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json-io can be used directly on JSON Strings or with Java's Streams.

Typed Usage

Example 1: Java object to JSON String

Employee emp;
// Emp fetched from database
String json = JsonIo.toJson(emp, writeOptions);     // 'writeOptions' argument discussed in detail below

This example will convert the Employee instance to a JSON String. If the JsonReader were used on this String, it would reconstitute a Java Employee instance.

Example 2: String to Java object

String json = // String JSON representing Employee instance
Employee employee = JsonIo.toObjects(json, readOptions, Employee.class);  // 'readOptions' argument discussed below

This will convert the JSON String to a Java Object graph.

Example 3: Java Object to OutputStream

Employee emp;
// emp obtained from data store...
JsonIo.toJson(outputStream, emp, writeOptions);       

In this example, a Java object is written to an OutputStream in JSON format. The stream is closed when finished. If you need to keep the OutputStream open (e.g. NDJSON), then set writeOptions.closeStream(false). Example:

WriteOptions writeOptions = new WriteOptions().closeStream(false);
JsonIo.toJson(outputStream, record1, writeOptions);    
JsonIo.toJson(outputStream, record2, writeOptions);
JsonIo.toJson(outputStream, recordn, writeOptions);

Example 4: InputStream to Java object

Employee emp = JsonIo.toObjects(stream, readOptions, Employee.class);

In this example, anInputStreamis supplying the JSON.

Untyped Usage

json-io provides the choice to use the generic "Map of Maps" representation of an object, akin to a Javascript associative array. When reading from a JSON String orInputStreamof JSON, use JsonIo:

String json = // or InputStream to JSON providing source
ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptionsBuilder().returnAsNativeJsonObjects().build();
JsonObject root = JsonIo.toObjects(json, readOptions);    

See the ReadOptions below for the feature control options. In the example above, rather than return the objects converted into Java classes, you are being returned the raw JSON values being parsed. It is a graph that consists of all JsonObject instances, arrays, and primitive types.

When JsonObject is returned, your root value will represent one of:

  • JSON object {...}
    • JsonObject implements the Map interface and represents any JSON object {...}. It will respond true to isObject(), false to isArray(), and false to isPrimitive().
  • JSON array [...]
    • JsonObject implements the List interface and represents any JSON array [...]. It will respond true to isArray(), false to isObject(), and false to is isPrimitive().
  • JSON primitive (boolean true/false, null, long, double, String).
    • JsonObject implements .getValue() and .setValue(). If the root of the JSON is a String, Number (Long or Double), Boolean, or null, not an object { ... } nor an array { ... }, then the value can be obtained by calling .getValue() on the JsonObject. It will respond false to isObject(), false to isArray(), and true to isPrimitive().

This JsonObject representation can be re-written to JSON String or Stream and the output JSON will match the original input JSON stream. This permits you to receive JSON strings / streams that contain class references which do not exist in the JVM that is parsing the JSON, to completely read the String/Stream, perhaps manipulate the content, and then rewrite the String/stream.

Controlling the output JSON using WriteOptions

Create a newWriteOptionsinstance and turn various features on/off using the methods below. Example:

WriteOptionswriteOptions = new WriteOptions().prettyPrint(true).writeLongsAsStrings(true); JsonWriter.toJson(root, writeOptions);

To pass these toJsonWriter.toJson(root, writeOptions)set up aWriteOptionsusing the feature settings below. You can view the Javadoc on theWriteOptionsclass for detailed information. TheWriteOptionscan be made read-only by calling You can have multipleWriteOptionsinstances for different scenarios, and safely re-use them once built (read-only). AWriteOptionsinstance can be created from anotherWriteOptionsinstance (use "copy constructor" discussed below).

Please note that if you write your object graph out without showing types, the shape of the graph will still be maintained. What this means, is that if two different places in your object graph point to the same object, the first reference will write the actual object (with an id - @id), the 2nd and later references will write a reference (@ref) to the first instance. This will read in just fine with JsonReader.toObjects(), and the appropriate Map reference will be placed in all referenced locations. If reading this in Javascript, make sure to use the included jsonUtil.js to parse the read in JSON so that it can perform the substitutions of the @ref's. (See root folder for jsonUtil.js).


