Web platform with DevOps features for Aang to manage his stocks
Assuming Kevin has the database running...
Push a change to GitHub to run the web app and cronjob! This also performs any database migrations for the running postgres database.
The app is reachable at kevc528.cis188.org
Go to aws.cloud.upenn.edu and login
Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?region=us-east-1#/users/YOUR_PENNKEY_HERE?section=security_credentials (replace YOUR_PENNKEY_HERE with your pennkey [letters, not numbers]). Create an access key and add it to the aws cli by running aws configure
Create an access key for your user, and don't close out of the confirmation window with the key visible.
Run aws configure and enter the Access Key ID and the Secret Key from the confirmation window.
To generate the kubeconfig, run aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name cis188 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::474844133309:role/YOUR_PENNKEY_HERE --alias cis188
, again replacing YOUR_PENNKEY_HERE with your pennkey.
Next, set the default kubectl namespace with kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=YOUR_PENNKEY_HERE
Go to the repository's root directory.
Replace PENNKEY occurrences in manual-web-app-values.yaml with your own PENNKEY. Additionally, make sure to fill out email credentials and choose a JWT secret in the environment section.
Run the postgres database with
helm upgrade --install db ./helm-db/
Run the web-app & cronjob with
helm upgrade --install -f manual-web-app-values.yaml app ./helm-app/
This also performs any database migrations for the running postgres database.
You can end the web-app/cronjob with:
helm uninstall app
and remove/clear the database with
helm uninstall db
If you want to run locally with docker, make sure to change the docker-compose file to have the correct environment variables for email and email password.
When you make a change to the code, update the docker image using
docker-compose build
Run using
docker-compose up
When you make a change to models, make migrations using the following commands
docker-compose run web-app poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate
docker-compose run web-app poetry run alembic upgrade head
The Postgres admin tool can be found at localhost:5050
. You can login with username [email protected]
password password
. After logging in, you can add our database server. Make sure to use the connection tab.
Remember the database was named postgres
in the docker compose and the username and password are also both
Run the cronjob using
docker-compose run web-app poetry run python email_job.py