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Example project

See Spark example project using codegen-spark

Sbt integration

Add a library dependency in project/plugins.sbt (find the latest version here):

libraryDependencies += "com.aktit" %% "codegen-spark" % VERSION

Then create the code generation sbt tasks in build.sbt:

import com.aktit.codegen.patterns._

unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "src_generated"

val cgProject = com.aktit.codegen.Project(
	"src_generated", // the folder where the generated code will be placed
	"src/main/scala" // a comma sep list of all project's src folders

Use cases

Csv to case class

Creates a case class from a sample csv file (with headers). Handy when the csv file contains dozens of columns.

For example lets see this csv file:

"Sex","Weight (lbs- Sep)","Weight (lbs- Apr)","BMI (Sep)","BMI (Apr)"
"M"  ,159                ,130                ,22.02      ,18.14
"M"  ,214                ,190                ,19.70      ,17.44

The case class that will be generated is:

package com.aktit.example.csv
class MyCsv(sex: String, weightLbsSep: String, weightLbsApr: String, bMISep: String, bMIApr: String)

This sbt task will run the generator:

import com.aktit.codegen.spark._

val generateCsv = taskKey[Unit]("Generates csv case classes from sample csv files")

generateCsv := {
	val pcg = CsvToCaseClass.createClass("com.aktit.example.csv", "MyCsv", "csv-files/my.csv")

	println(pcg.syntax) // save to the src_generated folder

Combine the field of case classes (i.e. for combining spark tables)

This code generator can come handy in spark jobs where we join 2 or more tables and we want to process/store the data in a type-safe way. Also we may want to exclude columns or even include extra columns.

Assuming we have these 2 (or more) case classes:

import java.sql.Timestamp

case class User(id: Int, name: String)
case class Purchase(userId: Int, item: String, price: BigDecimal, time: Timestamp)

We can then auto-generate UserPurchases case class which contains all fields of User & Purchase apart from userId which is removed because it is a duplicate of id:

import java.sql.Timestamp

case class UserPurchases(id: Int, name: String, item: String, price: BigDecimal, time: Timestamp)

object UserPurchases
	def apply(user: User, purchase: Purchase): UserPurchases = UserPurchases(,, purchase.item, purchase.price, purchase.time)

This sbt task will do the generation:

import com.aktit.codegen.spark._

val generateCombined = taskKey[Unit]("Generates combined case classes using codegen")

generateCombined := {
	val userPurchases = CombineCaseClasses.createClass("com.aktit.example.combine", "UserPurchases")
		.fromFirstClassOfEach( // will use the first class of each package below:
		).withRemoveFields((clzEx, valEx) => == "userId") // remove userId because it is a duplicate of

	println(userPurchases.syntax) // save to the src_generated folder