Create newWriteOptionsinstances.


  • Start with default options and in malleable state.

WriteOptions(WriteOptions other)

  • Copy all the settings from the passed in 'other' WriteOptions. TheWriteOptionsinstance starts off in malleable state.

Class Loader

TheClassLoaderin theWriteOptonsis used to turnStringclass names intoClassinstances.


  • Returns the ClassLoader to resolve String class names when writing JSON.

WriteOptionsclassLoader(ClassLoader loader)

  • Sets the ClassLoader to resolve String class names when writing JSON. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

MetaKeys - @id, @ref, @type

A few additional fields are sometimes added to a JSON object {...} to give theJsonReaderhelp in determining what class to instantiate and load. In addition, if a class is referenced by more than one field, array, collection element, or Map key or value, then the initial occurrence of the instance will be output with an @id tag and a number n. Subsequent references will be written as @ref:n. This will significantly shorten the JSON as the object will not be written multiple times, it also allows for circular reference support, it saves memory when loading from JSON into Java objects, and finally retains the original shape of the graph that was written (serialized) to JSON.

In a future release, we may be moving from using "@" to "." Backward compatibility will be retained.


  • Returnstrueif showing short meta-keys (@i instead of @id, @ instead of @ref, @t instead of @type, @k instead of @keys, @v instead of @values),falsefor full size. false is the default.

WriteOptionsshortMetaKeys(boolean shortMetaKeys)

  • Sets the booleantrueto turn on short meta-keys,falsefor long. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Aliasing - shorten class names in @type.

Aliasing is used to turn long java package names to simple class names, in the JSON. By default, json-io has most of the common JDK classes aliased to make the JSON content smaller. You can add additional aliases for classes in your program.

StringgetTypeNameAlias(String typeName)

  • Alias Type Names, e.g. "ArrayList" instead of "java.util.ArrayList".

Map<String, String>aliasTypeNames()

  • Returns Map<String, String> containing String class names to alias names. Use this API to see default aliases.

WriteOptionsaliasTypeNames(Map<String, String> aliasTypeNames)

  • Puts theMapcontaining String class names to alias names. The passed inMapwill be putAll() copied overwriting any entries that match values in the passed in Map. New entries in the Map are added. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaliasTypeName(String typeName, String alias)

  • Sets the alias for a given class name. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaliasTypeName(Class, String alias)

  • Sets the alias for a given class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


Used to provide hint to JsonReader to know what Classes to instantiate. Frequently, json-io can determine what Java type (class) an object is because of a field of an object, the type of array, or if the root class is specified. Sometimes, though the type cannot be inferred. An example would be field on a class that is declared as an 'Object' type but more complex, derived instances are placed there. In that case, json-io will output an @type=typename to indicate the type of the class that the reader should instantiate and load.

Note: The meta properties like @type will soon be output using ".type" although support will be maintained for "@type" going forward. Also note, you can specify "short" meta-keys, and alias type names to further shorten the written JSON.


  • Returnstrueif set to always show type (@type).


  • Returnstrueif set to never show type (no @type).


  • Returnstrueif set to show minimal type (@type). This is the default setting.


  • Sets to always show type. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Sets to never show type. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Sets to show minimal type. This means that when the type of object can be inferred, a type field will not be output. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Pretty Print

In order to have Multiple line, indented JSON output, or one-line output, turn on the pretty-print feature.


  • Returns the pretty-print setting,truebeing on, using lots of vertical white-space and indentations, false will output JSON in one line. The default isfalse.

WriteOptionsprettyPrint(boolean prettyPrint)

  • Sets the 'prettyPrint' setting,trueto turn on,falsewill turn off. The default setting isfalse. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Close Stream

Sometimes you want to close the stream automatically after output, other times you may want to leave it open to write additional JSON to the stream. For example, NDJSON is a format of {...}\n{...}{...} To write this format, you can tell JsonIo not to close the stream after each write. See example at the beginning of the user guide.


  • Returns true if set to automatically close stream after write (the default), or falseto leave stream open after writing to it.

