- Bugfix: #247 segmentation read fix in chunkstore
- Feature: #243 add get_library_type method
- Bugfix: more cython changes to handle LZ4 errors properly
- Feature: #239 improve chunkstore's get_info method
- Feature: #235 method to return chunk ranges on a symbol in ChunkStore
- Feature: #234 Iterator access to ChunkStore
- Bugfix: #236 Cython not handling errors from LZ4 function calls
- Bugfix: #228 Mongo fail-over during append can leave a Version in an inconsistent state
- Feature: #193 Support for different Chunkers and Serializers by symbol in ChunkStore
- Feature: #220 Raise exception if older version of arctic attempts to read unsupported pickled data
- Feature: #219 and #220 Support for pickling large data (>2GB)
- Feature: #204 Add support for library renaming
- Feature: #209 Upsert capability in ChunkStore's update method
- Feature: #207 Support DatetimeIndexes in DateRange chunker
- Bugfix: #232 Don't raise during VersionStore #append(...) if the previous append failed
- Bugfix: #195 Top level tickstore write with list of dicts now works with timezone aware datetimes
- Bugfix: #187 Compatibility with latest version of pytest-dbfixtures
- Feature: #182 Improve ChunkStore read/write performance
- Feature: #162 Rename API for ChunkStore
- Feature: #186 chunk_range on update
- Bugfix: #189 range delete does not update symbol metadata
- Bugfix: Faster TickStore querying for multiple symbols simultaneously
- Bugfix: TickStore.read now respects
- Bugfix: #147 Add get_info method to ChunkStore
- Bugfix: Periodically re-cache the library.quota to pick up any changes
- Bugfix: #166 Add index on SHA for ChunkStore
- Bugfix: #169 Dtype mismatch in chunkstore updates
- Feature: #171 allow deleting of values within a date range in ChunkStore
- Bugfix: #172 Fix date range bug when querying dates in the middle of chunks
- Bugfix: #176 Fix overwrite failures in Chunkstore
- Bugfix: #178 - Change how start/end dates are populated in the DB, also fix append so it works as expected.
- Bugfix: #43 - Remove dependency on hardcoded Linux timezone files
- Bugfix: Ensure that Tickstore.write doesn't allow out of order messages
- Bugfix: VersionStore.write now allows writing 'None' as a value
- Bugfix: Backwards compatibility reading/writing documents with previous versions of Arctic
- Bugfix: #109 Ensure stable sort during Arctic read
- Feature: New benchmark suite using ASV
- Bugfix: #129 Fixed an issue where some chunks could get skipped during a multiple-symbol TickStore read
- Bugfix: #135 Fix issue with different datatype returned from pymongo in python3
- Feature: #130 New Chunkstore storage type
- Bugfix: #106 Fix Pandas Panel storage for panels with different dimensions
- Feature: #98 Add initial_image as optional parameter on tickstore write()
- Bugfix: #100 Write error on end field when writing with pandas dataframes
- Feature: Add python 3.3/3.4 support
- Bugfix: #95 Fix raising NoDataFoundException across multiple low level libraries
- Bugfix: #81 Fix broken read of multi-index DataFrame written by old version of Arctic
- Bugfix: #49 Fix strifying tickstore
- Feature: Add timezone suppport to store multi-index dataframes
- Bugfix: Fixed broken sdist releases
- Feature: ArticTransaction now supports non-audited 'transactions':
with ArcticTransaction(Arctic('hostname')['some_library'], 'symbol', audit=False) as at: ...
This is useful for batch jobs which read-modify-write and don't want to clash with concurrent writers, and which don't require keeping all versions of a symbol.
- Feature: get_info API added to version_store.
- Bugfix: correct version detection for Pandas >= 0.18.
- Bugfix: retrying connection initialisation in case of an AutoReconnect failure.
- Bugfix: Improve performance of saving multi-index Pandas DataFrames by 9x
- Bugfix: authenticate should propagate non-OperationFailure exceptions (e.g. ConnectionFailure) as this might be indicative of socket failures
- Bugfix: return 'deleted' state in VersionStore.list_versions() so that callers can pick up on the head version being the delete-sentinel.
- Bugfix: VersionStore.read(date_range=...) could do the wrong thing with TimeZones (which aren't yet supported for date_range slicing.).
- Bugfix: fix authentication race condition when sharing an Arctic instance between multiple threads.
- Bugfix: compatibility with both 3.0 and pre-3.0 MongoDB for querying current authentications
- Feature: Add support for reading a subset of a pandas DataFrame in VersionStore.read by passing in an arctic.date.DateRange
- Bugfix: Reauth against admin if not auth'd against a library a specific library's DB. Sometimes we appear to miss admin DB auths. This is to workaround that until we work out what the issue is.
- Feature: Add support for multi-index Bitemporal DataFrame storage. This allows persisting data and changes within the DataFrame making it easier to see how old data has been revised over time.
- Bugfix: Ensure we call the error logging hook when exceptions occur
- Always use the primary cluster node for 'has_symbol()', it's safer
- Bugfixes for timezone handling, now ensures use of non-naive datetimes
- Bugfix for tickstore read missing images
- Improvements to command-line control scripts for users and libraries
- Bugfix for pickling top-level Arctic object
- Allow snapshotting a range of versions in the VersionStore, and snapshot all versions by default.
- Bugfix for backwards-compatible unpickling of bson-encoded data
- Added switch for enabling parallel lz4 compression
- Initial public release