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A Node.js library for interacting with Major Tom

Include the library in your project

$ npm install majortom-scripting
const mts = require('majortom-scripting');

const script = mts({
	host: '',
	token: '<your script token>',
	mission: '<optional mission ID>',


mts(options: object): MajortomScript

Instantiates the Major Top Script singleton

options: object

  • host: string The host name where your Major Tom instance is running
  • token: string Your script's unique token
  • mission?: string|number Optionally set the mission ID on instantiation


MajortomScript.getMissionId(): Promise<number>

Retrieve the ID of the mission that this script is interacting with

MajortomScript.getSatellite(input: object): Promise<Satellite>

Retrieve a Satellite object using one of name, database ID, or NORAD ID

input: object

  • name?: string The unique satellite name in Major Tom
  • id?: string|number The Major Tom database ID; can be found in the Major Tom url
  • noradId?: string|number The satellite's NORAD ID

MajortomScript.getLatestMetricValue(input: object): Promise<{ value: number, timestamp: number }>

Retrieve the most recent value for a subsystem metric on a Satellite

input: object

  • system: string|number Identify the satellite by name or database ID
  • subsystem: string The name of the subsystem
  • metric: string The name of the subsystem metric

MajortomScript.getCommandDefinitions(satellite: Satellite): Promise<CommandDefinition[]>

Retrieve all the command definitions for the passed satellite

MajortomScript.createCommand(input: object): Promise<Command>

Create a command object that can be queued and executed later

input: object

  • system: Satellite The satellite to command
  • command: string|Command Either a command object or the command definition type string
  • fields?: object.<string, number|string> Optional object for command parameter values; the keys are field names and values are field values for this command
  • gateway?: string|number|Gateway Optionally identify the gateway to send this command by name, database ID, or as a Gateway object

MajortomScript.executeCommand(command: Command): Promise<Command>

Execute the passed command; resolves as soon as the execution command is sent to Major Tom

MajortomScript.getGateway(input: object): Promise<Gateway>

Retrieve a gateway from Major Tom by either name or id

input: object

  • name?: string The unique gateway name
  • id?: string|number The database ID of the gateway

MajortomScript.queueCommand(command: Command): Promise<Command>

Instruct Major Tom to queue the command; resolves the updated Command object

MajortomScript.executeAndCompleteCommand(command: Command, maxWaitTime?: number): Promise<Command>

Instruct Major Tom to execute the command; resolves the updated Command object after Major Tom has updated the command state to "completed", "failed", or "cancelled". Optional argument maxWaitTime: number defaults to 90 seconds.

MajortomScript.executeCommandsInSequence(commands: Command[], options?: object): Promise<Command[]>

Executes the passed array of commands in sequence, only proceeding to the next command if the first one resolves to a "completed", "failed", or "cancelled" state.

options?: object Some aspects of the method's behavior can be defined:

  • maxWaitTime: number The maximum time to wait for each command to resolve; defaults to 90 seconds
  • continuePastFailures: boolean If true, will continue attempting to execute each command even if the command times out or resolves to "failed" or "cancelled"


Satellite.getQueuedCommands(): Promise<Command[]>

Resolves an Array of all queued Command objects for the Satellite

Satellite.getRemoteFiles(): Promise<any[]>

Resolves the list of remote files from the Satellite

Satellite.getStagedFiles(): Promise<any[]>

Resolves the list of all files staged in Major Tom for uplink to the Satellite

Satellite.getRecentSystemEvents(options?: object): Promise<EventObject[]>

Resolves a list of events in Major Tom related to this system for a given time period

options?: object

  • hours: number The number of hours back to search for events
  • ending: number The number of hours ago to start searching back
  • type: string|string[] One or more event types to include in the results
  • level: string|string[] One or more event levels to include in the results

For example, submitting an options object { hours: 10, ending: 5 } will return any events for the system that occurred betweein 15 hours ago and 5 hours ago.

Satellite.getNextAvailablePass(groundStationId?: number|string): Promise<Pass|null>

Retrieves the next available pass for this satellite. If groundStationId is provided, retrieves the next available pass for this satellite over the identified ground station.

groundStationId?: number|string The database ID of the ground station to filter for

Satellite.getNextPass(groundStationId?: number|string): Promise<Pass|null>

Retrieves the next pass for the satellite, whether scheduled, available, or in any other state. If groundStationId is provided, retrieves the next pass in any state for this satellite over the identified ground station.

groundStationId?: number|string The database ID of the ground station to filter for


Command.setGateway(gateway: number|Gateway): Command

Associate the command with a gateway using either the gateway database ID or a Gateway object

Command.setIsQueued(): Command

Sets the command state to "queued"

Command.setId(number): Command

Sets the command id

Command.setFinalState(string): Command

Sets the command's final state

Command.toString(): string

Returns a string representation of the command's important properties, formatted for use by the script library's GQL queries

Command.getVariables(): object.<string, number|string>

Returns an object representation of the command's important properties, formatted for use by the script library's GQL mutations

Command Properties

systemId: number|string The id of the command's system
commandDefinitionId: number|string The id of the command's command definition
fields: string A JSON string representing the command's field values
gatewayId: number|string The id of the command's gateway
id: number|string The database id for this command
state: string The current command state
status: string (Read Only) The command's most recent known Major Tom status
output: string (Read Only) The command's most recent known Major Tom output
payload: string (Read Only) The command's most recent known Major Tom payload


Gateway.getRecentCommands(options?: object): Promise<Command[]>

Resolves a list of commands in Major Tom sent through this gateway for a given time period options?: object

  • hours: number The number of hours back to search for commands
  • ending: number The number of hours ago to start searching back
  • type: string|string[] One or more command types to include in the results

For example, submitting an options object { hours: 10, ending: 5 } will return any commands sent through this gateway that occurred betweein 15 hours ago and 5 hours ago.


Pass Properties

id: number|string The pass's database ID
duration: number The pass's duration in milliseconds
start: number The pass's start in milliseconds from UNIX epoch
end: number The pass's end in milliseconds from UNIX epoch
groundStationId: number|string The pass's groundstation's database ID
satelliteId: number|string The pass's satellite's database ID
scheduledStatus: string The pass's last known Major Tom scheduled status


EventObject Properties

id: number The event's database ID
debug: string The event's debug string
message: string The event's message
timestamp: number The event's timestamp in milliseconds from UNIX epoch
type: string The event's type
level: string The event's level
commandId: number The command associated with the event, if any
createdAt: number The timestamp of the event's creation in milliseconds from UNIX epoch


CommandDefinition Properties

id: string The command definition's database ID
commandType: string The command definition's type string
displayName: string The command definition's display name
description: string The command description
tags: string[] The list of command tags
fields: Field[] The field objects for this command


Field Properties

name: string The name of the command field
type: "integer"|"float"|"enum"|"string"|"text"|"datetime"|"boolean" One of the field type descriptors
value?: string|number A constant value that the field must always take
default?: string|number The default, placeholder, or starting value for a field that can be changed
characterLimit?: number A number indicating the character limit for a string or text field
range?: number[]|string[]
enum?: object.<string, number> An object whose keys are string descriptions of their integer values. Values do not need to be sequential. Required if type is enum, ignored otherwise.