WriteOptionscloseStream(boolean closeStream)

  • Sets the 'closeStream' setting,trueto turn on,falsewill turn off. The default setting isfalse. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Longas String

Output long values as aString.This is a fix for sending 17-19 digit long values to JavaScript. Javascript stores numbers internally as aDouble(IEEE 754) which cannot retain all 17-19 digits. By sending them as strings, the values make it to Javascript and can still be displayed correctly. The default is off.


  • Returnstrueindicating longs will be written as Strings,false to write them out as native JSON longs.

WriteOptionswriteLongsAsStrings(boolean writeLongsAsStrings)

  • Set to booleantrueto turn on writing longs as Strings,falseto write them as native JSON longs. The default setting isfalse.This feature is important to marshal JSON with large long values (18 to 19 digits) to Javascript. Long/long values are represented in Javascript by storing them in a Double internally, which cannot represent a fulllongvalue. Using this feature allows longs to be sent to Javascript with all their precision, however, they will be Strings when received in the Javascript. This will let you display them correctly, for example. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

nullfield values

You can turn on this setting (off by default) so that fields that have null values are not output to JSON. For certain applications, this can dramatically reduce the size of the JSON output.


  • Returnstrueindicating fields with null values will not be written,falsewill still output the field with an associated null value. The default isfalse.

WriteOptionsskipNullFields(boolean skipNullFields)

  • Sets the boolean wheretrueindicates fields with null values will not be written to the JSON,falsewill allow the field to still be written. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


If this feature is turned on (off by default) then the raw parsed types are returned, not the Java object instances. For certain applications, the objects may not be that complex, nor even have references between objects. Working with the raw JsonValues (JSON Objects, JsonArrays, and primitives) may be all that is needed. This will make parsing JSON much faster. Keep in mind that you are working with Maps, Arrays, and primitives, not well typed DTOs.


  • Returnstrueif set to force Java Maps to be written out as two parallel arrays, once for keys, one array for values. The default isfalse.

WriteOptionsforceMapOutputAsTwoArrays(boolean forceMapOutputAsTwoArrays)

  • Sets the boolean 'forceMapOutputAsTwoArrays' setting. If Map's have String keys they are written as normal JSON objects. With this setting enabled, Maps are written as two parallel arrays. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Floating Point Options

Although the JSON spec does not support Nan and Infinity, it can be convenient to allow it in the JSON, and have the values be both written and read properly. This feature is off by default. Although the JSON with Nan and Infinity may work for your application, keep in mind, NaN, +Inf, -Inf are not necessarily going to be supported by other APIs and services.


  • Returnstrueif set to allow serialization ofNaNandInfinityfordoublesandfloats.

WriteOptionsallowNanAndInfinity(boolean allow)

  • true will allowdoublesandfloatsto be output asNaNandINFINITY,falseand these values will come across asnull. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Enum Options

Most developers useEnumsas a discrete list of values. However, we have seen instances where additional fields have been added to theEnumclasses. Additionally, we have seen both public and private fields in these cases. The Enum options allow you to skip private fields (retain public only), keep the Enum to only it's "name" value, or force the Enum to be written as an object, or a single value.


  • Returnstrueif enums are to be written out as Strings (not a full JSON object) when possible.


  • Sets the option to write out enums as a String. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Returnstrueindicating that only public fields will be output on an Enum. The default is to only output public fields as well as to write it as a primitive (single value) instead of a JSON { } object when possible.

WriteOptionswriteEnumAsJsonObject(boolean writePublicFieldsOnly)

  • Sets the option to write out all the member fields of an enum. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Customized JSON Writers

Want to customize JSON output for a particular class? For any Java class, you can author a custom writer (JsonClassWriter) and associate it to the class. Then your 'JsonClassWriter' class will be called on to write the class out, given you the capability to selectively choose fields, format it differently, etc.

WriteOptionssetCustomWrittenClasses(Map<Class, JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter> customWrittenClasses)

  • Establishes the passed inMapas the complete list of custom writers to be used when writing JSON. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaddCustomWrittenClass(Class, JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter customWriter)

  • Adds a custom writer for a specific Class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Map<Class, JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter> getCustomWrittenClasses()

  • Returns aMapof Class to custom JsonClassWriter's use to write JSON when the class is encountered during serialization.


