This document explains how you can install the Text Tonsorium under Linux Ubuntu.
The instructions are valid under the following assumptions:
- The software is installed in the Windows Subsystem for Linux
- The OS is Ubuntu 24.04 LTS or higher
- The URI to the resulting web application is http://localhost/texton
- Most of the Text Tonsorium (software and linguistic resources) is located under '/opt/texton/'.
Only programs that are installed using apt-get reside elsewhere.
Installation requires
- update/upgrade
- unzip
- ClamAV Checks uploaded files
- pdffonts
- git-lfs
Some files in the Text Tonsorium are too big for GitHub. There is another place where large files are kept. 'git-lfs' is needed to seamlessly access these. - apache2
- Java
- Tomcat
Not installed using apt-get install, sits in /opt/tomcat/latest/ - Bracmat (as JNI - Java Native Interface)
- texton - Java part This is the central hub in the Text Tonsorium. It communicates with the user via a browser and communicates with the tools using HTTP 'GET' or 'POST' requests.
- texton - Bracmat part (this repo)
- linguistic resources
- proxy settings
- cron jobs
- python3
- xmllint
- bracmat (as command line tool)
Interpreters are installed in two locations:
as a JNI (Java Native Interface) inside Tomcat
and as a command line tool in '/opt/texton/bin/' - many tools wrapped in web services in '/opt/texton/'
- tools that can be compiled from source
$> sudo apt-get update
$> sudo apt-get upgrade
$> sudo apt install unzip
Checks uploaded files. See Install:
$> sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon -y
$> sudo dpkg-reconfigure clamav-daemon
Choose TCP and port 3310. Leave the rest as-is. Edit /etc/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.socket.d/override.conf
$> sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.socket.d
$> sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.socket.d/override.conf
$> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$> sudo systemctl reload clamav-daemon.service
$> sudo ss -anp | grep -E "(Active|State|clam|3310)"
Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Process
u_str LISTEN 0 4096 /run/clamav/clamd.ctl 18587 * 0 users:(("clamd",pid=246,fd=3),("systemd",pid=1,fd=56))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 18649 * 17746 users:(("clamd",pid=246,fd=2),("clamd",pid=246,fd=1))
tcp LISTEN 0 4096* users:(("clamd",pid=246,fd=4),("systemd",pid=1,fd=58))
If the output doesn't mention port 3310, the clamAV daemon can still be working. To test, create an EICAR test file with the following content:
(See Then
$> clamdscan --fdpass EICAR
The output should tell that there is an error:
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Total errors: 1
Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
Start Date: 2024:12:07 16:22:35
End Date: 2024:12:07 16:22:35
To increase the max size of files to scan, edit clamd.conf
$> sudo vi /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
and increase StreamMaxLength from the default value 25M:
StreamMaxLength 250M
Install prerequisite:
$> sudo apt install poppler-utils
This installs /usr/bin/pdffonts.
$> sudo apt-get install -y git-lfs
$> sudo apt install apache2
$> cd /opt/texton/apache2-sites/
$> sudo cp texton.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$> sudo a2ensite texton.conf
$> sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
$> sudo service apache2 reload
$> sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php
$> sudo a2enmod php8.3
$> sudo service apache2 restart
Note "php8.3" is an example. Use the php version that you saw being installed in the previous step. Copy /opt/texton/apache2-sites/texton.conf (i.e. a file comtained in this repo) to /etc/apache2/sites-available.
Some php scripts use the CURLFile class. To make that work
$> sudo apt-get install php-curl
The html2text converter ( requires two PHP packages
$> sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
$> sudo apt-get install php-dom
Restart apache
$> sudo service apache2 restart
$> sudo apt install default-jdk
On WSL Ubuntu, Tomcat is downloaded and installed as /opt/tomcat-texton/. This can go as follows:
Visit to obtain a link to a recent .tar.gz archive. In this example,
$> sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat11
$> sudo useradd -r -m -U -d /opt/tomcat11 -s /bin/false tomcat
$> sudo chown tomcat: /opt/tomcat11
$> cd ~
$> wget -P .
