diff --git a/operator/Makefile b/operator/Makefile index fd2615e..a000ad2 100644 --- a/operator/Makefile +++ b/operator/Makefile @@ -232,6 +232,17 @@ bundle: kustomize operator-sdk ## Generate bundle manifests and metadata, then v ls -al bundle/ ls -al bundle/manifests ls -al bundle/metadata + ls -al bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml + # ------------------- + echo 'before adding the annotation required for red hat community prod repo' + cat bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml + $(eval MYYQEXPR2 := '.annotations."com.redhat.openshift.versions"="v4.1"') + echo ${MYYQEXPR2} + yq eval --exit-status ${MYYQEXPR2} bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml > foo.yaml + mv foo.yaml bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml + echo 'after adding the annotation required for red hat community prod repo' + cat bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml + # ------------------- .PHONY: bundle-build diff --git a/operator/config/manifests/bases/move2kube-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml b/operator/config/manifests/bases/move2kube-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml index 0b74b26..c34b609 100644 --- a/operator/config/manifests/bases/move2kube-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml +++ b/operator/config/manifests/bases/move2kube-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ spec: - email: seshapad@in.ibm.com name: Padmanabha V Seshadri maturity: alpha - minKubeVersion: 1.22.0 + minKubeVersion: 1.13.0 provider: name: Konveyor url: https://konveyor.io