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adavidramos edited this page Aug 21, 2012 · 6 revisions

Facilitators and organizers can view lists of registered and waitlisted students.

View registrations for a class

  1. Find the class information page.

  2. Follow the "View registrations" link at the end of the page. (This link will only be visible on the classes to which a facilitator is assigned.)

  3. The facilitator information page provides tables of currently-registered students, along with a table of all the students who are on the waitlist.

Email students

The facilitator information page also shows lists of student emails in comma-separated form, ready for pasting into an email client. There's one list for registered students and another list for waitlisted people. These lists will change as students add, drop, or are promoted from the waitlist.

Remember to CC: the [email protected] address for all student correspondence. We've added the main KCDC address to the end of the address lists to save you time.

Later releases

We will add email forms and attendance records, probably later in fall 2012.

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