Currently the front-end will expect the Galaxy instance to be located at the same domain with a 'galaxy.' subdomain.
ie. if the frontend is hosted at
, Galaxy is expected to be accessible via
The workflow in the backend is targeted by name, currently configured to 'IslandCompare unpacked'. This workflow must be shared public in the workflow settings of Galaxy.
See src/app.config.js for configuration parameters.
- Datasets are stored in a history tagged 'user_data'
- Each job gets its own history tagged with the workflow id
- Update vue.config.js/publicPath and src/app.config.js/base_path if the webpage path root is not '/'
- Static content is stored in markdown files in static/. See for syntax extensions.
- src/components - items reusable for other galaxy projects
- src/IslandCompare - components specific to brinkman lab
- src/galaxy - Galaxy client subrepo containing all galaxy specific code. See
- src/auth.js - all code related to authenticating with the backend
- src/store.js - Vuex init code
- src/main.js - main entry point of app
- src/app.js - all code specifically for loading and invoking IslandCompare state
- src/tour.js - Analysis tour steps
- src/brinkman_services.js - list of available brinkman services
- gulpfile.js - responsible for all preprocessing before webpack is invoked
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint