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This contract provides multiple functionalities:

  • Users can stake tokens for CPU and Network bandwidth, and then vote for producers or delegate their vote to a proxy.
  • Producers register in order to be voted for, and can claim per-block and per-vote rewards.
  • Users can buy and sell RAM at a market-determined price.
  • Users can bid on premium names.
  • A resource exchange system (REX) allows token holders to lend their tokens, and users to rent CPU and Network resources in return for a market-determined fee.

Actions: The naming convention is codeaccount::actionname followed by a list of paramters.

eosio::regproducer producer producer_key url location

  • Indicates that a particular account wishes to become a producer
  • producer account registering to be a producer candidate
  • producer_key producer account public key
  • url producer URL
  • location currently unused index

eosio::voteproducer voter proxy producers

  • voter the account doing the voting
  • proxy proxy account to whom voter delegates vote
  • producers list of producers voted for. A maximum of 30 producers is allowed
  • Voter can vote for a proxy or a list of at most 30 producers. Storage change is billed to voter.

eosio::regproxy proxy is_proxy

  • proxy the account registering as voter proxy (or unregistering)
  • is_proxy if true, proxy is registered; if false, proxy is unregistered
  • Storage change is billed to proxy.

eosio::delegatebw from receiver stake_net_quantity stake_cpu_quantity transfer

  • from account holding tokens to be staked
  • receiver account to whose resources staked tokens are added
  • stake_net_quantity tokens staked for NET bandwidth
  • stake_cpu_quantity tokens staked for CPU bandwidth
  • transfer if true, ownership of staked tokens is transfered to receiver
  • All producers from account has voted for will have their votes updated immediately.

eosio::undelegatebw from receiver unstake_net_quantity unstake_cpu_quantity

  • from account whose tokens will be unstaked
  • receiver account to whose benefit tokens have been staked
  • unstake_net_quantity tokens to be unstaked from NET bandwidth
  • unstake_cpu_quantity tokens to be unstaked from CPU bandwidth
  • Unstaked tokens are transferred to from liquid balance via a deferred transaction with a delay of 3 days.
  • If called during the delay period of a previous undelegatebw action, pending action is canceled and timer is reset.
  • All producers from account has voted for will have their votes updated immediately.
  • Bandwidth and storage for the deferred transaction are billed to from.

eosio::onblock header

  • This special action is triggered when a block is applied by a given producer, and cannot be generated from any other source. It is used increment the number of unpaid blocks by a producer and update producer schedule.

eosio::claimrewards producer

  • producer producer account claiming per-block and per-vote rewards

eosio::deposit owner amount

  • Deposits tokens to user REX fund
  • owner REX fund owner account
  • amount amount of tokens to be deposited
  • An inline transfer from 'owner' liquid balance is executed.
  • All REX-related costs and proceeds are deducted from and added to 'owner' REX fund, with one exception being buying REX using staked tokens.
  • Storage change is billed to 'owner'.

eosio::withdraw owner amount

  • Withdraws tokens from user REX fund
  • owner REX fund owner account
  • amount amount of tokens to be withdrawn
  • An inline transfer to 'owner' liquid balance is executed.

eosio::buyrex from amount

  • Buys REX in exchange for tokens taken out of user REX fund
  • from owner account name
  • amount amount of tokens to be used for purchase
  • 'amount' tokens are taken out of 'from' REX fund.
  • User must vote for at least 21 producers or delegate vote to proxy before buying REX.
  • Tokens used in purchase are added to user's voting power.
  • Bought REX cannot be sold before 4 days counting from end of day of purchase.
  • Storage change is billed to 'from' account.
  • By buying REX, user is lending tokens in order to be rented as CPU or NET resourses.

eosio::unstaketorex owner receiver from_net from_cpu

  • Buys REX using staked tokens
  • owner owner of staked tokens
  • receiver account name that tokens have previously been staked to
  • from_net amount of tokens to be unstaked from NET bandwidth and used for REX purchase
  • from_cpu amount of tokens to be unstaked from CPU bandwidth and used for REX purchase
  • User must vote for at least 21 producers or delegate vote to proxy before buying REX.
  • Tokens used in purchase are added to user's voting power.
  • Bought REX cannot be sold before 4 days counting from end of day of purchase.
  • Storage change is billed to 'owner' account.

eosio::sellrex from rex

  • Sells REX in exchange for core tokens
  • from owner account of REX
  • rex amount of REX to be sold
  • Proceeds are deducted from user's voting power.
  • If cannot be processed immediately, sell order is added to a queue and will be processed within 30 days at most.
  • In case sell order is queued, storage change is billed to 'from' account.

