bump frontend (so ember-submission-form-fields gets updated to latest)
- bump enrich-submission (with update validation libaries)
- update form
- update form
- Added new forms
- Re-organize migrations
- Added new forms
- bumped enrich-submissions
- Bump virtuoso to the latest version used in house
- Bump mu-search to counter CVE-2021-44228
- Updated some bestuurseenheden which were not available in the select boxes
- Update login service which contains some error handling improvements.
- Added extra OVO number for kabinet