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Anvil Facetracker


The Anvil Facetracker is a plugin that automatically creates annotations for head movements. It has two modi operandi:

  1. Create annotations when the head's velocity is above some preset threshold
  2. Create annotations when the head's acceleration is above some preset threshold.

The acceleration of the head is a direct consequence of forces being exerted on the head, which can be gravity, but more commonly are the due to the muscles in the body, especially in the neck.

The software is based on face recognition algorithms implemented in OpenCV 3.1.0 (

Installing the face tracker.

The installation has been tested for Windows 7 Enterprise, 32-bit and 64-bit, and also Windows 8.1, 64-bit.

Java needs to be installed. If you have plans to recompile the face tracker's source code, install the Java JDK. We have tested with versions 1.7.0_10 and with version 1.8.0_65.

Download Anvil from and install the software. The face tracker has been tested with Anvil version 5.1.15.

Copy the files in this distribution of the facetracker to the Anvil installation folder, taking care that the destination directory names match with the source directory names. The Microsoft redistributables in the folders anvil-plugin-32-bit-specific and anvil-plugin-64-bit-specific may be necessary if your windows computer has no Visual Studio installed. This has not been tested. Try to run Anvil and the facetracker. If the program fails to start successfully, install the appropriate Microsoft redistributable. The installation file is called vcredist_x86 or vcredist_x64, depending on the architecture.

If you have both a 64-bit and a 32-bit Java, or if you have several Javas with different version numbers, it may be necessary to specify the path to Java in the batch files for compiling and running. Open the files COMPILE_ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER_OpenCV-3.1.0.BAT and ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-64bit.BAT (or ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-32bit.BAT) in an editor. (Right click | Edit). If you see a line starting with e.g. "jar", "javac" or "java", the system's path information is used to find these programs. You can specify the version of java by adding the full path, e.g.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\bin\java"

Mac users

Ignore the folder Anvil-Facetracker/required/extern/OpenCV, which is for Microsoft Windows. Instead, copy the folder


and rename it to


Instead of the Windows batch files COMPILE_ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER_OpenCV-3.1.0.BAT and ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-64bit.BAT,


COMPILE_ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER_OpenCV-3.1.0 and ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-64bit

Necessary preparations from within the Anvil UI

Start Anvil by running the ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-64bit.BAT batch file, or ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-32bit.BAT if you are working in a 32-bit Windows. But see remark above if ANVIL is installed under OSX.

Editing the Anvil spec file

We now have to define tracks were the face tracker can dump its annotations. There are two kinds of face tracker annotations: for velocity and for acceleration. (Acceleration is the change of velocity with time and is caused by some force, e.g. muscle forces or gravitation.)

Open the Specification Editor (Edit | Edit specification ...). Velocity annotations are stored in a primary track with track attributes called "velocity". Likewise acceleration annotations are stored in a primary track with track attributes called "acceleration".

You can create as many velocity and acceleration tracks as needed in the specification file.

Here's how:

  1. Decide whether you want to create a new specification file (File | Create new specification) or whether you want to edit an existing one. (File | Open specification | )

  2. Decide where to put the new tracks. If you are creating a new specification file, there is not much to choose. Click the word "Specification" in the track pane. If you are editing an existing specification, you can choose "Specification" or a group, the cursively spelled names in the track pane.

  3. Press the Add Track/Group button and choose Add Track.

  4. Choose a track name, for example "Velocity person 1". Primary track is already OK.

  5. Press the Add attribbute button.

  6. Name must be "velocity" or "acceleration" (without the quotes). Type must be Timestamped Point.

  7. Save the specification file.

Add the face tracker plugin

Now you need to tell Anvil that it has a plug-in. Do the following:

  1. Edit | Options ... | Plug-ins | add
  2. Choose a name for the face tracker, e.g., "facetracker".
  3. In the next windows you are asked for the full class name of the plug-in class. Write FaceTrackerAnvilPlugin
  4. press OK twice to return focus to Anvil's main window.
  5. Choose Tools | <name you have given to the facetracker in step 2.> A new window opens with face tracker controls.

Running the face tracker

Start Anvil by running the ANVIL-5.1.1_FACETRACKER-OpenCV-3.1.0-bit.BAT batch file. Next you need to open a video file and you need to activate the plugin, in either order.

Activate the Facetracker plugin

  • From the Edit menu, choose Options... .
  • Press the OK button.
  • From the Tools menu, choose the facetracker.

