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Kite Java Spark Demo

This module provides an example of processing event data using Apache Spark.

Getting started

This example assumes that you're running a CDH5.1 or later cluster (such as the Cloudera Quickstart VM) that has Spark configured. This example requires the spark-submit command to execute the Spark job on the cluster. If you're using the Quickstart VM, be sure to run this example from the VM rather than the host computer.

On the cluster, check out a copy of the code:

git clone
cd kite-examples
cd spark


To build the project, type

mvn install


Create and populate the events dataset

First we need to create and populate the events dataset.

We store the raw events in a Hive-backed dataset so you can also process the data using Impala or Hive. We'll use a tool provided with the demo to both create and populate the random events:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.kitesdk.examples.spark.CreateEvents"

You can browse the generated events using Hue on the QuickstartVM.

Use Spark to correlate events

Now we want to use Spark to correlate events from the same IP address within a five minute window. Before we implement our algorithm, we need to configure Spark. In particular, we need to set up Spark to use the Kryo serialization library and configure Kryo to automatically serialize our Avro objects.

// Create our Spark configuration and get a Java context
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf()
    .setAppName("Correlate Events")
    // Configure the use of Kryo serialization including our Avro registrator
    .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
    .set("spark.kryo.registrator", "org.kitesdk.examples.spark.AvroKyroRegistrator");
JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);

We can register our Avro classes with a small bit of Scala code:

class AvroKyroRegistrator extends KryoRegistrator {
  override def registerClasses(kryo: Kryo) {
    kryo.register(classOf[StandardEvent], AvroSerializer.SpecificRecordBinarySerializer[StandardEvent])
    kryo.register(classOf[CorrelatedEvents], AvroSerializer.SpecificRecordBinarySerializer[CorrelatedEvents])

This will register the use of Avro's specific binary serialization for bot the StandardEvent and CorrelatedEvents classes.

In order to access our Hive-backed datasets from remote Spark tasks, we need to register some JARs in Spark's equivalent of the Hadoop DistributedCache:

// Register some classes that will be needed in remote Spark tasks
addJarFromClass(sparkContext, getClass());
addJars(sparkContext, System.getenv("HIVE_HOME"), "lib");

Now we're ready to read from the events dataset by configuring the MapReduce DatasetKeyInputFormat and then using Spark's built-in support to generate an RDD form an InputFormat.

Configuration conf = new Configuration();

JavaPairRDD<StandardEvent, Void> events = sparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD(conf,
    DatasetKeyInputFormat.class, StandardEvent.class, Void.class);

We can now process the events as needed. Once we have our finall RDD, we can configure DatasetKeyOutputFormat in the same way and use the saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile method to persist the data to our output dataset.


matches.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile("dummy", CorrelatedEvents.class, Void.class,
    DatasetKeyOutputFormat.class, conf);

You can run the example Spark job by executing the following:

spark-submit --class org.kitesdk.examples.spark.CorrelateEvents --jars $(mvn dependency:build-classpath | grep -v '^\[' | sed -e 's/:/,/g') target/kite-spark-demo-*.jar

You can browse the correlated events using Hue on the QuickstartVM.

Delete the datasets

When you're done or if you want to run the example again, you can delete the datasets we created:

curl -o kite-dataset
chmod +x kite-dataset
./kite-dataset delete events
./kite-dataset delete correlated_events