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File metadata and controls

737 lines (553 loc) · 34.1 KB

This document describes how to install and configure the SATOSA proxy.


A pre-built Docker image is accessible at the Docker Hub, and is the recommended ways of running the proxy.

SATOSA requires Python 3.4 (or above), and the following packages on Ubuntu:

apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev xmlsec1
  1. Download the SATOSA proxy project as a compressed archive and unpack it to <satosa_path>.

  2. Install the application:

    pip install <satosa_path>

Alternatively the application can be installed directly from PyPI (pip install satosa), or the Docker image can be used.

Micro-services act like plugins and can be developed by anyone. Other people that have been working with the SaToSa proxy, have built extentions mainly in the form of additional micro-services that can be shared and used by anyone.

DAASI International have been a long-time user of this software and have made their extentions available, licensed under Apache2.0. You can find the extensions using the following URL:

The extentions include:

  • SCIM attribute store to fetch attributes via SCIM API (instead of LDAP)
  • Authoritzation module for blocking services if necessary group memberships or attributes are missing in the identity (for service providers that do not evaluate attributes themselves)
  • Backend chooser with Django UI for letting the user choose between any existing SATOSA backend
  • Integration of MFA via PrivacyIDEA

and more.


SATOSA is configured using YAML.

All default configuration files, as well as an example WSGI application for the proxy, can be found in the example directory.

The default YAML syntax is extended to include the capability to resolve environment variables. The following tags are used to achieve this:

  • The !ENV tag

The !ENV tag is followed by a string that denotes the environment variable name. It will be replaced by the value of the environment variable with the same name.

In the example below LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD will, at runtime, be replaced with the value from the process environment variable of the same name. If the process environment has been set with LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=secret_password then the configuration value for bind_password will be secret_password.

bind_password: !ENV LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD
  • The !ENVFILE tag

The !ENVFILE tag is followed by a string that denotes the environment variable name. It will be replaced by the value of the environment variable with the same name.

In the example below LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD_FILE will, at runtime, be replaced with the value from the process environment variable of the same name. If the process environment has been set with LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD_FILE=/etc/satosa/secrets/ldap.txt then the configuration value for bind_password will be secret_password.


SATOSA proxy configuration: proxy_conf.yaml.example

Parameter name Data type Example value Description
BASE string base url of the proxy
COOKIE_STATE_NAME string satosa_state name of the cookie SATOSA uses for preserving state between requests
CONTEXT_STATE_DELETE bool True controls whether SATOSA will delete the state cookie after receiving the authentication response from the upstream IdP
STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY string 52fddd3528a44157 key used for encrypting the state cookie, will be overridden by the environment variable SATOSA_STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY if it is set
INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES string example/internal_attributes.yaml path to attribute mapping
CUSTOM_PLUGIN_MODULE_PATHS string[] [example/plugins/backends, example/plugins/frontends] list of directory paths containing any front-/backend plugin modules
BACKEND_MODULES string[] [openid_connect_backend.yaml, saml2_backend.yaml] list of plugin configuration file paths, describing enabled backends
FRONTEND_MODULES string[] [saml2_frontend.yaml, openid_connect_frontend.yaml] list of plugin configuration file paths, describing enabled frontends
MICRO_SERVICES string[] [statistics_service.yaml] list of plugin configuration file paths, describing enabled microservices
LOGGING dict see Python logging.conf optional configuration of application logging

Attribute mapping configuration: internal_attributes.yaml


The values directly under the attributes key are the internal attribute names. Every internal attribute has a map of profiles, which in turn has a list of external attributes names which should be mapped to the internal attributes.

If multiple external attributes are specified under a profile, the proxy will store all attribute values from the external attributes as a list in the internal attribute.

Sometimes the external attributes are nested/complex structures. One example is the address claim in OpenID connect which consists of multiple sub-fields, e.g.:

"address": {
  "formatted": "100 Universal City Plaza, Hollywood CA 91608, USA",
  "street_address": "100 Universal City Plaza",
  "locality": "Hollywood",
  "region": "CA",
  "postal_code": "91608",
  "country": "USA",

In this case the proxy accepts a dot-separated string denoting which external attribute to use, e.g. address.formatted will access the attribute value "100 Universal City Plaza, Hollywood CA 91608, USA".


    openid: [email]
    saml: [mail, emailAdress, email]
    openid: [address.formatted]
    saml: [postaladdress]

This example defines two attributes, mail and address, internal to the proxy. These attributes will be accessible to any plugin (i.e. front- and backends) in the proxy.