Opening a video file

The next step is to open and prepare a movie for annotation of head movements:

  1. File | Open ... |
  2. In the Annotation properties windows, browse to the specification file you made earlier, open it and press OK

Getting started with the facetracker

  1. In the annotation window you choose the velocity or accelation track by clicking its name.
  2. If you do not want to annotate the movie from the start, navigate to the frame where you want the annotation to start, and put the cursor about one second before the startpoint.
  3. In the Main Video window, point with the mouse pointer at the person's face who's head movements you want to annotate.

If there is only one person, you can let the software find the face. You may need to watch the annotation process as the software may lose track of the face you had pointed at and be attracted to another person's face.

Now you can start the annotation process. You get the best results by letting the software analyse each and every frame. To ensure that no frames are skipped, you should let the face tracker step through the movie rather than play the movie. Stepping is started by pressing the 'Step' button in the Face Tracker window. As the program starts to step, the text on the button face changes to 'Stop', so pressing the button once again stops the movie.

Controlling the Facetracker

In the Face Tracker window are a number of sliders and buttons. The sliders are per default set at positions that work well, so you can leave them as they are if you want.

With the upper slider you can tell the algorithm on how many frames it has to base the calculation of velocity or acceleration. The higher the value is set, the smoother will the movements seem to be. Also, high values will tend to erase very quick, subtle movements, because they will be averaged away. The highest value, 25, corresponds to a full second at normal speed. If the value is set much lower than 10, the inevitable errors in the estimates of the face's position in each frame will likely generate many spurious movements and consequently many false positive annotation elements.

The other two sliders set the sensitivity for horizontal and vertical movements. The lower the threshold, the more annotations for velocity or accelerations are generated, and the longer the stretch in time will be over which a movement is perceived to take place. The face tracker can also be used to annotate the stretches in the movie where little happens, e.g. the precise moment where a movement has come to a stand-still. In that case a low value of a threshold means that relatively few annotations will be generated.

There are also four check boxes in the face tracker window:

  1. Suspend face tracking - select if you temporarily want to disable face tracking, for example for seeing the movie at normal speed.

  2. Annotate when velocity/acceleration is LOW - select this if you are interested for the stretches where velocity or acceleration is low. (The latter could be the case if a person walks through the scene at a constant velocity, provided she or he doesn't make hade movements at the same time.)

  3. Left - only annotate head movements of person in left half of video

  4. Right - only annotate head movements of person in right half of video

Having Left and Right both checked has the same effect as none of them being checked.

There are five buttons in the face tracker window.

  1. Step/Stop - press this button to start and stop a frame-by-frame analysis of the movie. This is the prefered way to make automatic anotations, because it is reproducible. Pressing the Play button plays the movie at normal speed, which current hardware cannot keep up with: many frames will never be analysed.

  2. Keep changes - press this button if you want to retain the settings for the currently selected track. After pressing this button you can switch to another track without Anvil forgetting the settings in the track you left, but pressing this button does not save the settings to disk. When you later save the annotation file to disk, the settings for each track individually will be saved as well.

  3. Cancel changes - press this button if you want to undo the settings you made for the current track. Just switching to another track also cancels any such changes.

  4. Dismiss - close the face tracker

  5. Haarcascade - The face tracker uses an algorithm based on Haar-like features ( to detect faces in a movie frame. The algorithm uses a set of parameters which are obtained by machine learning. For best detection results, different light conditions and different body positures require different sets of parameters. The face tracker uses the parameter sets that come with the OpenCV software. These parameter sets are stored in files called haarcascade_.xml, where is any of the following list:

    eye eye_tree_eyeglasses frontalcatface frontalcatface_extended frontalface_alt frontalface_alt2 frontalface_alt_tree frontalface_default fullbody lefteye_2splits licence_plate_rus_16stages lowerbody profileface righteye_2splits russian_plate_number smile upperbody

As can be seen, in theory the face tracker can be used to track other things than human faces as well. Not every Haar cascade is equally effective, though. The default Haar cascade choice is haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml, which also works for faces that are turned slightly away from frontal. If the face tracker cannot detect a face most of the time, it is advised to try several haar cascades from the list. Press the Haarcascade button and choose one of the xml files that are shown in the dialogue box.


Java JDK

Anvil 5.1.15

OpenCV 3.1.0 After installation, libraries were copied from opencv\build\java to the required\extern\OpenCV folder under anvil. The haarcascades were copied from opencv\sources\data\haarcascades.

Microsoft Redistributables (32 bit) (64 bit)

Bart Jongejan 20160106