the stuff with dots
Initialize Homebrew:
$ ./scripts/
$ brew analytics off
$ brew cask install 1password
$ brew install mas
$ git clone .dotfiles
$ cd .dotfiles/
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Prefer pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv over the global version:
$ ./scripts/
Install the apps from the AppStore:
# ./scripts/
Bootstrap many things with Cider:
$ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/cider ~/.cider
$ pip install -U cider
$ yes | cider restore
$ cider apply-defaults
$ cider relink
Prefer perlbrew over the global version:
$ ./scripts/
Start a new terminal, then:
$ perlbrew install --skip-existing perl-5.27.2
$ perlbrew switch perl-5.27.2
Prefer rbenv over the global version:
$ ./scripts/
Needs poet:
$ gem install poet
$ rm -f ~/.ssh/config
$ poet
$ ln -s ~/.ssh/simplisafe/PrdCommon.pem ~/.ssh/
Install TextMate bundle manager and bundles:
# ./scripts/
Change the user shell:
$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
Open a new terminal