Each internal attribute has a mapping for two different profiles, openidand saml. The mapping between received attributes (in the proxy backend) <-> internal <-> returned attributes (from the proxy frontend) is defined as:

  • Any plugin using the openid profile will use the attribute value from email delivered from the target provider as the value for mail.
  • Any plugin using the saml profile will use the attribute value from mail, emailAdress and email depending on which attributes are delivered by the target provider as the value for mail.
  • Any plugin using the openid profile will use the attribute value under the key formatted in the address attribute delivered by the target provider.
  • Any plugin using the saml profile will use the attribute value from postaladdress delivered from the target provider as the value for address.


The subject identifier generated by the backend module can be overridden by specifying a list of internal attribute names under the user_id_from_attrs key. The attribute values of the attributes specified in this list will be concatenated and used as the subject identifier.


To store the subject identifier in a specific internal attribute, the internal attribute name can be specified in user_id_to_attr. When the ALService is used for account linking, the user_id_to_attr configuration parameter should be set, since that service will overwrite the subject identifier generated by the proxy.


The authentication protocol specific communication is handled by different plugins, divided into frontends (receiving requests from clients) and backends (sending requests to target providers).

Common plugin configuration parameters

Both name and module must be specified in all plugin configurations (frontends, backends, and micro services). The name must be unique to ensure correct functionality, and the module must be the fully qualified name of an importable Python module.

Common configuration parameters:

Parameter name Data type Example value Description
organization dict {display_name: Example Identities, name: Example Identities Organization, url:} information about the organization, will be published in the SAML metadata
contact_person dict[] {contact_type: technical, given_name: Someone Technical, email_address: [email protected]} list of contact information, will be published in the SAML metadata
key_file string pki/key.pem path to private key used for signing(backend)/decrypting(frontend) SAML2 assertions
cert_file string pki/cert.pem path to certificate for the public key associated with the private key in key_file
metadata["local"] string[] [metadata/entity.xml] list of paths to metadata for all service providers (frontend)/identity providers (backend) communicating with the proxy
attribute_profile string saml attribute profile to use for mapping attributes from/to response
entityid_endpoint bool true whether entityid should be used as a URL that serves the metadata xml document
acr_mapping dict None custom Authentication Context Class Reference

The metadata could be loaded in multiple ways in the table above it's loaded from a static file by using the key "local". It's also possible to load read the metadata from a remote URL.


Metadata from local file:

    local: [idp.xml]

Metadata from remote URL:

        - url: ""
          cert: null

For more detailed information on how you could customize the SAML entities, see the documentation of the underlying library pysaml2.

Providing AuthnContextClassRef

SAML2 frontends and backends can provide a custom (configurable) Authentication Context Class Reference. For the frontend this is defined in the AuthnStatement of the authentication response, while, for the backend this is defined in the AuthnRequest.

This can be used to describe for example the Level of Assurance, as described for example by eIDAS.

The AuthnContextClassRef(ACR) can be specified per target provider in a mapping under the configuration parameter acr_mapping. The mapping must contain a default ACR value under the key "" (empty string), each other ACR value specific per target provider is specified with key-value pairs, where the key is the target providers identifier (entity id for SAML IdP behind SAML2 backend, authorization endpoint URL for OAuth AS behind OAuth backend, and issuer URL for OpenID Connect OP behind OpenID Connect backend).

If no acr_mapping is provided in the configuration, the ACR received from the backend plugin will be used instead. This means that when using a SAML2 backend, the ACR provided by the target provider will be preserved, and when using a OAuth or OpenID Connect backend, the ACR will be urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecified.


        "": default-LoA
        "": LoA1

The SAML2 frontend act as a SAML Identity Provider (IdP), accepting authentication requests from SAML Service Providers (SP). The default configuration file can be found here.

The SAML2 frontend comes in three different flavors:

  1. The SAMLFrontend module acts like a single IdP, and hides all target providers. This enables the proxy to support SP's which only support communication with a single IdP, while the proxy will seamlessly communicate with multiple target providers. The metadata for the published IdP will contain one Single Sign On Location for each target provider.

