It is relatively common for API requests to be authorized via a JWT (JSON Web Token) or another type of access token. In this example we will create a plugin that can be used to add a jwt to requests. First let's look at a simple example of how we might add a jwt to a request via a plugin:
struct AuthPlugin: PluginType {
let token: String
func prepare(_ request: URLRequest, target: TargetType) -> URLRequest {
var request = request
request.addValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
return request
let provider = MoyaProvider<Target>(plugins: [AuthPlugin(token: "eyeAm.AJsoN.weBTOKen")])
Now let's look at a more complex example where we might not have access to the
jwt when we create the plugin and not all requests need to be signed. We can
accomplish this by extending the TargetType
protocol to provide information on
whether or not authorization is needed and also taking a closure for providing
a token.
class TokenSource {
var token: String?
init() { }
protocol AuthorizedTargetType: TargetType {
var needsAuth: Bool { get }
struct AuthPlugin: PluginType {
let tokenClosure: () -> String?
func prepare(_ request: URLRequest, target: TargetType) -> URLRequest {
let token = tokenClosure(),
let target = target as? AuthorizedTargetType,
else {
return request
var request = request
request.addValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
return request
let source = TokenSource()
let provider = MoyaProvider<Target>(
plugins: [
AuthPlugin(tokenClosure: { return source.token })
source.token = "eyeAm.AJsoN.weBTOKen"