diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 783aaff..010686e 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"version": "0.12.0",
"description": "Firebase mock library for writing unit tests",
"main": "./src",
+ "typings": "./typings/mockfirebase.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"test": "gulp lint && gulp test"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "~1.9.1",
"es5-shim": "~4.0.1",
+ "firebase": "^2.4.1",
"gulp": "^3.8.10",
"gulp-bump": "~0.1.10",
"gulp-footer": "1",
diff --git a/typings/firebase/firebase.d.ts b/typings/firebase/firebase.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e0d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/firebase/firebase.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// Type definitions for Firebase API 2.0.2
+// Project: https://www.firebase.com/docs/javascript/firebase
+// Definitions by: Vincent Botone , Shin1 Kashimura , Sebastien Dubois , Szymon Stasik
+// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
+interface FirebaseAuthResult {
+ auth: any;
+ expires: number;
+interface FirebaseDataSnapshot {
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this DataSnapshot contains any data.
+ * It is slightly more efficient than using snapshot.val() !== null.
+ */
+ exists(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Gets the JavaScript object representation of the DataSnapshot.
+ */
+ val(): any;
+ /**
+ * Gets a DataSnapshot for the location at the specified relative path.
+ */
+ child(childPath: string): FirebaseDataSnapshot;
+ /**
+ * Enumerates through the DataSnapshot’s children (in the default order).
+ */
+ forEach(childAction: (childSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot) => void): boolean;
+ forEach(childAction: (childSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot) => boolean): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the specified child exists.
+ */
+ hasChild(childPath: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the DataSnapshot has any children.
+ */
+ hasChildren(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Gets the key name of the location that generated this DataSnapshot.
+ */
+ key(): string;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use key() instead.
+ * Gets the key name of the location that generated this DataSnapshot.
+ */
+ name(): string;
+ /**
+ * Gets the number of children for this DataSnapshot.
+ */
+ numChildren(): number;
+ /**
+ * Gets the Firebase reference for the location that generated this DataSnapshot.
+ */
+ ref(): Firebase;
+ /**
+ * Gets the priority of the data in this DataSnapshot.
+ * @returns {string, number, null} The priority, or null if no priority was set.
+ */
+ getPriority(): any; // string or number
+ /**
+ * Exports the entire contents of the DataSnapshot as a JavaScript object.
+ */
+ exportVal(): Object;
+interface FirebaseOnDisconnect {
+ /**
+ * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value when the client is disconnected
+ * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
+ */
+ set(value: any, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ set(value: any): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value and priority when the client is disconnected
+ * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
+ */
+ setWithPriority(value: any, priority: string|number, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ setWithPriority(value: any, priority: string|number): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Writes the enumerated children at this Firebase location when the client is disconnected
+ * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
+ */
+ update(value: Object, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ update(value: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Ensures the data at this location is deleted when the client is disconnected
+ * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues).
+ */
+ remove(onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ remove(): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Cancels all previously queued onDisconnect() set or update events for this location and all children.
+ */
+ cancel(onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ cancel(): Promise;
+interface FirebaseQuery {
+ /**
+ * Listens for data changes at a particular location.
+ */
+ on(eventType: string, callback: (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot, prevChildName?: string) => void, cancelCallback?: (error: any) => void, context?: Object): (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot, prevChildName?: string) => void;
+ /**
+ * Detaches a callback previously attached with on().
+ */
+ off(eventType?: string, callback?: (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot, prevChildName?: string) => void, context?: Object): void;
+ /**
+ * Listens for exactly one event of the specified event type, and then stops listening.
+ */
+ once(eventType: string, successCallback: (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot) => void, context?: Object): void;
+ once(eventType: string, successCallback: (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot) => void, failureCallback?: (error: any) => void, context?: Object): void;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object ordered by the specified child key.
+ */
+ orderByChild(key: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object ordered by key name.
+ */
+ orderByKey(): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object ordered by child values.
+ */
+ orderByValue(): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object ordered by priority.
+ */
+ orderByPriority(): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use limitToFirst() and limitToLast() instead.