    The following flow diagram shows the communication:

    SP -> proxy SAML SSO location -> target IdP

    For the simple case where an SP does not support discovery it's also possible to delegate the discovery to the SAMLBackend (see below), which would enable the following communication flow:

    SP -> SAMLFrontend -> SAMLBackend -> discovery to select target IdP -> target IdP

  2. The SAMLMirrorFrontend module mirrors each target provider as a separate entity in the SAML metadata. In this proxy this is handled with dynamic entity id's, encoding the target provider. This allows external discovery services to present the mirrored providers transparently, as separate entities in its UI. The following flow diagram shows the communcation:

    SP -> optional discovery service -> selected proxy SAML entity -> target IdP

  3. The SAMLVirtualCoFrontend module enables multiple IdP frontends, each with its own distinct entityID and SSO endpoints, and each representing a distinct collaborative organization or CO. An example configuration can be found here.

    The following flow diagram shows the communication:

    SP -> Virtual CO SAMLFrontend -> SAMLBackend -> optional discovery service -> target IdP

Custom attribute release

In addition to respecting for example entity categories from the SAML metadata, the SAML frontend can also further restrict the attribute release with the custom_attribute_release configuration parameter based on the SP entity id.

To exclude any attribute, just include its friendly name in the exclude list per SP.

In the following example the given name is never released from the IdP with entity id "idp-entity-id1" to the SP with entity id "sp-entity-id1":

    idp_config: [...]
                exclude: ["givenName"]

The custom_attribute_release mechanism supports defaults based on idp and sp entity Id by specifying "" or "default" as the key in the dict. For instance in order to exclude givenName for any sp or idp do this:

    idp_config: [...]
                exclude: ["givenName"]

Some settings related to how a SAML response is formed can be overriden on a per-instance or a per-SP basis. This example summarizes the most common settings (hopefully self-explanatory) with their defaults:

            sign_response: True
            sign_assertion: False
          <sp entityID>:

Overrides per SP entityID is possible by using the entityID as a key instead of the "default" key in the yaml structure. The most specific key takes presedence. If no policy overrides are provided the defaults above are used.

The SAML2 backend act as a SAML Service Provider (SP), making authentication requests to SAML Identity Providers (IdP). The default configuration file can be found here.

The SAML backend can indicate which Name ID format it wants by specifying the key name_id_format in the SP entity configuration in the backend plugin configuration:

       name_id_format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
Use a discovery service

To allow the user to choose which target provider they want to authenticate with, the configuration parameter disco_srv, must be specified if the metadata given to the backend module contains more than one IdP:

  sp_config: [...]
Mirror the SAML ForceAuthn option

By default when the SAML frontend receives a SAML authentication request with ForceAuthn set to True, this information is not mirrored in the SAML authentication request that is generated by the SAML backend towards the upstream identity provider. If the configuration option mirror_force_authn is set to True, then the default behaviour changes and the SAML backend will set ForceAuthn to true when it proxies a SAML authentication request with ForceAuthn set to True.

The default behaviour is False.

  mirror_force_authn: True
Memorize the IdP selected through the discovery service

In the classic flow, the user is asked to select their home organization to authenticate to. The memorize_idp configuration option controls whether the user will have to always select a target provider when a discovery service is configured. If the parameter is set to True (and ForceAuthn is not set), the proxy will remember and reuse the selected target provider for the duration that the state cookie is valid. If ForceAuthn is set, then the use_memorized_idp_when_force_authn configuration option can overide this property and still reuse the selected target provider.

The default behaviour is False.

  memorize_idp: True
Use the configured discovery service if ForceAuthn is set to true

The use_memorized_idp_when_force_authn configuration option controls whether the user will skip the configured discovery service when the SP sends a SAML authentication request with ForceAuthn set to True but the proxy has memorized the user's previous selection.

The default behaviour is False.

  memorize_idp: True
  use_memorized_idp_when_force_authn: True

The OpenID Connect backend acts as an OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP), making authentication requests to OpenID Connect Provider (OP). The default configuration file can be found here.

The example configuration assumes the OP supports discovery and dynamic client registration. When using an OP that only supports statically registered clients, see the default configuration for using Google as the OP and make sure to provide the redirect URI, constructed as described in the section about Google configuration below, in the static registration.

The OpenID Connect frontend acts as and OpenID Connect Provider (OP), accepting requests from OpenID Connect Relying Parties (RPs). The default configuration file can be found here.

As opposed to the other plugins, this plugin is NOT stateless (due to the nature of OpenID Connect using any other flow than "Implicit Flow"). However, the frontend supports using a MongoDB instance as its backend storage, so as long that's reachable from all machines it should not be a problem.