  • Checks to see if there is a custom writer associated with a given class. Returnstrueif there is,falseotherwise.

"Not" Customized Class Writers

Customized writers are associated to a particular class AND it's derivatives. If you have a derivative class that is having its output customized and you do not want that, you can add that class to the "Not" customized list. Being on the "Not" customized list takes priority over the customized list, letting the default json-io JSON writer do its job.


  • Checks if a class is on the not-customized list. Returnstrueif it is,falseotherwise.

Set<Class> getNotCustomWrittenClasses()

  • Returns aSetof all Classes on the not-customized list.

WriteOptionsaddNotCustomWrittenClass(Class notCustomClass)

  • Adds a class to the not-customized list. This class will use 'default' processing when written. This option is available as custom writers apply to the class and their derivatives. This allows you to shut off customization for a class that is picking it up due to inheritance. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionssetNotCustomWrittenClasses(Collection<Class> notCustomClasses)

  • Initializes the list of classes on the non-customized list. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Included Fields

This feature allows you to indicate which fields should be output for a particular class. If fields are specified here, only these fields will be output for a particular class. Think of it as a white-list approach to specifying the fields. If a particular class has a large amount of fields and you only want to exclude a few, use 'Excluded' fields instead. If a field is listed in both the includes and excludes list, the exclude list takes precedence. That may change in a future release, and an exception will be thrown if you attempt to add the same field name to both the include and exclude list.

Set<String> getIncludedFields(Class)

  • Returns aSetof Strings field names associated to the passed in class to be included in the written JSON.

Map<Class, Set<String>> getIncludedFieldsPerAllClasses()

  • Returns aMapof all Classes and their associated Sets of fields to be included when serialized to JSON.

WriteOptionsaddIncludedField(Class, String includedField)

  • Adds a single field to be included in the written JSON for a specific class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaddIncludedFields(Class, Collection<String> includedFields)

  • Adds aCollectionof fields to be included in written JSON for a specific class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaddIncludedFields(Map<Class, Collection<String>> includedFields)

  • Adds multiple Classes and their associated fields to be included in the written JSON. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Excluded Fields

This feature allows you to indicate which fields should be not be output for a particular class. If fields are specified here, then these named fields will not be output for a particular class. Think of it as a black-list approach to specifying the fields. If a particular class has a large amount of fields and you only want to exclude a few, this is a great approach to trim off just those few fields (privacy considerations, ClassLoader fields, etc.) You can also add fields to an 'include' list, in which case only those fields will be output for the particular class. If a field is listed in both the includes and excludes list, the exclude list takes precedence. That may change in a future release, and an exception will be thrown if you attempt to add the same field name to both the include and exclude list.

Set<String> getExcludedFields(Class)

  • Returns aSetof Strings field names associated to the passed in class to be excluded in the written JSON.

Map<Class, Set<String>> getExcludedFieldsPerAllClasses()

  • Returns aMapof all Classes and their associated Sets of fields to be excluded when serialized to JSON.

WriteOptionsaddExcludedField(Class, String excludedField)

  • Adds a single field to be excluded from the written JSON for a specific class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaddExcludedFields(Class, Collection<String> excludedFields)

  • Adds aCollectionof fields to be excluded in written JSON for a specific class. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

WriteOptionsaddExcludedFields(Map<Class, Collection<String>> excludedFields)

  • Adds multiple Classes and their associated fields to be excluded from the written JSON. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

java.util.Date and java.sql.Date format

This feature allows you to control the format forjava.util.Date and java.sql.Datefields. The default output format for these fields is numericlongformat, which is fast and small. This may work great for your application, but not all applications. You can set the Date format via String format like long ISO date time format, e.g. "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss". All the standard JDK formatting options are available for use here. There are convenience methods for short and long ISO date formats.


  • Changes the date-time format to the ISO date format: "yyyy-MM-dd". ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Changes the date-time format to the ISO date-time format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss". ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Changes thejava.uti.Dateandjava.sql.Dateformat output to along,the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 at midnight. For speed, the default format islong.ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.


