Sample of scrolling the HX8357 through hardware in portrait mode. I wanted a way to dump Serial to this little screen, which required some sort of scrolling. I could not find anything except the hardware manual for the chip to perform scrolling so I wrote this little class to implement a smooth scroll. This class uses the AdaFruit HX8357 tft driver, but could probably be used with other drivers using similar hardware.
You can get the board from here:
or AdaFruit directly at:
Class inherits from Print.
Additional methods:
config(int rotation, int textsize);
Calls the underlying TFT methods for rotation and text size.
setTextSize(int textsize);
Sets text size. Can be used between calls to change text size between output calls.
SetTextColor(unsigned short)
Set text color.
SetBackgroundColor(unsigned short)
Set text background color.
setLinePadSize(int y);
Sets number of pixels between each line of text. Defaults to two.
No word wrap. Currently truncates anything greater than max chars per line (320 / 8 * textsize).