title: > Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Algorithm Identifiers for the Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) abbrev: ML-KEM in Certificates category: std
docname: draft-ietf-lamps-kyber-certificates-latest submissiontype: IETF number: date: consensus: true v: 3 area: SEC workgroup: LAMPS keyword: ML-KEM Kyber KEM Certificate X.509 PKIX venue: group: "Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps)" type: "Working Group" mail: "[email protected]" arch: "https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/spasm/" github: "lamps-wg/kyber-certificates" latest: "https://lamps-wg.github.io/kyber-certificates/#go.draft-ietf-lamps-kyber-certificates.html"
name: Sean Turner
organization: sn3rd
email: [email protected]
- ins: P. Kampanakis name: Panos Kampanakis org: AWS email: [email protected]
- ins: J. Massimo name: Jake Massimo organization: AWS email: [email protected]
- ins: B. Westerbaan name: Bas Westerbaan organization: Cloudflare email: [email protected]
normative: X680: target: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.680 title: > Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation date: 2021-02 author: - org: ITU-T seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation: X.680 ISO/IEC: 8824-1:2021 X690: target: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.690 title: > Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) date: 2021-02 author: - org: ITU-T seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation: X.690 ISO/IEC: 8825-1:2021
informative: CDM23: title: "Keeping Up with the KEMs: Stronger Security Notions for KEMs and automated analysis of KEM-based protocols" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1933.pdf date: 2023 author: - ins: C. Cremers name: Cas Cremers org: CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security - ins: A. Dax name: Alexander Dax org: CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security - ins: N. Medinger name: Niklas Medinger org: CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security KEMMY24: title: "Unbindable Kemmy Schmidt: ML-KEM is neither MAL-BIND-K-CT nor MAL-BIND-K-PK" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/523.pdf date: 2024 author: - ins: S. Schmieg name: Sophie Schmieg NIST-PQC: target: https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography title: > Post-Quantum Cryptography Project author: - org: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) date: 2016-12-20
--- abstract
The Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) is a quantum-resistant key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM). This document describes the conventions for using the ML-KEM in X.509 Public Key Infrastructure. The conventions for the subject public keys and private keys are also described.
--- middle
The Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) standardized in {{!FIPS203=DOI.10.6028/NIST.FIPS.203}} is a quantum-resistant key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standardized by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC Project {{NIST-PQC}}. Prior to standardization, the earlier versions of the mechanism were known as Kyber. ML-KEM and Kyber are not compatible. This document specifies the use of ML-KEM in Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX) certificates {{!RFC5280}} at three security levels: ML-KEM-512, ML-KEM-768, and ML-KEM-1024, using object identifiers assigned by NIST. The private key format is also specified.
ML-KEM certificates are used in protocols where the public key is used to generate and encapsulate a shared secret used to derive a symmetric key used to encrypt a payload; see {{?I-D.ietf-lamps-cms-kyber}}. To be used in TLS, ML-KEM certificates could only be used as end-entity identity certificates and would require significant updates to the protocol; see {{?I-D.celi-wiggers-tls-authkem}}.
{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}
The AlgorithmIdentifier type is defined in {{!RFC5912}} as follows:
AlgorithmIdentifier{ALGORITHM-TYPE, ALGORITHM-TYPE:AlgorithmSet} ::=
algorithm ALGORITHM-TYPE.&id({AlgorithmSet}),
parameters ALGORITHM-TYPE.
&Params({AlgorithmSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL
The fields in AlgorithmIdentifier have the following meanings:
algorithm identifies the cryptographic algorithm with an object identifier.
parameters, which are optional, are the associated parameters for the algorithm identifier in the algorithm field.
The AlgorithmIdentifier for an ML-KEM public key MUST use one of the id-alg-ml-kem object identifiers listed below, based on the security level. The parameters field of the AlgorithmIdentifier for the ML-KEM public key MUST be absent.
When any of the ML-KEM AlgorithmIdentifiers appear in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo field of an X.509 certificate, the key usage certificate extension MUST only contain keyEncipherment {{Section of RFC5280}}.
nistAlgorithms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-ccitt(2)
country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
nistAlgorithm(4) }
kems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nistAlgorithms 4 }
id-alg-ml-kem-512 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { kems 1 }
id-alg-ml-kem-768 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { kems 2 }
id-alg-ml-kem-1024 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { kems 3 }
pk-ml-kem-512 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-512
-- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
--- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
pk-ml-kem-768 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-768
-- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
--- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
pk-ml-kem-1024 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-1024
-- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
--- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
ML-KEM-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (800 | 1184 | 1568))
ML-KEM-PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (64))
No additional encoding of the ML-KEM public key value is applied in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo field of an X.509 certificate {{RFC5280}}. However, whenever it appears outside of a certificate, it MAY be encoded as an OCTET STRING by using the ML-KEM-PublicKey type.