  • Returnstrueifjava.util.Dateandjava.sql.Date are being written inlong(numeric) format.

WriteOptionsdateTimeFormat(String format)

  • Changes the date-time format to the passed in format. ReturnsWriteOptionsfor chained access.

Non-Referenceable Classes (Opposite of Instance Folding)

For small immutable classes, no need to use @id/@ref with them, as they are effectively primitives. All primitives, primitive wrappers, BigInteger, BigDecimal, Atomic*, java.util.Date, String, Class, are automatically marked as non-referenceable. You can add more immutable classes of your own. The side-effect of this is that it could change the "shape" of your graph, if you were counting on two different fields that point to the same String/BigDecimal/Integer to have the same == instance. Rarely a concern, however, if you have a lot of the same value, say Integer(0) and expect all those to collapse to the same value, they won't Each one would be read in as its own instance.


  • Checks if a class is non-referenceable. Returnstrueif the passed in class is considered a non-referenceable class.

Collection<Class> getNonReferenceableClasses()

  • Returns aCollectionof all non-referenceable classes.


  • Adds a class to be considered "non-referenceable."

Controlling the input JSON using ReadOptions

Create a newReadOptionsinstance and turn various features on/off using the methods below. Example:

ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptionsBuilder().build()
JsonWriter.toJson(root, writeOptions);

To pass these toJsonRead.toJava(root, readOptions)set up aReadOptionsusing the feature settings below. You can view the Javadoc on theReadOptionsclass for detailed information. TheReadOptionscan be made read-only by calling You can have multipleReadOptionsinstances for different scenarios, and safely re-use them once built (read-only). AReadOptionsinstance can be created from anotherReadOptionsinstance (use "copy constructor" discussed below).


Create new instances ofReadOptions.


  • Start with default options and in malleable state.

ReadOptions(ReadOptions other)

  • Copy all settings from the passed in 'other'ReadOptions. TheReadOptionsinstance starts off in malleable state.

Class Loader

TheClassLoaderin theReadOptonsis used to turnStringclass names intoClassinstances.


  • Returns the ClassLoader to resolve String class names into Class instances.

WriteOptionsclassLoader(ClassLoader loader)

  • Sets the ClassLoader to resolve String class names when reading JSON. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Unknown Types

When reading JSON, what do you want to happen when a class name does not exist in your JVM? Should the parsing fail? This feature allows you to control what happens here. You can tell it to fail on an unknown type (default behavior) and aJsonIoExceptionwill be thrown. Turn this feature off, and the parser will create aLinkedHashMapand use that to store the content from the JSON object being read. If you want, you can set your own class to be created instead of aLinkedHashMap,however, it should be noted thatMapsare useful because any field encountered in the JSON can beputinto aMap.


  • Returnstrue if an 'unknownTypeClass' is set,falseif it is not set

ReadOptionsfailOnUnknownType(boolean fail)

  • Set totrueto indicate that an exception should be thrown if an unknown class type is encountered,falseotherwise. Iffailisfalse,then the default class used will beLinkedHashMap for the particular JSON object encountered. You can set this to your own class using theunknownTypeClass()feature. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Class getUnknownTypeClass()

  • Get the Class used to store content when the indicated class cannot be loaded by the JVM. Defaults tonull. Whennull, LinkedHashMap is used. It is usually best to use a Map derivative, as it will be able to have the various field names encountered to be 'set' into it.


  • Set the class to use (defaults toLinkedHashMap.class) when a JSON object is encountered and there is no corresponding Java class to instantiate to receive the values. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

MaxDepth - Security protection

Set the maximum object nesting level so that noStackOverflowExceptionshappen. Instead, you will get aJsonIoExceptionletting you know that the maximum object nesting level has been reached.

int getMaxDepth()

  • Return the max nesting depth for JSON {...}

ReadOptionsmaxDepth(int depth)

  • Set the max depth to allow for nested JSON {...}. Set this to prevent security risk fromStackOverflowattack
  • vectors. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Floating Point Options

Although the JSON spec does not support Nan and Infinity, it can be convenient to allow it in the JSON, and have the values be both written and read properly. This feature is off by default. Although the JSON with Nan and Infinity may work for your application, keep in mind, NaN, +Inf, -Inf are not necessarily going to be supported by other APIs and services.