eosio::cnclrexorder owner

  • Cancels unfilled REX sell order by owner if one exists.
  • owner owner account name

eosio::mvtosavings owner rex

  • Moves REX to owner's REX savings bucket
  • REX held in savings bucket does not mature and cannot be sold directly
  • REX is moved out from the owner's maturity buckets as necessary starting with the bucket with furthest maturity date
  • owner owner account of REX
  • rex amount of REX to be moved to savings bucket

eosio::mvfrsavings owner rex

  • Moves REX from owner's savings bucket to a bucket with a maturity date that is 4 days after the end of the day
  • This action is required if the owner wants to sell REX held in savings bucket
  • owner owner account of REX
  • rex amount of REX to be moved from savings bucket

eosio::rentcpu from receiver loan_payment loan_fund

  • Rents CPU resources for 30 days in exchange for market-determined price
  • from account creating and paying for CPU loan
  • receiver account receiving rented CPU resources
  • loan_payment tokens paid for the loan
  • loan_fund additional tokens (can be zero) added to loan fund and used later for loan renewal
  • Rents as many core tokens as determined by market price and stakes them for CPU bandwidth for the benefit of receiver account.
  • loan_payment is used for renting, it has to be greater than zero. Amount of rented resources is calculated from loan_payment.
  • After 30 days the rented core delegation of CPU will expire or be renewed at new market price depending on available loan fund.
  • loan_fund can be zero, and is added to loan balance. Loan balance represents a reserve that is used at expiration for automatic loan renewal.
  • 'from' account can add tokens to loan balance using action fundcpuloan and withdraw from loan balance using defcpuloan.
  • At expiration, if balance is greater than or equal to loan_payment, loan_payment is taken out of loan balance and used to renew the loan. Otherwise, the loan is closed and user is refunded any remaining balance.

eosio::rentnet from receiver loan_payment loan_fund

  • Rents Network resources for 30 days in exchange for market-determined price
  • from account creating and paying for Network loan
  • receiver account receiving rented Network resources
  • loan_payment tokens paid for the loan
  • loan_fund additional tokens (can be zero) added to loan fund and used later for loan renewal
  • Rents as many core tokens as determined by market price and stakes them for Network bandwidth for the benefit of receiver account.
  • loan_payment is used for renting, it has to be greater than zero. Amount of rented resources is calculated from loan_payment.
  • After 30 days the rented core delegation of Network will expire or be renewed at new market price depending on available loan fund.
  • loan_fund can be zero, and is added to loan balance. Loan balance represents a reserve that is used at expiration for automatic loan renewal.
  • 'from' account can add tokens to loan balance using action fundnetloan and withdraw from loan balance using defnetloan.
  • At expiration, if balance is greater than or equal to loan_payment, loan_payment is taken out of loan balance and used to renew the loan. Otherwise, the loan is closed and user is refunded any remaining balance.

eosio::fundcpuloan from loan_num payment

  • Transfers tokens from REX fund to the fund of a specific CPU loan in order to be used for loan renewal at expiry
  • from loan creator account
  • loan_num loan id
  • payment tokens transfered from REX fund to loan fund

eosio::fundnetloan from loan_num payment

  • Transfers tokens from REX fund to the fund of a specific Network loan in order to be used for loan renewal at expiry
  • from loan creator account
  • loan_num loan id
  • payment tokens transfered from REX fund to loan fund

eosio::defcpuloan from loan_num amount

  • Withdraws tokens from the fund of a specific CPU loan and adds them to REX fund
  • from loan creator account
  • loan_num loan id
  • amount tokens transfered from CPU loan fund to REX fund

eosio::defcpuloan from loan_num amount

  • Withdraws tokens from the fund of a specific CPU loan and adds them to REX fund
  • from loan creator account
  • loan_num loan id
  • amount tokens transfered from NET loan fund to REX fund

eosio::updaterex owner

  • Updates REX owner vote weight to current value of held REX
  • owner REX owner account

eosio::rexexec user max

  • Performs REX maintenance by processing a specified number of REX sell orders and expired loans
  • user any account can execute this action
  • max number of each of CPU loans, NET loans, and sell orders to be processed

eosio::consolidate owner

  • Consolidates REX maturity buckets into one bucket that cannot be sold before 4 days
  • owner REX owner account name

eosio::closerex owner

  • Deletes unused REX-related database entries and frees occupied RAM
  • owner user account name
  • If owner has a non-zero REX balance, the action fails; otherwise, owner REX balance entry is deleted.
  • If owner has no outstanding loans and a zero REX fund balance, REX fund entry is deleted.