Min. 4 points from Assignments 1–5 and min. 4 points Assignments 6–10.
- All written and printed material
- Including textbooks, slides, program code, etc.
- The following websites
- http://w3schools.com (except the online 'tryit' editors! site search within w3schools is OK)
- http://docs.python.org
- http://flask.pocoo.org
- http://jinja.pocoo.org
- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/
- http://api.jquery.com
- http://getbootstrap.com
- http://github.com/kbalog/web-programming
- http://speakerdeck.com/kbalog
- http://translate.google.com
It is not allowed to 'run' code and test it in a browser!
Total: 100+N points, where N is the number of multiple choice questions
- For multiple choice questions: correct answers=2 or 3 points, incorrect answers=-1 points
- If you got bonus points from the assignments, bring your bonus code(s)
- 0-39: F
- 40-49: E
- 50-59: D
- 60-79: C
- 80-89: B
- 90+: A
This is a tentative list based on last year's requirements, and is subject to changes.
- Client vs. server-side programming
- Syntax
- Document structure
- Main head elements
- Main body elements
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Text formatting
- Character entities
- Lists (ordered, unordered)
- Tables (table head/body, merging rows and columns)
- Images
- Links
- Container elements (div and span, and the difference between them)
- iframe
- Forms
- Form elements (input text, password, radio, checkbox, select list, textarea, button)
- Hidden variables
- HTML5 form elements (number, date, email, url, search)
- Global attributes (disabled, readonly, required)
- Labeling and grouping form elements
- Syntax (selectors, declarations, comments)
- CSS levels
- inline (using the style attribute)
- internal (using the
element in<head>
) - external (using
to an external css file)
- Difference between id-s and classes
- Styling/formatting using CSS
- Text (color, font, size, alignment, spacing, etc.)
- Links (and pseudo selectors based on state)
- Lists
- Borders
- Colors and backgrounds
- The box model, setting border, margin, and padding
- Selectors
- Element, class, ID selectors
- Contextual selectors (child, descendant, sibling, etc.)
- Pseudo-class and attribute selectors
- Cascading rules, CSS priority scheme
- Selector specificity, computing specificity
- Inheritance
- Positioning
- Difference between block-level and inline elements
- Positioning schemes (normal flow, relative, absolute, fixed positioning, floating elements)
- Media queries
- Syntax (variables, functions, objects, control flows, comments)
- Embedding in HTML (explicit, implicit), execution (when in head vs. in body)
- Variables (types, scope)
- Primitive types
- Type conversions, type coercions
- Operators (comparison, boolean, numeric, string)
- Displaying to console
- Functions (assigned to variables, passed as parameters)
- Objects
- Prototypes
- Properties
- Methods
- instanceof operator
- Built-in objects (Number, Math, Array, String, Date)
- Event handling
- Common events (blur, change, click, mouseover, mouseout, keypress, keyup, keydown, submit)
- Accessing event properties
- Assigning event handlers
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Window and document objects
- Accessing DOM elements (by ID, tag name, class name)
- Creating, deleting, modifying DOM elements
- Getting and setting the attributes of DOM elements (including forms)
- Traversing the DOM (finding children and parent elements)
- Browser Object Model (BOM)
- AJAX requests and JSON handling
- Difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication
- Main elements of AJAX interaction
- Initial HTML content
- Request phase
- Response document
- Receiver phase
- Using XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript
- Using JSON on client (JavaScript) and server (Python) sides
- Including jQuery (local copy vs. from CDN)
- Anatomy of a jQuery function (selector, event, function)
- Selectors
- Basic (element, class, id)
- Special (document, this)
- Hierarchy and attribute selectors
- Input selectors
- Events
- Document/window events
- Form events (blur, change, focus, select, submit, …)
- Keyboard events (keydown, keypress, keyup, …)
- Mouse events (click, dblclick, mouseover, mouseout, …)
- Event attributes
- Attaching and removing event handlers
- Methods
- Accessing and modifying html content, attributes and values
- Accessing and modifying css properties, class attributes
- Creating, Inserting, and removing DOM elements
- Traversing the DOM (parent, children, siblings, etc.)
- Animation and effects
- Basic effects (hide, show, toggle)
- Basic animation (fade, slide, animate)
- AJAX calls
$.ajax(), $ .get(), $.post() - load(), loadJSON()
Web protocols and APIs
- URLs, IP addesses, domain names
- HTTP request and response formats
- Request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Status codes (common codes (200, 301, 404) and meaning of ranges (1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx))
- MIME types
- Making HTTP requests with Python, JavaScript, and jQuery
- RESTful web APIs
- Same-origin policy
- Including Bootstrap (local copy vs. from CDN)
- Styling fundamental HTML elements
- Styling forms
- Using the responsive grid system and containers
- Using additional components (navbar, alerts, progress bars)
- Syntax (variables, functions, objects, control flows, comments)
- Data structures (lists, sets, dictionaries)
- Reading and writing text files
- Routing HTTP requests
- Serving static files and dynamic content
- Redirecting
- Templates
- Variables, filters
- For loops
- Template inheritance
- Message flashing
- Form handling
- Cookies
- Initializing, reading/writing values
- Third-party cookies
- Sessions
- Initializing, reading/writing values
- Connecting/disconnecting
- Executing SQL statements (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE)
- Fetching data (SELECT) and iterating results
- JSON handling