No additional encoding of the ML-KEM private key value is applied in the PrivateKeyInfo field of the OneAsymmetricKey type of an Asymmetric Key Package {{RFC5958}}. However, whenever it appears outside of a Asymmetric Key Package, it MAY be encoded as an OCTET STRING by using the ML-KEM-PrivateKey type.
In the X.509 certificate, the subjectPublicKeyInfo field has the SubjectPublicKeyInfo type, which has the following ASN.1 syntax:
SubjectPublicKeyInfo {PUBLIC-KEY: IOSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {PUBLIC-KEY, {IOSet}},
subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
The fields in SubjectPublicKeyInfo have the following meaning:
algorithm is the algorithm identifier and parameters for the public key (see above).
subjectPublicKey contains the byte stream of the public key.
{{example-public}} contains examples for ML-KEM public keys encoded using the textual encoding defined in {{?RFC7468}}.
In short, an ML-KEM private key is encoded by storing its 64-octet seed in the privateKey field as follows.
{{FIPS203}} specifies two formats for an ML-KEM private key: a 64-octet
seed and an (expanded) private key, which is referred to as the
decapsulation key. The expanded private key (and public key)
is computed from the seed using ML-KEM.KeyGen_internal(d,z)
(algorithm 16)
using the first 32 octets as d and the remaining 32 octets as z.
A keypair is generated by sampling 64 octets uniformly at random
for the seed (private key) from a cryptographically secure
pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNGs). The public key can then
be computed using ML-KEM.KeyGen_internal(d,z)
as described earlier.
"Asymmetric Key Packages" {{!RFC5958}} describes how to encode a private key in a structure that both identifies which algorithm the private key is for and allows for the public key and additional attributes about the key to be included as well. For illustration, the ASN.1 structure OneAsymmetricKey is replicated below.
OneAsymmetricKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version,
privateKeyAlgorithm SEQUENCE {
algorithm PUBLIC-KEY.&id({PublicKeySet}),
parameters PUBLIC-KEY.&Params({PublicKeySet}
attributes [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
[[2: publicKey [1] BIT STRING (CONTAINING
When used in a OneAsymmetricKey type, the privateKey OCTET STRING contains the raw octet string encoding of the 64-octet seed. The publicKey field SHOULD be omitted because the public key can be computed as noted earlier in this section.
{{example-private}} contains examples for ML-KEM private keys encoded using the textual encoding defined in {{?RFC7468}}.
Though section 7.1 of {{FIPS203}} mentions the potential to save seed values for future expansion, Algorithm 19 does not make the seed values available to a caller for serialization. Similarly, the algorithm that expands seed values is not listed as one of the "main algorithms" and features "internal" in the name even though it is clear that it is allowed to be exposed externally for the purposes of expanding a key from a seed. Below are possible ways to extend the APIs defined in {{FIPS203}} to support serialization of seed values as private keys.
To support serialization of seed values as private keys, let Algorithm 19b denote the same procedure as Algorithm 19 in {{FIPS203}} except it returns (ek, dk, d, z) on line 7. Additionally, Algorithm 16 should be promoted to be a "main algorithm" for external use in expanding seed values.
Note also that unlike other private key compression methods in other algorithms, expanding a private key from a seed is a one-way function, meaning that once a full key is expanded from seed and the seed discarded, the seed cannot be re-created even if the full expanded private key is available. For this reason it is RECOMMENDED that implementations retain and export the seed, even when also exporting the expanded key.
The Security Considerations section of {{RFC5280}} applies to this specification as well.
Protection of the private-key information, i.e., the seed, is vital to public-key cryptography. Disclosure of the private-key material to another entity can lead to masquerades.
For ML-KEM specific security considerations refer to {{?I-D.sfluhrer-cfrg-ml-kem-security-considerations}}.
The generation of private keys relies on random numbers. The use of inadequate pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) to generate these values can result in little or no security. An attacker may find it much easier to reproduce the PRNG environment that produced the keys, searching the resulting small set of possibilities, rather than brute force searching the whole key space. The generation of quality random numbers is difficult, and {{?RFC4086}} offers important guidance in this area.
