fix: The Woff2.isInited type should be a function that returns a boolean
fix: The Woff2.isInited type should be a function that returns a boolean
Pull request merge
feat: add kerning tables read and write directly
feat: add kerning tables read and write directly
feat: add svg parsed Document as input
feat: add svg parsed Document as input
feat: fix woff2 load in browser
feat: fix woff2 load in browser
fix: fix no glyph contours write error, add writeZeroContoursGlyfData…
fix: fix no glyph contours write error, add writeZeroContoursGlyfData…
fix: incorrect TypeScript definition for OptimizeResult
fix: incorrect TypeScript definition for OptimizeResult
Pull request merge
fix: fix minRightSideBearing, maxComponentElements calc
fix: fix minRightSideBearing, maxComponentElements calc