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Custom Config Management

kritika Sharma edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 27 revisions

Connecting with Custom Config Management Server in BWCE

Open the Bussiness Works (BW) studio. Go to file and select the plug-in project from the list. Provide it a suitable name e.g. com.tibco.bwce.profile.sample in this case. After the project is created successfully, right click on the src folder of the project to create a new package e.g. com.tibco.bwce.profile.sample and right-click on this package to create a new Java class e.g. CustomConfigManagement with the main method. Import com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver package in this class and write the custom config management code here with the help of the helper class.

The helper class that is provided in the package com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver for the users is called ProfileResolverHelper. This class has two methods:

  • getKeysForConfig()
  • replaceProfileValues()

The first method getKeysForConfig() returns a list of type string to the calling function.

  • This list consists of all the keys that are required to be fetched by the user from the custom config management server.
  • These keys are fetched from the bw.substvar file.
  • The keys in the bw.substvar file are set through the profile created by the user in the properties section of the BW application in the studio.

Use getKeysForConfig() method to get a list of the required keys whose corresponding values are required to be fetched from the custom config management server. Write code for connecting to the custom config management server in the new main class (i.e CustomConfigManagement) and fetch the values for the corresponding keys collected using the method getKeysForConfig().

The second method replaceProfileValues() accepts a Map of type <String, Value> and has a void return type.

  • Import the static class Value and enum Type from the package com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver in the new class i.e. CustomConfigManagement in this case.
  • The type of Value in the method replaceProfileValues() is defined by the Value class in the package com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver
  • The enum Type defined in the package com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver defines three Type of values: ENV, SYSPROP and APPCONFIG where ENV means that the value is an environment variable, SYSPROP means the value is a system property and APPCONFIG means that the value is an application configuration.
  • The static class Value has two reference variables called value and type that are used to define the value and its corresponding type (as mentioned above in enum).
  • The keys and their corresponding values fetched from the custom config server are given to this method as input.
  • This method is used to replace the values of the corresponding keys in the final bw.substvar file that is used to provide the profile values to the BW application.

The value of the keys to be fetched are hardcoded in this sample as shown below in the snippet and will be replaced by the user values fetched from the custom config server.

 public class CustomConfigManagement {
	public CustomConfigManagement() {}
		  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
			  String message = "Message from config server";
			  Map<String, Value> tokenMap = new HashMap<String, Value>();
			  tokenMap.put("Message", new Value(message, Type.APPCONFIG));
			  Map<String, Value> tmpMap = new HashMap<String, Value>();
		            Iterator<String> il = ProfileResolverHelper.getKeysForConfig().iterator();
		            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Value>> im; 
		            for (;il.hasNext();im.hasNext())
		            String s = (String);
		            im = tokenMap.entrySet().iterator();
		            Map.Entry<String, Value> entry = (Map.Entry<String, Value>);
		            if (((String)entry.getKey()).equals(s)) {
		             tmpMap.put((String)entry.getKey(), (Value)entry.getValue());
		      catch (IOException e)
		        System.err.println("Unable to fetch values from config server due to error: " + 

Once the code to connect to the config server and the code for retrieving the values of the corresponding keys is ready, create a JAR out of this package. Unzip the runtime zip for bwce 2.4.2 and then go to tibco.home/bwce/2.4/system/shared. Add here, the JAR with the custom config management code i.e. com.tibco.bwce.profile.sample.*.jar in this case. Once the JAR is added in the runtime zip, zip it back.

The next step is to make changes in the script present in the scripts folder in the location where bwce-docker repo is cloned.

Go to the section where the classpath for java is defined in the script. Add the name of the new package with the custom config management code in the classpath and also replace the name of the main class with the newly created main class .i.e. if the name of the previous main class was Resolver and was accessed as com.tibco.bwce.profile.resolver.Resolver, then replace the name of the main class Resolver with the new main class CustomConfigManagement as com.tibco.bwce.profile.sample.CustomConfigManagement in the docker script

Save the changes made and use the new runtime zip and the new script to deploy applications on docker and connect to a custom config server of your choice.

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