The configuration parameters available:

  • signing_key_path: path to a RSA Private Key file (PKCS#1). MUST be configured.
  • db_uri: connection URI to MongoDB instance where the data will be persisted, if it's not specified all data will only be stored in-memory (not suitable for production use).
  • client_db_uri: connection URI to MongoDB instance where the client data will be persistent, if it's not specified the clients list will be received from the client_db_path.
  • client_db_path: path to a file containing the client database in json format. It will only be used if client_db_uri is not set. If client_db_uri and client_db_path are not set, clients will only be stored in-memory (not suitable for production use).
  • sub_hash_salt: salt which is hashed into the sub claim. If it's not specified, SATOSA will generate a random salt on each startup, which means that users will get new sub value after every restart.
  • provider: provider configuration information. MUST be configured, the following configuration are supported:
    • response_types_supported (default: [id_token]): list of all supported response types, see Section 3 of OIDC Core.
    • subject_types_supported (default: [pairwise]): list of all supported subject identifier types, see Section 8 of OIDC Core
    • scopes_supported (default: [openid]): list of all supported scopes, see Section 5.4 of OIDC Core
    • client_registration_supported (default: No): boolean whether dynamic client registration is supported. If dynamic client registration is not supported all clients must exist in the MongoDB instance configured by the db_uri in the "clients" collection of the "satosa" database. The registration info must be stored using the client id as a key, and use the parameter names of a OIDC Registration Response.
    • authorization_code_lifetime: how long authorization codes should be valid, see default
    • access_token_lifetime: how long access tokens should be valid, see default
    • refresh_token_lifetime: how long refresh tokens should be valid, if not specified no refresh tokens will be issued (which is default)
    • refresh_token_threshold: how long before expiration refresh tokens should be refreshed, if not specified refresh tokens will never be refreshed (which is default)
    • id_token_lifetime: the lifetime of the ID token in seconds - the default is set to 1hr (3600 seconds) (see default)

The other parameters should be left with their default values.

The social login plugins can be used as backends for the proxy, allowing the proxy to act as a client to the social login services.


The default configuration file can be found here.

The only parameters necessary to configure is the credentials, (client_id and client_secret) issued by Google. See OAuth 2.0 credentials for information on how to obtain them.

The redirect URI of the SATOSA proxy must be registered with Google. The redirect URI to register with Google is the same as specified as the first redirect URI in config["client"]["client_metadata"]["redirect_uris"]. It should use the available variables, <base_url> and <name>, where:

  1. <base_url> is the base url of the proxy as specified in the BASE configuration parameter in proxy_conf.yaml, e.g. "".
  2. <name> is the plugin name specified in the name configuration parameter defined in the plugin configuration file.

The example config in google_backend.yaml.example:

name: google
      redirect_uris: [<base_url>/<name>]

together with BASE: "" in proxy_conf.yaml would yield the redirect URI to register with Google.

A list of all claims possibly released by Google can be found here, which should be used when configuring the attribute mapping (see above).


The default configuration file can be found here.

The only parameters necessary to configure is the credentials, the "App ID" (client_id) and "App Secret" (client_secret), issued by Facebook. See the registration instructions for information on how to obtain them.

A list of all user attributes released by Facebook can be found here, which should be used when configuring the attribute mapping (see above).

Ping frontend for simple heartbeat monitoring

The ping frontend responds to a query with a simple 200 OK and is intended to be used as a simple heartbeat monitor, for example by a load balancer. The default configuration file can be found here.

Micro services

Additional behaviour can be configured in the proxy through so called micro services. There are two different types of micro services: request micro services which are applied to the incoming request, and response micro services which are applied to the incoming response from the target provider.

The following micro services are bundled with SATOSA.

Adding static attributes to all responses

To add a set of static attributes, use the AddStaticAttributes class which will add pre-configured (static) attributes, see the example configuration.

The static attributes are described as key-value pairs in the YAML file, e.g:

organisation: Example Org.
country: Sweden

where the keys are the internal attribute names defined in internal_attributes.yaml.

Filtering attribute values

Attribute values delivered from the target provider can be filtered based on a per target provider per requester basis using the FilterAttributeValues class. See the example configuration.

The filters are described as regular expressions in a YAML file with the following structure:

        <attribute_name>: <regex_filter>

where the empty string ("") can be used as a key on any level to describe a default filter. The filters are applied such that all attribute values matched by the regular expression are preserved, while any non-matching attribute values will be discarded.


