ApiServerUnreachableViaKubernetesService |
critical |
shoot |
The Api server has been unreachable for 3 minutes via the kubernetes service in the shoot. |
CoreDNSDown |
critical |
shoot |
CoreDNS could not be found. Cluster DNS resolution will not work. |
ApiServerNotReachable |
blocker |
seed |
API server not reachable via external endpoint: {{ $labels.instance }}. |
KubeApiserverDown |
blocker |
seed |
All API server replicas are down/unreachable, or all API server could not be found. |
KubeApiServerTooManyAuditlogFailures |
critical |
seed |
The API servers cumulative failure rate in logging audit events is {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}%. This may be caused by an unavailable/unreachable AuditSink(s) and/or improper API server audit configuration. |
KubeControllerManagerDown |
critical |
seed |
Deployments and replication controllers are not making progress. |
KubeEtcdMainDown |
blocker |
seed |
Etcd3 cluster main is unavailable or cannot be scraped. As long as etcd3 main is down the cluster is unreachable. |
KubeEtcdEventsDown |
critical |
seed |
Etcd3 cluster events is unavailable or cannot be scraped. Cluster events cannot be collected. |
KubeEtcd3MainNoLeader |
critical |
seed |
Etcd3 main has no leader. No communication with etcd main possible. Apiserver is read only. |
KubeEtcd3EventsNoLeader |
critical |
seed |
Etcd3 events has no leader. No communication with etcd events possible. New cluster events cannot be collected. Events can only be read. |
KubeEtcd3HighNumberOfFailedProposals |
warning |
seed |
Etcd3 pod {{ $labels.pod }} has seen {{ $value }} proposal failures within the last hour. |
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitApproaching |
warning |
seed |
Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size is approaching its current practical limit of 8GB. Etcd quota might need to be increased. |
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitCrossed |
critical |
seed |
Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size has crossed its current practical limit of 8GB. Etcd quota must be increased to allow updates. |
KubeEtcdDeltaBackupFailed |
critical |
seed |
No delta snapshot for the past at least 30 minutes. |
KubeEtcdFullBackupFailed |
critical |
seed |
No full snapshot taken in the past day. |
KubeEtcdRestorationFailed |
critical |
seed |
Etcd data restoration was triggered, but has failed. |
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsSeed |
critical |
seed |
Seed-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load. |
KubePersistentVolumeUsageCritical |
critical |
seed |
The PersistentVolume claimed by {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is only {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}% free. |
KubePersistentVolumeFullInFourDays |
warning |
seed |
Based on recent sampling, the PersistentVolume claimed by {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is expected to fill up within four days. Currently {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}% is available. |
KubePodPendingControlPlane |
warning |
seed |
Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is stuck in "Pending" state for more than 30 minutes. |
KubePodNotReadyControlPlane |
warning |
Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is not ready for more than 30 minutes. |
KubeSchedulerDown |
critical |
seed |
New pods are not being assigned to nodes. |
KubeStateMetricsShootDown |
info |
seed |
There are no running kube-state-metric pods for the shoot cluster. No kubernetes resource metrics can be scraped. |
KubeStateMetricsSeedDown |
critical |
seed |
There are no running kube-state-metric pods for the seed cluster. No kubernetes resource metrics can be scraped. |
NoWorkerNodes |
blocker |
There are no worker nodes in the cluster or all of the worker nodes in the cluster are not schedulable. |
PrometheusCantScrape |
warning |
seed |
Prometheus failed to scrape metrics. Instance {{ $labels.instance }}, job {{ $labels.job }}. |
PrometheusConfigurationFailure |
warning |
seed |
Latest Prometheus configuration is broken and Prometheus is using the previous one. |
VPNShootNoPods |
critical |
shoot |
vpn-shoot deployment in Shoot cluster has 0 available pods. VPN won't work. |
VPNProbeAPIServerProxyFailed |
critical |
shoot |
The API Server proxy functionality is not working. Probably the vpn connection from an API Server pod to the vpn-shoot endpoint on the Shoot workers does not work. |