+ * Generates a new Query object limited to the specified number of children.
+ */
+ limit(limit: number): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Creates a Query with the specified starting point.
+ * The generated Query includes children which match the specified starting point.
+ */
+ startAt(value: string, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ startAt(value: number, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Creates a Query with the specified ending point.
+ * The generated Query includes children which match the specified ending point.
+ */
+ endAt(value: string, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ endAt(value: number, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Creates a Query which includes children which match the specified value.
+ */
+ equalTo(value: string, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ equalTo(value: number, key?: string): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object limited to the first certain number of children.
+ */
+ limitToFirst(limit: number): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new Query object limited to the last certain number of children.
+ */
+ limitToLast(limit: number): FirebaseQuery;
+ /**
+ * Gets a Firebase reference to the Query's location.
+ */
+ ref(): Firebase;
+interface Firebase extends FirebaseQuery {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use authWithCustomToken() instead.
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using the provided authentication token or Firebase Secret.
+ */
+ auth(authToken: string, onComplete?: (error: any, result: FirebaseAuthResult) => void, onCancel?:(error: any) => void): void;
+ auth(authToken: string): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using an authentication token or Firebase Secret.
+ */
+ authWithCustomToken(autoToken: string, onComplete: (error: any, authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, options?:Object): void;
+ authWithCustomToken(autoToken: string, options?:Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using a new, temporary guest account.
+ */
+ authAnonymously(onComplete: (error: any, authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, options?: Object): void;
+ authAnonymously(options?: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using an email / password combination.
+ */
+ authWithPassword(credentials: FirebaseCredentials, onComplete: (error: any, authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, options?: Object): void;
+ authWithPassword(credentials: FirebaseCredentials, options?: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using a popup-based OAuth flow.
+ */
+ authWithOAuthPopup(provider: string, onComplete:(error: any, authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, options?: Object): void;
+ authWithOAuthPopup(provider: string, options?: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using a redirect-based OAuth flow.
+ */
+ authWithOAuthRedirect(provider: string, onComplete: (error: any) => void, options?: Object): void;
+ authWithOAuthRedirect(provider: string, options?: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Authenticates a Firebase client using OAuth access tokens or credentials.
+ */
+ authWithOAuthToken(provider: string, credentials: string|Object, onComplete: (error: any, authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, options?: Object): void;
+ authWithOAuthToken(provider: string, credentials: string|Object, options?: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Synchronously access the current authentication state of the client.
+ */
+ getAuth(): FirebaseAuthData;
+ /**
+ * Listen for changes to the client's authentication state.
+ */
+ onAuth(onComplete: (authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, context?: Object): void;
+ /**
+ * Detaches a callback previously attached with onAuth().
+ */
+ offAuth(onComplete: (authData: FirebaseAuthData) => void, context?: Object): void;
+ /**
+ * Unauthenticates a Firebase client.
+ */
+ unauth(): void;
+ /**
+ * Gets a Firebase reference for the location at the specified relative path.
+ */
+ child(childPath: string): Firebase;
+ /**
+ * Gets a Firebase reference to the parent location.
+ */
+ parent(): Firebase;
+ /**
+ * Gets a Firebase reference to the root of the Firebase.
+ */
+ root(): Firebase;
+ /**
+ * Returns the last token in a Firebase location.
+ */
+ key(): string;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use key() instead.
+ * Returns the last token in a Firebase location.
+ */
+ name(): string;
+ /**
+ * Gets the absolute URL corresponding to this Firebase reference's location.
+ */
+ toString(): string;
+ /**
+ * Writes data to this Firebase location.
+ */
+ set(value: any, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ set(value: any): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Writes the enumerated children to this Firebase location.
+ */
+ update(value: Object, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ update(value: Object): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Removes the data at this Firebase location.
+ */
+ remove(onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ remove(): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Generates a new child location using a unique name and returns a Firebase reference to it.
+ * @returns {Firebase} A Firebase reference for the generated location.
+ */
+ push(value?: any, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): Firebase|Promise;
+ /**
+ * Writes data to this Firebase location. Like set() but also specifies the priority for that data.
