0) Setup a MySql/MariaDB database
1) Download or git clone https://github.com/katzsimon/movies
2) Copy .env.example to .env
3) Run: composer update
4) Update .env file
4.1) Set APP_KEY or run: php artisan key:generate
4.2) Set database access credentials
4.3) Set APP_URL
5) php artisan migrate
6) php artisan db:seed (optional)
7) npm install
8) npm run prod
9) Browse to: APP_URL for the App
9.1) Browse to: APP_URL/admin for the Admin CRUD
- Rename public to public_html (For deployment later)
- Laravel mix setPublicPath to public_html (in webpack.mix.js)
- /app/Providers/AppServiceProvider: bind new public_path
- /config/app: change timezone to 'Africa/Johannesburg'
- /config/database: 'strict' => false & 'engine' => 'InnoDB'
- Disable strict mode for MySQL (To not use Null values, works better with Form-Model bindings)
- /app/Http/Kernel: Remove ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::class Middleware,
- /config/filesystems: public -> public_html & adding 'base' disk
- /app/Providers/AppServiceProvider:
- Add Schema::defaultStringLength(191), needed for my local development for default key length
- /config/settings.php: config file used for settings used for this app
- /config/auth.php: guards.api.driver => env('API_GUARD', 'sanctum')==='sanctum' ? 'token' : 'passport'
- /app/Http/Kernel: $middlewareGroups.api: Add EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful & $routeMiddleware: add 'auth.admin'
- Add \Katzsimon\Base\Http\Middleware\Protect::class to the web middleware group, if you are going to use the Protect (most probably unnecessary, as just added to password protect https://www.webengineer.co.za)
- Set the PROTECT_ENABLED & PROTECT_PASSWORD env variables if you are going to use this
Add custom packages to composer.json
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Katzsimon\Base\": "_packages/katzsimon/base/src",
"Katzsimon\Auth\": "_packages/katzsimon/auth/src",
"Katzsimon\Movie\": "_packages/katzsimon/movie/src",
"Katzsimon\Cinema\": "_packages/katzsimon/cinema/src"
Run the following to install/publish the package files into the app.
If the packages are updated, these commands will setup/publish possible new assets
See PACKAGE_NAME/src/Console/Commands/SetupCommand for what is setup in the corresponding package
php artisan base:setup
php artisan auth:setup
php artisan movie:setup
php artisan cinema:setup
- laravelcollective/html
- composer require laravelcollective/html
- inertiajs/inertia-laravel
- composer require inertiajs/inertia-laravel
- tightenco/ziggy
- composer require tightenco/ziggy
- laravel/passport
- composer require laravel/passport
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan passport:install
- App\Models\User.php: use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens
- App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider: See code to add in boot method
- laravel/sanctum
- composer require laravel/sanctum
- php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Sanctum\SanctumServiceProvider"
- php artisan migrate
- App\Models\User.php: use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
- composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
- php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider"
- .env: DEBUGBAR_ENABLED=false
- beyondcode/laravel-query-detector
- composer require beyondcode/laravel-query-detector --dev
- php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BeyondCode\QueryDetector\QueryDetectorServiceProvider"
- laravel/dusk
- composer require --dev laravel/dusk
- php artisan dusk:install
- php artisan dusk:chrome-driver [optional: version if needed]
- nunomaduro/larastan
- composer require --dev nunomaduro/larastan
- create: /phpstan.neon
- php vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan analyse
- tailwindcss
- npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest
- create: /tailwind.config.js
- @inertiajs/inertia
- npm install @inertiajs/inertia @inertiajs/inertia-vue
- npm install @inertiajs/progress
- bootstrap-vue
- npm install vue bootstrap bootstrap-vue
- vue
- npm install vue
- vue-meta
- npm install vue-meta --save
- vue-router
- npm install vue-router
- vuex
- npm install vuex --save
- vuetify
- npm install vuetify
- See Env Files in README.md for more details about the environment variables
- Ensure APP_URL and/or MIX_APP_URL is set in env file
- Use MIX_APP_URL set to http://localhost:3000 if you are going to use 'npm run watch'
- Set MIX_MODE for what will be compiled: 'both', 'app' or 'admin'
'npm run prod' or 'npm run dev'
Setup a separate database to use for testing.
Copy the .env file to:
- .env.testing
- .env.dusk
Ensure these env variables are set correctly/appropriate for testing
OUTPUT_ADMIN=inertia API_GUARD=sanctum
If not using DatabaseMigrations Trait in the tests, run the following to migrate the testing database
php artisan migrate --env=testing
To run all the Feature and Unit Tests
php artisan test
To run a specific test
php artisan test --filter [NAMETest]
- When running tests through PHPStorm and with hitting API end points, I have setup the base DuskTestCase to swap out the .env file for the .env.dusk while the tests are running
- See the comments in DuskTestCase::setUp and DuskTestCase::tearDown for more details
To run the Browser Tests for Blade
Set env:
php artisan dusk --filter=blade
To run the Browser Tests for Vue
Set env:
php artisan dusk --filter=vue
- These 2 test are excluded from the other by default as they should be run in parallel
- Prepare 2 Terminals to run the 2 tests at the same time
- You will have 10 seconds to start the 2nd test after the 1st one has started
- The 1st test will pause for 10 seconds in the Booking process
- The 2nd test should wait until the 1st test has complete to attempt making its Booking
- The expected outcome is that the 1st test will successfully book all the seats and that the 2nd test will return with an error, that no seats are available
Terminal 1: php artisan test tests/Race/BookingRace1SuccessTest.php
Terminal 2: php artisan test tests/Race/BookingRace2ErrorTest.php