  • Returnstrueif set to allow serialization ofNaNandInfinityfordoublesandfloats.

ReadOptionsallowNanAndInfinity(boolean allow)

  • true will allowdoublesandfloatsto be output asNaNandINFINITY,falseand these values will come across asnull. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Close Stream

Sometimes you want to close the stream automatically after reading, other times you may want to leave it open to read additional JSON from the stream. For example, NDJSON is a format of {...}\n{...}{...} To read this format, you can tell JsonIo not to close the InputStream after each read. See example at the beginning of the user guide.


  • Returns true if set to automatically close stream after read (the default), or falseto leave stream open after reading from it.

ReadOptionscloseStream(boolean closeStream)

  • Sets the 'closeStream' setting,trueto turn on,falsewill turn off. The default setting isfalse. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Aliasing - shorten class names in @type.

Aliasing is used to turn long java package names to simple class names, e.g. java.util.ArrayList becomes ArrayList in the JSON. By default, json-io has most of the common JDK classes aliased to make the JSON content smaller. You can add additional aliases for classes in your program.

String getTypeNameAlias(String typeName)

  • Alias Type Names, e.g. "ArrayList" instead of "java.util.ArrayList".

Map<String, String> aliasTypeNames()

  • Returns Map<String, String> containing String class names to alias names. Use this API to see default aliases.

ReadOptionsaliasTypeNames(Map<String, String> aliasTypeNames)

  • Puts theMapcontaining String class names to alias names. The passed inMapwill be putAll() copied overwriting any entries that match values in the passed in Map. New entries in the Map are added. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

ReadOptionsaliasTypeName(String typeName, String alias)

  • Sets the alias for a given class name. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

ReadOptionsaliasTypeName(Class, String alias)

  • Sets the alias for a given class. ReturnsReadOptionsfor chained access.

Class Coercion

Use this feature to turn classes likejava.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessListinto anArrayListwhen parsed and loaded into memory. There are many derivative classes for collection singleton's, synchronized variations of collections, and unmodifiable variations. All the common JDK substitutions are already in the coercion list. You can add more if needed.

booleanisClassCoerced(String className)

  • Returntrueif the passed in Class name is being coerced to another type, falseotherwise.

Class getCoercedClass(Class)

  • Fetch the coerced class for the passed in fully qualified class name.

ReadOptionscoerceClass(String sourceClassName, Class destClass)

  • Coerce a class from one type (named in the JSON) to another type. For example, converting java.util.Collections$SingletonSetto aLinkedHashSet.class.

Missing Field Handler

When an attempt to set a value from the JSON onto a Java object is made, but the field from the JSON is not available on the Java object, the missing field handler feature comes into play. You can set the handler to be notified of the missing field. It will be notified of all missing fields at the end of deserialization. SeeJsonReader.MissingFieldHandlerfor more information.


  • Fetch the method that will be called when a field in the JSON is read in, yet there is no corresponding field on the destination object to receive the value.

ReadOptionsmissingFieldHandler(JsonReader.MissingFieldHandler missingFieldHandler)

  • Pass themissing field handlerto be called when a field in the JSON is read in, yet there is no corresponding field on the destination object to receive the value.

Class Factory

For a class that is failing to instantiate or be read in correctly by the default processing of json-io, you can associate aClassFactoryto aClass to remedy the situation. TheClassFactory'sjob is to create instances of the associated class, and load the values from the JSON into the class from the JSON object being encountered at the time (it is passed to theClassFactory). This is the preferred method for custom handling a class as opposed to using aCustomReader.

Map<Class, JsonReader.ClassFactory>getClassFactories()

  • FetchMapof all Class's associated toJsonReader.ClassFactory's.


  • Get theClassFactoryassociated to the passed in class.

ReadOptionssetClassFactories(Map<Class, ? extends JsonReader.ClassFactory> factories)

  • Associate multiple ClassFactory instances to Classes that needs help being constructed and read in. The Mapof entries associateClasstoClassFactory. TheClassFactoryclass knows how to instantiate and load the class associated to it.

