Deployment of containerized applications to Kubernetes
You could download and install the Minikube from the start page.
Go to the "iac/k8s" directory with the following command and after please run the next commands in this directory;
cd iac/k8s
Enable the ingress add-on for Minikube.
minikube addons enable ingress
Create a new Namespace for the project in Kubernetes
kubectl create ns observer
Deploy the Python RestApi Application to Kubernetes
kubectl apply -n observer -f deploy-api.yaml
Deploy the Client Application to Kubernetes
kubectl apply -n observer -f deploy-client.yaml
Delete the deployment resources with the following command;
kubectl delete all --all -n observer
If there is any apiVersion incompatibility during distribution, please check the kind and api version compatibility with below command and update it in .yaml file;
kubectl api-resources | grep deployment