$> sudo tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-11.0.1.tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat11
$> sudo ln -s /opt/tomcat11/apache-tomcat-11.0.1 /opt/tomcat-texton
$> sudo chown -RH tomcat: /opt/tomcat-texton
$> sudo chmod ugo+rx /opt/tomcat11/
$> sudo chmod o+rx /opt/tomcat-texton/bin/
$> sudo chmod o+rx /opt/tomcat-texton/logs/
[This step is perhaps not necessary! Edit /opt/tomcat-texton/conf/server.xml
<Connector address="" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />
Create /etc/systemd/system/tomcat-texton.service
Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
Environment='CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms7168M -Xmx7168M -server -XX:+UseG1GC'
SuccessExitStatus=0 143
Notice that the parameter -Xmx could be set to a higher value if the computer has e.g. 32 GB RAM. Also notice that the commented line that includes bracmat.jar in the Environment will be activated once bracmat.jar is created and copied to $CATALINA_HOME/lib/.
Create folder /etc/systemd/system/tomcat-texton.service.d and file /etc/systemd/system/tomcat-texton.service.d/override.conf
ReadWritePaths=/opt/texton/BASE/ /var/log/texton/
$> sudo mkdir /var/log/texton
$> sudo chown tomcat: /var/log/texton
$> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$> sudo systemctl enable tomcat-texton.service
$> sudo systemctl start tomcat-texton.service
To test that Tomcat is working:
$> cd ~
$> wget http://localhost:8080
This should result in a index.html in the home directory.
Create the Tomcat lib bracmat.jar and the shared library The script assumes that the folder /opt/tomcat-texton/ exists and that the tomcat binaries are in the bin subfolder. Edit if necessary.
$> git clone
$> cd Bracmat/java-JNI
$> sudo chmod ugo+x
$> sudo ./
Open /etc/systemd/system/tomcat-texton.service again and remove the hash sign in front of this line:
$> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$> sudo systemctl restart tomcat-texton.service
$> cd ~
$> wget http://localhost:8080
Another index.html should be in the home directory
The repo contains the Java code of the central hub. Make sure that the local git repositories texton-Java and Bracmat (see above) share the same parent folder. You can clone whereever you want, e.g. in your home folder. It is important that the script can 'see' ../Bracmat/java-JNI/java. See the build.xml file.
$> git clone
$> cd texton-Java
$> sudo chmod ugo+x
$> sudo ./
$> cd ..
$> cd /opt
$> sudo git clone
$> cd texton
$> sudo chgrp -R www-data *
$> sudo chmod -R g+w *
$> sudo chown -R tomcat: BASE
$> cd /opt
$> sudo git clone
$> sudo chmod -R ug+w /opt/texton-linguistic-resources
$> cd texton
$> sudo ln -s /opt/texton-linguistic-resources texton-linguistic-resources
Make all directories accessible and readable and give owner and group write rights
$> sudo find /opt/texton/texton-linguistic-resources -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
Set group to www-data, recursively
$> sudo chown -RL <user>:www-data /opt/texton/texton-linguistic-resources
$> cd /opt/texton/apache2-sites/
$> sudo cp texton.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$> sudo a2ensite texton.conf
$> sudo service apache2 reload
$> sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.conf
ProxyPass /texton/
ProxyPass /texton/mypoll
ProxyPass /texton/poll
ProxyPass /texton/upload
ProxyPass /texton/zipresults
ProxyPass /texton/data
ProxyPass /tomcat-manager
All of the above can also be expressed as
ProxyPassMatch "/texton/(.*)$" "$1"
$> sudo a2enmod proxy
$> sudo a2enmod proxy_ajp
$> sudo a2enmod proxy_http
$> sudo service apache2 restart
The input, intermediate and final data in workflow processes, and tomcat log files, can be cleaned out automatically by using cron jobs as follows:
$> sudo crontab -e
0 * * * * /usr/bin/find /opt/texton/BASE/data/ -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \; > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
0 * * * * /usr/bin/find /var/log/texton/ -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \; > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
0 * * * * /usr/bin/curl > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
We need pip3
$> sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Libraries must be installed for all users, so we install them as root:
$> sudo su
# cd ~
# umask 022
# pip3 install cltk
# exit
The teianno tool uses xmllint. Installing:
$> sudo apt install libxml2-utils
$> cd ~
$> git clone
$> cd Bracmat/src/
$> make
$> sudo cp bracmat /opt/texton/bin/
Create file /opt/texton/BASE/meta/properties containing
( baseUrlTools
. "http://localhost:8080"
. "Protocol and domain of infrastructure as made known to integrated tools"
( wwwServer
. "http://localhost"
. "Protocol and domain of infrastructure as made known to users' browsers"
( password
. "Fq3vdqxIPqrKGMYh0pD+MY64Acgv8zA9Qhye+S7+mVWujVWuEPUZcEvoKGDLs6tsxJyqVnRzOZFkUBwz2QmiWA=="
. "Empty string as password."