Filter attributes from the target provider, to only preserve values starting with the string "foo:bar":

        "": "^foo:bar"

Filter the attribute attr1 to only preserve values ending with the string "foo:bar":

        "attr1": "foo:bar$"

Filter the attribute attr1 to the requester, to only preserver values containing the string "foo:bar":

        "attr1": "foo:bar"

Apply a Attribute Policy

Attributes delivered from the target provider can be filtered based on a list of allowed attributes per requester using the AttributePolicy class:

            - attr1
            - attr2

Route to a specific backend based on the requester

To choose which backend (essentially choosing target provider) to use based on the requester, use the DecideBackendByRequester class which implements that special routing behavior. See the example configuration.

Filter authentication requests to target SAML entities

If using the SAMLMirrorFrontend module and some of the target providers should support some additional SP's, the DecideIfRequesterIsAllowed micro service can be used. It provides a rules mechanism to describe which SP's are allowed to send requests to which IdP's. See the example configuration.

Metadata containing all SP's (any SP that might be allowed by a target IdP) must be in the metadata configured in the SAMLMirrorFrontend plugin config.

The rules are described using allow and deny directives under the rules configuration parameter.

In the following example, the target IdP target_entity_id1 only allows requests from requester1 and requester2.

        allow: ["requester1", "requester2"]

SP's are by default denied if the IdP has any rules associated with it (i.e, the IdP's entity id is a key in the rules mapping). However, if the IdP does not have any rules associated with its entity id, all SP's are by default allowed.

Deny all but one SP:

        allow: ["requester1"]
        deny: ["*"]

Allow all but one SP:

        allow: ["*"]
        deny: ["requester1"]

Account linking

To allow account linking (multiple accounts at possibly different target providers are linked together as belonging to the same user), an external service can be used. See the example config which is intended to work with the ALService (or any other service providing the same REST API).

This micro service must be the first in the list of configured micro services in the proxy_conf.yaml to ensure correct functionality.

User consent management

To handle user consent of released information, an external service can be used. See the example config which is intended to work with the CMService (or any other service providing the same REST API).

This micro service must be the last in the list of configured micro services in the proxy_conf.yaml to ensure correct functionality.

LDAP attribute store

An identifier such as eduPersonPrincipalName asserted by an IdP can be used to look up a person record in an LDAP directory to find attributes to assert about the authenticated user to the SP. The identifier to consume from the IdP, the LDAP directory details, and the mapping of attributes found in the directory may all be confingured on a per-SP basis. The input to use when hashing to create a persistent NameID may also be obtained from attributes returned from the LDAP directory. To use the LDAP microservice install the extra necessary dependencies with pip install satosa[ldap] and then see the example config.

Custom plugins

It's possible to write custom plugins which can be loaded by SATOSA. They have to be contained in a Python module, which must be importable from the one of the paths specified by CUSTOM_PLUGIN_MODULE_PATHS in proxy_conf.yaml.

Depending on which type of plugin it is, it has to inherit from the correct base class and implement the specified methods:

  • Frontends must inherit satosa.frontends.base.FrontendModule.
  • Backends must inherit satosa.backends.base.BackendModule.
  • Request micro services must inherit satosa.micro_services.base.RequestMicroService.
  • Response micro services must inherit satosa.micro_services.base.ResponseMicroService.

The proxy metadata is generated based on the front-/backend plugins listed in proxy_conf.yaml using the satosa-saml-metadata (installed globally by SATOSA installation).

To produce signed SAML metadata for all SAML front- and backend modules, run the following command:

satosa-saml-metadata <path to proxy_conf.yaml> <path to key for signing> <path to cert for signing>

Detailed usage instructions can be viewed by running satosa-saml-metadata --help.

Running the proxy application

The SATOSA proxy is a Python WSGI application and so may be run using any WSGI compliant web server.

Using Gunicorn

Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX and is the server used most often to run the proxy. In a production deployment the Gunicorn server is often proxied by a full featured general purpose web server (in a reverse proxy architecture) such as Nginx or Apache HTTP Server to help buffer slow clients and enable more sophisticated error page rendering.

Start the proxy server with the following command:

gunicorn -b<socket address> satosa.wsgi:app --keyfile=<https key> --certfile=<https cert>


  • socket address is the socket address that gunicorn should bind to for incoming requests, e.g.
  • https key is the path to the private key to use for HTTPS, e.g. pki/key.pem
  • https cert is the path to the certificate to use for HTTPS, e.g. pki/cert.pem

This will use the proxy_conf.yaml file in the working directory. If the proxy_conf.yaml is located somewhere else, use the environment variable SATOSA_CONFIG to specify the path, e.g.:

set SATOSA_CONFIG=/home/user/proxy_conf.yaml

Using Apache HTTP Server and mod_wsgi

See the auxiliary documentation for running using mod_wsgi.