- Identify and use web standards, semantic mark up, and HTML5
We think of the web and websites as mostly static. They look the way they look. But it's really more complicated than that. Web designers and developers spend a lot of time thinking about how to make web pages usable in all the possible formats (phones, tablets, web) while keeping them maintainable (i.e. not taking a billion years to make small changes). The WC3 makes changes to HTML and CSS every bunch of years, so they think about how the language itself makes things easier or harder. You should start thinking about these things too.
Everything in this challenge is within the context of the unit1_projects
folder in your [USERNAME].github.io repository.
Do some research into standard practices of web design, reset css, and HTML5. Use the links below and look for resources on the web. If you find good ones, share them with your cohort in the Google+ community!
Download the practice files. Unzip the folder into your unit1_projects
- Add reset.css to your index.html file. What happens?
- Update the header links to jump to sections
- Make links change color on hover
- Change the font (@fontface) for elements on the site.
- Change some elements to semantic HTML5 elements (i.e. header, section, etc)
Answer the questions in your my_reflection.md file.
Make sure you can see all of your changes on your github.io site!
- :before and :after psuedo elements
- Amazing things psuedo elements can do
- Icon Fonts are Awesome
- Why and How to use Icon Fonts
Head to FontAwesome and look around the
documentation. Then add the font awesome css to your dbc2.html
and play with using the icons!