$> sudo chown tomcat: /opt/texton/BASE/meta/properties
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/texton/
Before proceeding, we need to install the metadata tables that the Text Tonsorium needs to compute workflows. Assuming that the Text Tonsorium is installed in /opt, do
$> cd /opt/texton/BASE/
$> ls -lrt alltables*
Copy the file name of the most recent "alltables..." file to the clipboard. Now navigate to http://localhost:8080/texton/admin.html. In the text field under "Import metadata tables", paste the name of the "alltables..." file and press the "import" button.
You are now ready to upload input to http://localhost:8080/texton/ and to compute workflows, but you cannot yet run those workflows, since many tools are still lacking.
If you want to run Text Tonsorium on anything else but a personal computer, you must set an administrator 'password' and a 'salt' value in the file /opt/texton/BASE/metaproperties. Such a password/salt pair can be created in the following way:
- On your development machine, go to http://localhost/texton/admin
- Enter the password that you want to use on your production system in the password field below the 'Show Bracmat version' heading.
- Press the 'Bracmat' button.
- Open a linux terminal, and find the location of the file 'textonJava.log'. This location defaults to '/opt/texton/BASE/textonJava.log'. See setting in conf/log4j2.xml in the texton-Java repo.
- Open the log file for the java part of Text Tonsorium $> sudo less textonJava.log
- Go to the end of this file and find the log statement that contains the string 'XMLprop'. Copy everything between '[' and ']' to the file 'properties', replacing the two same named elements.
- Save 'properties'
Notice that you also need to replace the values 'www-server' (default http://localhost) and 'baseUrlTools' (default http://localhost:8080) into something that is meaningful for your server. E.g. if Text Tonsorium runs as, then you should change these fields to (www-server."".) and (baseUrlTools."".). If the registered tools are configured to be on the same localhost as the Text Tonsorium itself, then (baseUrlTools."http://localhost:8080") may work as well, assuming that Tomcat runs on port 8080.
The dot following the property value of each of the entries in the 'properties' file is important. Between this dot and the closing parenthesis you can write a comment, e.g., "This is the password used on my development machine.".
The tools made available via Text Tonsorium are registered in the files texton/BASE/meta/tooladm and texton/BASE/meta/toolprop. The tooladm file contains boilerplate information, such as the name of each tool, its description, its URL and the email address of the owner of the tool. In the public version this email address is [email protected]. The toolprop file, on the other hand, describes the input and output feautures of each tool. These features are used by Text Tonsorium to compute viable workflows to satify the user's text annotation and/or transformation needs.
If Text Tonsorium is installed locally, open http://localhost/texton/admin.html in your browser. Under 'Tool Administration' you see two rows. The upper row is for registration of new tools and the lower row for amending the metadata of an already registered tool. Assuming you have not changed the password in the properties file (see above), leave the 'Password' field empty and type [email protected] in the 'Your email address' field. Then press the 'register new tool' or 'update tool' button.
