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Backend Documentation

This is the backend of this e-learning platform. It is a web-based Spring Boot application and its main functionality is to provide RESTful endpoint to be used by the frontend (client) application.


This project uses the core Spring Framework library and Spring Boot for bootstrapping and configuration. Additionally the following list gives an overview of the other dependencies used:

  • Spring Security for Basic authentication and securing of REST endpoints.
  • Spring Data JPA and Hibernate for persistence
  • Mysql JDBC driver to connect with MySQL
  • Log4j2 for logging

We also use the Spring Web MVC layer for our REST endpoints and Jackson for data serialization.

This application is containerized for docker with the docker-maven-plugin.

Configuration and Preparation

The default datasource configuration for the MySQL database is stored in the file and can be overridden by using the -D option when starting the executable jar file.

In order to run this application a mysql database must be installed and the user configured in the datasource configuration must have access to an existing database named masterylearning.

I use a docker mysql instance to run the database, alternatively it is possible to install MySQL directly on your the system.

To create and run a new docker container with a MySQL database use the following command:

docker network create mlnet

docker run --name masterylearning-mysql --net mlnet --net-alias mysql -p 4000:3306 \
           --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=masterylearning \
           --env MYSQL_DATABASE=masterylearning \
           -v /srv/masterylearning:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:latest

If you use an alternative password instead of masterylearning you should overwrite the password datasource option when starting the backend. The above command also creates a default database named masterylearning.

Start and Deployment

After you have built this application, there are two ways to run this application in a production environment:

  1. Directly execute the executable jar file found in target/ which is named backend-<version>.jar.
  2. Use docker and start the docker container named masterylearning/backend.

Run Executable jar-File

To run the executable jar-file directly use the following command:

java -jar target/main.backend-0.1.jar

You can define additional properties with the -D option. Use this if you need to override some of the properties defined in For example to override the data source URL use:

java -jar target/main.backend-0.1.jar -Dspring.datasource.url=<some url>

See Configuration and preparation for configuration details for the data source.

Start a Docker Container

Alternatively you can create and start a new docker container:

docker create --name masterylearning-backend --net mlnet --net-alias=backend -p 8080:8080 <imageId>
docker start masterylearning-backend

This has the following effect, the name for our new container is backend, it is linked with an existing mysql container named masterylearning-mysql, and the port 8080 from inside the container is mapped to the port 8080 on the host.

You can check if everything works by running

docker logs <containerId>

The REST endpoints should now be available on the host through http://localhost:8080.

Swagger Documentation

REST endpoints are documented with Swagger using the Springfox libraries. After starting the backend service you can navigate to ${swagger-host}/${swagger-path}/swagger-ui.html by default ${swagger-host} and ${swagger-path} resolve to the empty string, which makes the Swagger UI accessible from /swagger-ui.html. By starting the backend module with these properties you can customize the location of the swagger-ui in case the application runs behind a reverse-proxy.

For example, set swagger.path=/api, to access the Swagger UI via /api/swagger-ui.html.

Developing with E-Mail Support

For development we recommend to setup a Docker container that runs mailhog. To start a MailHog container use:

docker run -d --name masterylearning-mailhog mailhog

The default Docker container runs an SMTP server on 1025 and a simple web frontend on port 8025.

By setting the properties and spring.mail.port=1025 you can enable mail support in the backend and check if you received mail from the backend via http://localhost:8025.

Database Migrations

The backend uses the Flyway library to perform automated database migrations and schema validatiosn at startup.

Additional notes concerning database migrations and how to create corresponding migration scripts can be found in the migration/