ML-KEM key generation as standardized in {{FIPS203}} has specific requirements around randomness generation, described in section 3.3, 'Randomness generation'.
Many protocols only rely on the IND-CCA security of a KEM. Some (implicitly) require further binding properties, formalized in {{CDM23}}. The private key format influences these binding properties. Per {{KEMMY24}}, ML-KEM is LEAK-BIND-K-PK-secure and LEAK-BIND-K-CT-secure when using the expanded private key format, but not MAL-BIND-K-CT nor MAL-BIND-K-PK. Using the 64-byte seed format provides a step up in binding security, additionally providing MAL-BIND-K-CT security, but still not MAL-BIND-K-PK. For more guidance, see {{?I-D.sfluhrer-cfrg-ml-kem-security-considerations}}.
For the ASN.1 Module in {{asn1}}, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID) for the module identifier (TBD) with a Description of "id-mod-x509-ml-kem-2024". The OID for the module should be allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" registry (
--- back
This appendix includes the ASN.1 module {{X680}} for the ML-KEM. Note that as per {{RFC5280}}, certificates use the Distinguished Encoding Rules; see {{X690}}. This module imports objects from {{RFC5912}} and {{!RFC9629}}.
{::include X509-ML-KEM-2024.asn}
Instead of defining the strength of a quantum algorithm in a traditional manner using the imprecise notion of bits of security, NIST has defined security levels by picking a reference scheme, which NIST expects to offer notable levels of resistance to both quantum and classical attack. To wit, a KEM algorithm that achieves NIST PQC security must require computational resources to break IND-CCA security comparable or greater than that required for key search on AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 for Levels 1, 3, and 5, respectively. Levels 2 and 4 use collision search for SHA-256 and SHA-384 as reference.
Level | Parameter Set | Encap. Key | Decap. Key | Ciphertext | Secret |
1 | ML-KEM-512 | 800 | 1632 | 768 | 32 |
3 | ML-KEM-768 | 1184 | 2400 | 1952 | 32 |
5 | ML-KEM-1024 | 1568 | 3168 | 2592 | 32 |
{: #tab-strengths title="Mapping between NIST Security Level, ML-KEM parameter set, and sizes in bytes"} |
This appendix contains examples of ML-KEM public keys, private keys and certificates.
The following is an example of a ML-KEM-512 private key with hex seed 0001…3f
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.priv}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.priv.txt}
The following is an example of a ML-KEM-768 private key from the same seed.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.priv}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.priv.txt}
The following is an example of a ML-KEM-1024 private key from the same seed.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.priv}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.priv.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-512 public key corresponding to the private key in the previous section.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.pub}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.pub.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-768 public key corresponding to the private key in the previous section.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.pub}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.pub.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-1024 public key corresponding to the private key in the previous section.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.pub}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.pub.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-512 certificate that corresponding to the public key in the previous section signed with the ML-DSA-44 private key from {{I-D.ietf-lamps-dilithium-certificates}}.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.crt}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-512.crt.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-768 certificate that corresponding to the public key in the previous section signed with the ML-DSA-65 private key from {{I-D.ietf-lamps-dilithium-certificates}}.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.crt}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-768.crt.txt}
The following is the ML-KEM-1024 certificate that corresponding to the public key in the previous section signed with the ML-DSA-87 private key from {{I-D.ietf-lamps-dilithium-certificates}}.
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.crt}
{::include ./example/ML-KEM-1024.crt.txt}
The authors wish to thank the following people for their contributions to this document: Deirdre Connolly, Viktor Dukhovni, Alicja Kario, Russ Housley, Mike Ounsworth, Daniel Van Geest, Thom Wiggers, and Carl Wallace.
In addition, we would like to thank those who contributed to the private key format discussion: Tony Arcieri, Bob Beck, Dmitry Belyavskiy, David Benjamin, Daniel Bernstein, Uri Blumenthal, Theo Buehler, Stephen Farrell, Jean-Pierre Fiset, Scott Fluhrer, Alex Gaynor, John Gray, Peter Gutmann, David Hook, Tim Hudson, Paul Kehrer, John Kemp, Watson Ladd, Adam Langley, John Mattsson, Damien Miller, Robert Relyea, Michael Richardson, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Rich Salz, Roland Shoemaker, Sophie Schmieg, Simo Sorce, Michael St. Johns, Falko Strenzke, Filippo Valsorda, and Wei-Jun Wang.