Many of the tools require binary executable (i.e. compiled and linked) files. Some of the necessary binaries can be obtained by cloning Some binaries must be obtained from 3rd party repos. Some binaries can be built from source.
The Gate webservices for Named Entity Recognition ANNIE (Nearly-New Information Extraction System) require API keys and passwords. These can be otained from and should be inserted in the ANNIE tools using the admin page. The ANNIE tools are ANNIE-DE, ANNIE-EN, ANNIE-FR, ANNIE-RO, and ANNIE-RU. Alternatively, one can insert the needed values directly in the texton/BASE/meta/tooladm file.
Binary is in Copy or link to /opt/texton/bin.
A somewhat old OCR program. In most cases not as good as Tesseract, but sometimes it is. Nice feature: RTF output that more or less retains page lay-out.
$> sudo apt install cuneiform
Also needed is ImageMagick
$>sudo apt install imagemagick
Daner is at
$> cd /opt/texton/daner
$> sudo git clone
Afterwards there will be a subdirectory 'daner/daner'.
$> git clone
$> sudo cp dependency2tree/ /opt/texton/dep2tree
$> sudo apt install graphviz
This is simply installed by the following command:
$> sudo apt-get install espeak
$> sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
$> sudo apt-get install php-dom
$> cd /opt/texton/html2text
$> sudo git clone
Afterwards there will be a subdirectory 'html2text/html2text'.
$> cd ~
$> git clone
$> cd jsoncat
$> make
$> sudo cp bin/jsoncat /opt/texton/bin
An executable 'lapos' is in the texton-bin repository. If that executable does not work, try to build it from source. See below.
LibreOffice is used to convert sundry Office formats to RTF. RTF can be handled by the tokenizer, RTFreader.
$> sudo apt install libreoffice
It is difficult to get soffice to do what we want from PHP. What works on one machine does not always work on another one. Be warned.
This webservice calls another webservice. The .war file for that webservice is in Copy the BohnetsParser.war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
This webservice calls another webservice. The .war file for that webservice is in Copy the BohnetsTagger.war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
This tool uses a very old, but still functioning, 3rd party program, CASS. To install, go to the np-genkender/CASS/ directory and unpack scol-1-12.tgz.
This webservice calls another webservice. The .war file for that webservice is in Copy the .war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
This tool can be downloaded in binary format, but we have not tried that. For building, see further down.
Visit and follow the installation instructions.
$> sudo apt install python3-pdfminer
On older systems try the following, now deprecated, method:
$> sudo su
# cd ~
# umask 022
# pip3 install pdfminer
If you like, you can instead install the newer pdfminer.six ( software. We do currently (2020.08.20) see no reason to do that.
$> pip3 install pdfminer.six
Binary is in Copy or link to /opt/texton/bin
Binary is in Copy or link to /opt/texton/bin
The following instructions assume installation in a system with systemd.
Fetch CoreNLP. Visit and copy the link to the latest version. In this case
$> cd ~
$> wget
Unzip and move to destination folder
$> unzip
$> sudo mv stanford-corenlp-4.5.8 /opt/
Make link to latest version
$> sudo rm /opt/corenlp
$> sudo ln -s /opt/stanford-corenlp-4.5.8 /opt/corenlp
Copy to its destination folder
$> cd /opt/texton/CoreNLP/
$> sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
You are advised to increase the 'timeout' value from 5000 to e.g. 500000 in the lines
$> nohup java -mx6g -cp "/opt/corenlp/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 5000 --add-modules /tmp 2>> /dev/null >>/dev/null &
Make executable
$> sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
$> sudo /usr/local/bin/./ start
$> sudo ps -ef | grep NLP
$> sudo /usr/local/bin/./ stop
$> sudo ps -ef | grep NLP
Copy CoreNLP.service to its destination folder
$> sudo cp CoreNLP.service /etc/systemd/system/
Enable the service
$> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$> sudo systemctl enable CoreNLP.service
Start/Stop service
$> sudo systemctl start CoreNLP.service
$> sudo systemctl stop CoreNLP.service
If CoreNLP is installed locally, you can visit its web interface by visiting http://localhost:9000/
Acknowledgement: Ameya Dhamnaskar (
Logging messages are per default sent to /dev/null. To see logging messages, edit /usr/local/bin/./ and change the lines starting with 'nohup java':
$> nohup java -mx6g -cp "/opt/corenlp/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 500000 --add-modules /tmp 2>> /var/log/CoreNLP.err >>/var/log/CoreNLP.log &
Copy models for other languages than english to the folder where the CoreNLP jars are located, e.g. /opt/stanford-corenlp-4.5.8/.
