- Enhanced character name generation functionality in the Python script.
- Improved handling of gender options and random name selection.
- Implemented error handling for unexpected input.
- Resolved a bug causing the application to crash on certain inputs.
- Fixed CSS for responsive design in the HTML interface.
- Support for generating female character names.
- Language badge indicating Python 3.11 usage.
- License badge to indicate the use of the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- A Code of Conduct to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants.
- Issue templates to standardize the reporting of bugs, feature requests, and other issues.
- A Contributing guide to provide instructions for those who wish to contribute to the project.
- The inclusion of license and language badges in the README.
- A disclaimer specifying the requirement for attribution.
- An improved disclaimer regarding the use of the tool for personal and commercial purposes.
- Guidelines for reporting and enforcing the Code of Conduct.
- Improved the disclaimer for the requirement of attribution to be clear and explicit.
- Integrated name generation functionality with gender selection in the Python script.
- Enhanced error handling for user input in the Python code.
- License and language badges to indicate the project's license and programming language.
- An explanation of how to create issue templates in the GitHub repository.
- Revised the README and CONTRIBUTING sections to include the code of conduct, license, and language badges.
- Implemented a base structure for character name generation in the Python script.
- Introduced error handling for potential exceptions in the Python code.
- Contributing guidelines to provide a structured process for those who want to contribute to the project.