Pull request
#21306 has
significantly refactored the AWS provider codebase. Specifically, the code for
all AWS resources and data sources has been relocated from a single aws
directory to a large number of separate directories in internal/service
, each
corresponding to a particular AWS service. In addition to vastly simplifying
the codebase's overall structure, this change has also allowed us to simplify
the names of a number of underlying functions -- without encountering namespace
collisions. Issue
contains a more complete description of these changes.
As a result, nearly every pull request opened prior to the refactoring has merge conflicts; they are attempting to apply changes to files that have since been relocated. Furthermore, any new files or functions introduced must be brought into line with the codebase's new conventions. The following steps are intended to resolve such a conflict -- though it should be noted that this guide is an active work in progress as additional pull requests are ameneded.
These fixes, however, in no way affect the prioritization of a particular pull request. Once a pull request has been selected for review, the necessary changes will be made by a maintainer -- either directly or in collaboration with the pull request author.
git checkout
the branch pertaining to the pull request you wish to amend -
Begin a merge of the latest version of
branch into your local branch:git pull origin main
. Merge conflicts are expected. -
For any new file, rename and move the file to its appropriate service package directory:
Resource Files
git mv aws/resource_aws_{service_name}_{resource_name}.go \ internal/service/{service_name}/{resource_name}.go
Resource Test Files
git mv aws/resource_aws_{service_name}_{resource_name}_test.go \ internal/service/{service_name}/{resource_name}_test.go
Data Source Files
git mv aws/data_source_aws_{service_name}_{resource_name}.go \ internal/service/{service_name}/{resource_name}_data_source.go
Data Source Test Files
git mv aws/data_source_aws_{service_name}_{resource_name}_test.go \ internal/service/{service_name}/{resource_name}_data_source_test.go
For any new function, rename the function appropriately:
Resource Schema Functions
func resourceAws{ResourceName}() => func Resource{ResourceName}()
Resource Generic Functions
func resourceAws{ServiceName}{ResourceName}{FunctionName}() => func resource{ResourceName}{FunctionName}()
Resource Acceptance Test Functions
func TestAccAWS{ServiceName}{ResourceName}_{testType}() => func TestAcc{ResourceName}_{testType}()
Data Source Schema Functions
func dataSourceAws{ResourceName}() => func DataSource{ResourceName}()
Data Source Generic Functions
func dataSourceAws{ServiceName}{ResourceName}{FunctionName}() => func dataSource{ResourceName}{FunctionName}()
Data Source Acceptance Test Functions
func TestAccDataSourceAWS{ServiceName}{ResourceName}_{testType}() => func TestAcc{ResourceName}DataSource_{testType}()
Finder Functions
func finder.{FunctionName}() => func Find{FunctionName}()
Status Functions
func waiter.{FunctionName}Status() => func status{FunctionName}()
Waiter Functions
func waiter.{FunctionName}() => func wait{FunctionName}()
If you have made any changes to
, you will have to manually re-enact those changes on the newinternal/provider/provider.go
file.Most commonly, these changes involve the addition of an entry to either the
. If this is the case for your PR, you will have to adapt your entry to follow our new code conventions.Resources Map Entries
"{aws_terraform_resource_type}": resourceAws{ServiceName}{ResourceName}(), => "{aws_terraform_resource_type}": {serviceName}.Resource{ResourceName}(),
Data Source Map Entries
"{aws_terraform_data_source_type}": dataSourceAws{ServiceName}{ResourceName}(), => "{aws_terraform_data_source_type}": {serviceName}.DataSource{ResourceName}(),
git status
to report the state of the merge. Review any merge conflicts -- being sure to adopt the new naming conventions described in the previous step where relevant. Usegit add
to add any new files to the commit.