To start a local server on which all user interaction will take place , the following commands are required in the linux terminal:
git clone
cd SalesSystem
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
The site is deployed using a web server and a mail proxy server - Nginx and an HTTP server with a Python web server gateway interface - Gunicorn
Then you need to open the link /
To log in to the cashier's account, you can use the login:student, password:sugar123*
The program uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, the essence of which is to divide application data and logic control into three separate components: model, view and controller.
The sqlite3 database is used in this project. Every order made is entered into it.
The order system folder contains various installations for the project.
main - the main functionality of the project, interaction with the site is prescribed, the logic of the program.
user - the cashier's login settings.
Home page
On the right are the buttons "Home", "Login" (for the cashier) and "Admin" - administrator authentication.
Admin Panel
Interface for the cashier
Each order is displayed on the screen. To place an order, you need to click on the "Accept order" button.