"chmod" filenameChange the file permissions. Specifications = u user, g group, o other, + add permission, - remove, r read, w write,x execute.
"chown" to change the ownership user for a file
"chgrp" to change the primary group ownership
dpkg -lOutput a list of all installed packages on a Debian-based system.
dpkg -L packageNameWill list out the files installed and path details for a given package on Debian.
dpkg -l | grep -i Return all .deb installed packages with irrespective of cases.
less /var/lib/dpkg/available Return descriptions of all available packages.
- Netcat is a tool that can help you read or write data over the internet and is called “The Swiss Army Knife of Information Security” by its fans.
“sudo” or “SuperUserDO”.
To link files, use
ln -s $PWD/file (the source) $HOME/file (the dist).
- docker run -it ubuntu
- docker ps -a
- docker start "containername"
- docker attach "containername"
- exit
- ctrl +pq to dettach container without stoping it.
- docker exec -it myimage
- docker rm
- docker container prune
- su adduser username
- su deluser username
- whoami
- su - username (change bttwin users)
- exit
- apropos
- watch: repeat a command in certain intervals
- && tai ;: chain several commands
- alias: define an alias for a command. For example you can define a shorter version for a long and complicated command.
- &: ending a command with this will make sure the command line will not be locked as the process will be moved to the background
- history: view your command history
- Ctrl + r: find commands you have run previously
whoami Displays current username.
id Returns users identity
hostname Sets or prints the name of current host system.
uname Prints basic information about the operating system name and system hardware.
The w command is primarily used to display the details of users who are currently logged in to a system and their transactions.
pwd Returns working directory name.
ifconfig The ifconfig utility is used to assign or to view an address to a network interface and/or configure network interface parameters.
ip Ip is a utility to show or manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels.
netstat Shows network status.
ss Another utility to investigate sockets.
ps Shows process status.
who Displays who is logged in.
env Prints environment or sets and executes command.
lsblk Lists block devices.
lsusb Lists USB devices
lsof Lists opened files.
lspci Lists PCI devices.
The uptime command displays the time from when a system started running.
The last command displays the history of user log in and log out, along with the actual time and date.
cmd for help: info/apropos/whatis/
ssh [username]@[IP address]
- Inside the script, the $1 variable references the first argument in the command line, $2 the second argument and so forth.