VM images are published by Microsoft and it's partners. You can also upload your own images for your own use. In this lab we will focus on using the official images already available in Azure.
Let the instructor know at this point if you have any problems with these commands!
You should now run these commands on your Azure CLI shell.
There are various companies publishing VM images into Azure Marketplace.
To list latest images from all publishers:
$ az vm image list -o table
You are viewing an offline list of images, use --all to retrieve an up-to-date list
Offer Publisher Sku Urn UrnAlias Version
------------- ---------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------
CentOS OpenLogic 7.5 OpenLogic:CentOS:7.5:latest CentOS latest
CoreOS CoreOS Stable CoreOS:CoreOS:Stable:latest CoreOS latest
Debian credativ 9 credativ:Debian:9:latest Debian latest
openSUSE-Leap SUSE 42.3 SUSE:openSUSE-Leap:42.3:latest openSUSE-Leap latest
RHEL RedHat 7-RAW RedHat:RHEL:7-RAW:latest RHEL latest
SLES SUSE 15 SUSE:SLES:15:latest SLES latest
UbuntuServer Canonical 18.04-LTS Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest UbuntuLTS latest
WindowsServer MicrosoftWindowsServer 2019-Datacenter MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter:latest Win2019Datacenter latest
WindowsServer MicrosoftWindowsServer 2016-Datacenter MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Datacenter:latest Win2016Datacenter latest
WindowsServer MicrosoftWindowsServer 2012-R2-Datacenter MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2012-R2-Datacenter:latest Win2012R2Datacenter latest
WindowsServer MicrosoftWindowsServer 2012-Datacenter MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2012-Datacenter:latest Win2012Datacenter latest
WindowsServer MicrosoftWindowsServer 2008-R2-SP1 MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2008-R2-SP1:latest Win2008R2SP1 latest
Red Hat has published big number of RHEL images on Azure. Listing them takes about 30 seconds:
$ az vm image list --publisher RedHat --all -o table
Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version
-------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------
RHEL RedHat 7.3 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:7.3.2017042521 7.3.2017042521
RHEL RedHat 7.3 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:7.3.2017051117 7.3.2017051117
RHEL RedHat 7.3 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:7.3.2017052619 7.3.2017052619
RHEL RedHat 7.3 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:7.3.2017053019 7.3.2017053019
RHEL RedHat 7.3 RedHat:RHEL:7.3:7.3.2017062722 7.3.2017062722
Running the previous command shows there are multiple "Offers" by the same Publisher. These offers are typically used to map different images to publisher's products.
Some offerings are available only in specific Azure locations. To find out which Red Hat products are availailable in Western Europe datacenter run this:
$ az vm image list-offers -p redhat -l westeurope -o table
Location Name
---------- --------------------
westeurope RHEL
westeurope rhel-byos
westeurope RHEL-HA
westeurope RHEL-SAP
westeurope RHEL-SAP-APPS
westeurope RHEL-SAP-HANA
You may or may not see additional testing and other offers depending on your subscription type. Those are not meant for normal use.
Red Hat offers mapped to use cases:
- RHEL --> PAYG/Pay-As-You-Go - normal RHEL VM
- rhel-byos --> BYOS/Bring-Your-Own-Subscription - normal RHEL VM
- RHEL-HA --> High Availability packages included
- RHEL-SAP --> certified for SAP applications
- RHEL-SAP-HANA --> certified for SAP Hana
If you would be moving existing RHEL VM's with paid Red Hat Subscriptions from on-prem to Azure, you would need to use the BYOS version. In this lab we will use the normal PAYG RHEL images.
To show details of a specific image:
$ az vm image show -l westeurope --urn RedHat:RHEL:7.6:latest
"automaticOsUpgradeProperties": {
"automaticOsUpgradeSupported": false
"dataDiskImages": [],
"id": "/Subscriptions/59b082db-abf2-4a89-9703-5fe6e6adc608/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/westeurope/Publishers/RedHat/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/RHEL/Skus/7.6/Versions/7.6.2019052206",
"location": "westeurope",
"name": "7.6.2019052206",
"osDiskImage": {
"operatingSystem": "Linux",
"sizeInGb": 32
"plan": null,
"tags": null
The id field shows how the images are organized on Azure. Not very useful but still interesting information. :)
Once this lab is completed, go back to the agenda.