$> cd /opt/stanford-corenlp-4.5.8/
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
$> sudo wget
Text Tonsorium needs the 'properties' files stored in each of these .jar files. They are in the path
where is 'arabic', 'chinese', 'french', 'german', 'hungarian', 'italian', 'spanish' . The .properties files are obtained as follows:
$> unzip -p stanford-corenlp-4.5.8-models-<language>.jar StanfordCoreNLP-<language>.properties > StanfordCoreNLP-<language>.properties
This command is executed automatically when the properties are needed and not already have been unzipped. Make sure that user 'www-data' owns the folder '/opt/texton/texton-linguistic-resources'.
$> sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
$> sudo apt install imagemagick
In addition
$> cd /opt/texton/tesseract
$> sudo git clone
$> sudo git clone
For better results, it may be better to install Tesseract from source ( Make sure that tesseract can be seen by the webserver.
$> sudo ln /usr/local/bin/tesseract /usr/bin/tesseract
Text Tonsorium needs ImageMagick to extract a PDF file. Sometimes the program 'convert', part of ImageMagic, says it is not authorized to do that:
convert-im6.q16: not authorized '*******' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.
In that case, edit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml and add the line
<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="{EPS,PS2,PS3,PS,PDF,XPS}" />
and comment out the lines telling that rights is "none" for these file types.
Binary 'udpipe' is in Copy or link to /opt/texton/bin
If this executable does not work, you need to build this program. See below.
The models can be downloaded from Unzip this resource:
$> cd ~
$> wget
$> unzip
$> sudo mv cd udpipe-ud-2.5-191206 <texton folder>/udpipe
In this readme, we assume that the 'bin' directory is '/opt/texton/bin'.
For building from source, also see
$> wget
$> chmod ugo+x makecstlemma.bash
$> ./makecstlemma.bash
$> sudo cp cstlemma/cstlemma /opt/texton/bin/
$> git clone
Follow the instructions in ''. Copy jsoncat to '/opt/texton/bin/'.
$> cd ~
$> git clone
Follow the build instructions. Copy the executable file "lapos" to /opt/texton/bin.
The .war file can be built from source, see Copy the .war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
The .war file can be built from source, see Copy the .war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
The .war file can be built from source, see Copy the .war file to the tomcat webapps folder.
$> sudo git clone
For building from source, also see
$> wget
$> chmod ugo+x makerepver.bash
$> ./makerepver.bash
$> sudo cp repetitiveness-checker/repver /opt/texton/bin/
$> wget
$> sudo chmod ugo+x makertfreader.bash
$> ./makerepver.bash
$> sudo cp rtfreader/rtfreader /opt/texton/bin/
For building from source, also see
Copy to your disk and run it. Copy 'taggerXML/taggerXML' to '/opt/texton/bin'.
$> wget
$> sudo chmod ugo+x maketaggerXML.bash
$> ./maketaggerXML.bash
$> sudo cp taggerXML/taggerXML /opt/texton/bin/
UDPipe is at The generated binary needs shared objects, which can come in different versions. It may be a good idea to clone the repo and build udpipe from source.
$> cd ~
$> git clone
$> cd udpipe/src
$> make
$> cp udpipe <texton folder>/bin