DRAFT version, subject to changes!
- Exam will be bring-your-own-device.
- Date: 04/12
- Calculator
- All written (printed) material
- All offline resources available on your device, including
- Any files you previously downloaded (PDFs, slides, MS Excel files, python code, etc.)
- Programs that are installed on your PC
- No online resources
- Slides are made available in PDF format for download here
- Multiple choice questions:
- 2 or 3 points if correct
- 0 if unanswered
- -1 if incorrectly answered
- Total points: 100
- Grading
- 0-39 F
- 40-49 E
- 50-59 D
- 60-79 C
- 80-89 B
- 90+ A
Motto: "everything from the lectures and practicums"
- Intro: challenges, workflow, tasks
- Types of attributes; attributes properties, transformations
- Types of data sets
- Data quality problems and issues
- Data preprocessing
- Proximity measures
- Similarity vs. distance
- Normalization (min-max)
- Similarity/distance for single attributes (depending on attr. type)
- Similarity/distance between data objects
- Numerical attributes: Eucledian, Minkowski, Cosine
- Binary attributes: Simple Matching Coefficient, Jaccard
- Summary statistics
- Frequency, mode, percentiles, mean, median, range, variance, std. deviation
- Absolute Average Deviation, Median Absolute Deviation, Interquartile Range
- Visualization
- OLAP and Multidimensional Data Analysis
- Classification
- Intro: motivation, task, approach, objectives
- Decision trees
- Basics: node types, model application
- Tree induction, Hunt's algorithm, how to split, impurity measures, gain, stopping criteria, expressivity
- Rule-based classifiers
- Rule sets and their properties, coverage and accuracy, rule ordering, creating a rule-based classifier from a decision tree, simplification
- Nearest neighbors
- Naive Bayes
- Bayes Theorem
- Estimation of conditional probabilities for different attribute types, smoothing
- Main ideas behind Ensemble Methods
- Multiclass classification
- One-against-rest and one-against-one approaches
- Underfitting and overfitting
- Class imbalance
- Evaluation
- Confusion matrix
- Type I and II Errors
- Evaluation measures (accuracy, precision, recall, F1, true/false positive/negative rate)
- Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
- Clustering
- Motivations
- Types of clusterings and of clusters
- K-means clustering (basic and bisecting)
- Criteria and issues for the algorithm' steps
- Issues, limitations
- Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
- Locality sensitive hashing
Frequent itemsets and association rule miningA-Priori, SON, PCY algorithms
- Search engine architecture
- Indexing
- Inverted index with term frequency or with position information
- Text preprocessing
- Tokenization, stopword removal, stemming
- Term vectors, TFIDF term weighting
- Retrieval models
- Boolean retrieval
- Vector space model
- BM25
- Language models
- Different smoothing methods (Jelinek-Mercer, Dirichlet)
- Fielded retrieval models (BM25F, Mixture of Language Models)
- Evaluation
- Precision, recall, (mean) average precision, (mean) reciprocal rank, NDCG
- Web retrieval
- Web crawling
- Anchor text
- Pagerank
- Learning-to-rank
- Difference between pointwise, pairwise, listwise methods
- Types of features (query, document, query-document)
Semantic searchKnowledge bases, RDF, DBpediaEntity retrievalEntity linking