+ */
+ setWithPriority(value: any, priority: string|number, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ setWithPriority(value: any, priority: string|number): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Sets a priority for the data at this Firebase location.
+ */
+ setPriority(priority: string|number, onComplete?: (error: any) => void): void;
+ setPriority(priority: string|number): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Atomically modifies the data at this location.
+ */
+ transaction(updateFunction: (currentData: any)=> any, onComplete?: (error: any, committed: boolean, snapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot) => void, applyLocally?: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new user account using an email / password combination.
+ */
+ createUser(credentials: FirebaseCredentials, onComplete: (error: any, userData: any) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the email associated with an email / password user account.
+ */
+ changeEmail(credentials: FirebaseChangeEmailCredentials, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Change the password of an existing user using an email / password combination.
+ */
+ changePassword(credentials: FirebaseChangePasswordCredentials, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Removes an existing user account using an email / password combination.
+ */
+ removeUser(credentials: FirebaseCredentials, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ /**
+ * Sends a password-reset email to the owner of the account, containing a token that may be used to authenticate and change the user password.
+ */
+ resetPassword(credentials: FirebaseResetPasswordCredentials, onComplete: (error: any) => void): void;
+ onDisconnect(): FirebaseOnDisconnect;
+interface FirebaseStatic {
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new Firebase reference from a full Firebase URL.
+ */
+ new (firebaseURL: string): Firebase;
+ /**
+ * Manually disconnects the Firebase client from the server and disables automatic reconnection.
+ */
+ goOffline(): void;
+ /**
+ * Manually reestablishes a connection to the Firebase server and enables automatic reconnection.
+ */
+ goOnline(): void;
+ ServerValue: {
+ /**
+ * A placeholder value for auto-populating the current timestamp
+ * (time since the Unix epoch, in milliseconds) by the Firebase servers.
+ */
+ };
+declare var Firebase: FirebaseStatic;
+declare module 'firebase' {
+ export = Firebase;
+// Reference: https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/api/firebase/getauth.html
+interface FirebaseAuthData {
+ uid: string;
+ provider: string;
+ token: string;
+ expires: number;
+ auth: Object;
+ google?: FirebaseAuthDataGoogle;
+interface FirebaseAuthDataGoogle {
+ accessToken: string;
+ cachedUserProfile: FirebaseAuthDataGoogleCachedUserProfile;
+ displayName: string;
+ email?: string;
+ id: string;
+ profileImageURL: string;
+interface FirebaseAuthDataGoogleCachedUserProfile {
+ "family name"?: string;
+ gender?: string;
+ "given name"?: string;
+ id?: string;
+ link?: string;
+ locale?: string;
+ name?: string;
+ picture?: string;
+interface FirebaseCredentials {
+ email: string;
+ password: string;
+interface FirebaseChangePasswordCredentials {
+ email: string;
+ oldPassword: string;
+ newPassword: string;
+interface FirebaseChangeEmailCredentials {
+ oldEmail: string;
+ newEmail: string;
+ password: string;
+interface FirebaseResetPasswordCredentials {
+ email: string;
diff --git a/typings/mockfirebase.d.ts b/typings/mockfirebase.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e3be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/mockfirebase.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import * as _Firebase from 'firebase';
+declare module mockfirebase {
+ export class MockFirebase extends _Firebase {
+ autoFlush(delay?: number|boolean): void;
+ flush(delay?: number): void;
+ failNext(method: string, err: Error): void;
+ forceCancel(error: Error, event?: string, callback?: (dataSnapshot: FirebaseDataSnapshot, prevChildName?: string) => void, context?: Object): void
+ getData(): any;
+ getKeys(): string[];
+ fakeEvent(event: string, key?: string, data?: any, previousChildName?: string, priority?: number): MockFirebase
+ getFlushQueue(): FlushEvent[];
+ changeAuthState(userData: FirebaseAuthData): void;
+ getEmailUser(email: string): any;
+ }
+ export interface FlushEvent {
+ run();
+ cancel();
+ }
+declare module 'mockfirebase' {
+ export = mockfirebase;