Lumen is primarily designed for building fast micro-services and APIs; however, if you wish, you may use Laravel's authentication system to authenticate users of your Lumen application.
Note: Using the authentication system will require enabling sessions. You can do so by uncommenting the middleware listed in the default call to
in yourbootstrap/app.php
The authentication system has several configuration options you can set in your .env
value specifies the authentication driver used by the framework. If eloquent
is specified as the driver, the Eloquent ORM driver will be utilized, while database
will specify that the plain "database" driver should be used.
option specifies the name of the Eloquent model to be used for authentication. This model must implement the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable
contract. For an example model, check out the App\User
model included in the full-stack Laravel framework.
option specifies which databse table contains the "users" of your application. Of course, this option only applies when using the database
authentication driver.
Unlike Laravel, Lumen does not include any scaffolding for authentication, so you will need to use the authentication libraries manually.
Note: If you intend to use the
facade, be sure to uncomment the$app->withFacades()
call in yourbootstrap/app.php
First, let's check out the attempt
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
$app->post('auth/login', function(Request $request) {
if (Auth::attempt($request->only('email', 'password'))) {
return redirect('dashboard');
The attempt
method accepts an array of key / value pairs as its first argument. The password
value will be hashed. The other values in the array will be used to find the user in your database table. So, in the example above, the user will be retrieved by the value of the email
column. If the user is found, the hashed password stored in the database will be compared with the hashed password
value passed to the method via the array. If the two hashed passwords match, a new authenticated session will be started for the user.
The attempt
method will return true
if authentication was successful. Otherwise, false
will be returned.
Note: In this example,
You also may add extra conditions to the authentication query:
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'active' => 1])) {
// The user is active, not suspended, and exists.
To determine if the user is already logged into your application, you may use the check
if (Auth::check()) {
// The user is logged in...
If you would like to provide "remember me" functionality in your application, you may pass a boolean value as the second argument to the attempt
method, which will keep the user authenticated indefinitely, or until they manually logout. Of course, your users
table must include the string remember_token
column, which will be used to store the "remember me" token.
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password], $remember)) {
// The user is being remembered...
If you are "remembering" users, you may use the viaRemember
method to determine if the user was authenticated using the "remember me" cookie:
if (Auth::viaRemember()) {
To log a user into the application by their ID, use the loginUsingId
The validate
method allows you to validate a user's credentials without actually logging them into the application:
if (Auth::validate($credentials)) {
You may also use the once
method to log a user into the application for a single request. No sessions or cookies will be utilized:
if (Auth::once($credentials)) {
If you need to log an existing user instance into your application, you may call the login
method with the user instance:
This is equivalent to logging in a user via credentials using the attempt