ReadOptionsaddClassFactory(Class clazz, JsonReader.ClassFactory factory)

  • Associate aClassFactoryto aClassthat needs help being constructed and read in. If you use this method more than once for the same class, the lastClassFactoryassociated to the class will overwrite any prior associations.

Custom Readers

Custom readers can be added to load the JSON content associated to a particular class if the default loading is not working. Before using aCustomReader,we recommend using a ClassFactory,as that allows your code to not only create the appropriate instance, but also to load it at the same time. CustomReaders are used for the associated class and any derived classes. If that picks up a class you do not want to associate to a CustomReader, then can add that class to the Not-Custom-Reader list.

Map<Class, JsonReader.JsonClassReader>getCustomReaderClasses()

  • FetchMapofClassto customJsonClassReader's used to read JSON when the class is encountered during serialization to JSON. This is the entireMapof Custom Readers.


  • Returntrueif there is a custom reader class associated to the passed in class, false otherwise.

ReadOptionssetCustomReaderClasses(Map<? extends Class>, ? extends JsonReader.JsonClassReader> customReaderClasses)

  • Set all custom readers at once. Pass in aMapofClasstoJsonReader.JsonClassReader. Set the passed inMapas the establishedMapof custom readers to be used when reading JSON. Using this method more than once, will set the custom readers to only the values from theMapin the last call made.

ReadOptionsaddCustomReaderClass(Class, JsonReader.JsonClassReader customReader)

  • Add a single association of a class to a custom reader. If you add another associated reader to the same class, the last one added will overwrite the prior association.

Not Custom Reader

Add a class to this list that you do not want being associated to aCustomReader. This list is only used when you want to turn-off aCustomReaderfor a particular class that is inadvertently being associated to a CustomReader through inheritance.


  • Pass in Class to check if it's on the not-customized list. Classes are added to this list when a class is being picked up through inheritance, and you don't want it to have a custom reader associated to it.


  • Fetch theSetof all Classes on the not-customized list.

ReadOptionsaddNotCustomReaderClass(Class notCustomClass)

  • Add a class to the not-customized list - the list of classes that you do not want to be picked up by a custom reader (that could happen through inheritance).

ReadOptionssetNotCustomReaderClasses(Collection<Class> notCustomClasses)

  • Initialize the list of classes on the non-customized list. All prior associations will be dropped and this Collection will establish the new list.

Non-Referenceable Classes (Opposite of Instance Folding)

For small immutable classes, no need to use @id/@ref with them, as they are effectively primitives. All primitives, primitive wrappers, BigInteger, BigDecimal, Atomic*, java.util.Date, String, Class, are automatically marked as non-referenceable. You can add more immutable classes of your own. The side-effect of this is that it could change the "shape" of your graph, if you were counting on two different fields that point to the same String/BigDecimal/Integer to have the same == instance. Rarely a concern, however, if you have a lot of the same value, say Integer(0) and expect all those to collapse to the same value, they won't Each one would be read in as its own instance.


  • Checks if a class is non-referenceable. Returnstrueif the passed in class is considered a non-referenceable class.

Collection<Class> getNonReferenceableClasses()

  • Returns aCollectionof all non-referenceable classes.


  • Adds a class to be considered "non-referenceable." Examples are the built-in primitives.


Included is a small Javascript utility (jsonUtil.js in the root folder) that will take a JSON output stream created by the JSON writer and substitute all@ref'sfor the actual pointed to object. It's a one-line call -resolveRefs(json). This will substitute@reftags in the JSON for the actual pointed-to (@id) object.

Additional uses for json-io

Even though json-io is great for Java / Javascript serialization, here are some other uses for it:


Many projects use JsonWriter to write an object to JSON, then use the JsonReader to read it in, cloning the original object graph:

Employee emp;
// emp obtained from somewhere...
Employee deepCopy = (Employee) Json.Io.deepCopy(emp, null, null);   // ReadOptions, WriteOptions can be null


Instead of System.out.println() debugging, call JsonIo.toJson(obj, writeOptions) and dump the JSON string out. That will give you the full referenceable graph dump in JSON. Use the pretty-print feature of WriteOptions to make the JSON more human-readable.