Multiclass Linear Model
# filesystem scheme URI
# local filesystem : "local", "file:///", (you can use both of them in linux and os system, but in windows local filesystem, only"local" can be used)
# hdfs filesystem : "hdfs://host"
# other filesystem URI
fs_scheme : "file:///",
# if you want to see more detailed logs, set verbose to true
verbose : false,
data {
# train data
train {
# train data path
# local filesystem : supports file and recursive directories
# hdfs filesystem : depends on spark or hadoop cluster, spark supports regex paths
data_path : "???",
# max tolerable error format count in train data
max_error_tol : 0
# test/validation data
test {
# test data path(if you have no test data, you don't have to supply it)
# local filesystem : supports local file and recursive directories
# hdfs filesystem : depends on spark or hadoop cluster, spark supports more complicated paths(more that one path, regex paths)
data_path : "",
# max tolerable error format count in train data
max_error_tol : 0
# delimiters, see for more details
# multi classficication : weight###2(this belongs to 3'rd class, label must be in range [0,K-1], K is class number)###f1name:f1value,f2name:f2value,...
# multi cross_entropy : weight###0.2,0.1,0.4,0.3(total 4 class, sum must be equal 1.0)###f1name:f1value,f2name:f2value,...
# if your model is tree model and
delim {
# separate sample weight, labels, features, uniform_base_prediction(only in tree model)
x_delim : "###",
# if you have more than one label, separated by y_delim
y_delim : ",",
# separate features(a feature includes feature_name and feature_value),
features_delim : ",",
# separate feature_name and feature_value
feature_name_val_delim : ":"
# if your task is classification(include multi classification),
# you can downsampling/upsampling some special class in special probability/weight
# format : y_sampling : ["class1@prob", "class2@prob", ...]
# downsampling: multi classification, you want to reserve 0'th class sample in 0.1 prob, y_sampling : ["0:0.1"]
# upsampling: multi classification, your want to increase 6'th class sample weight by 10X and 8'th class sample weight by 5X, y_sampling : ["6@10","8@5"]
# empty means no sampling
y_sampling : [],
# whether your train/test data is assigned. See "Train/Test Data Splitting Manner" in for more details on train/test data assignment method
assigned : false,
# if your train/test data is not assigned, we provide the following two ways for slaves to read files:
# lines_avg : different slaves read different lines of same file alternative. If you have a few train/test files and more than one slave, we recommend this manner
# files_avg : different slaves read different files, if your files outnumber slaves, and the number of samples in each file is similar, we recommend this manner
unassigned_mode : "lines_avg" // "files_avg"
feature {
# feature hash, implements "Feature Hashing for Large Scale Multitask Learning"
# if your feature dim very large, training will proceed very slowly, you can use feature hash to reduce dim at a fraction of cost.
feature_hash {
# switch
need_feature_hash : false,
# feature hashed dim, final feature dim can more than bucket_size
bucket_size : 1000000,
# random seed
seed : 39916801,
# hashed feature name prefix
feature_prefix : "hash_"
# preprocessing feature value
# many learning algorithms(e.g. l1, l2 regularization) assume that features are centered around zero and have variance in the same order
# if you use feature transform, a file record statistical information while locates at "model.data_path" + "_feature_transform_stat" and
# will be used in offline or online prediction.
transform {
# feature value
switch_on : false,
# preprocessing manner:
# standardization : x --> (x - mean) / stdvar
# scale_range : x --> min + (max - min) * (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
mode : "standardization",
# if your preprocessing manner is "scale_range", you must supply min and max scale range
scale_range {
min : -1,
max : 1
# include_features and exclude_features are both empty list means doing transformation on all features.If you only want to transform a subset of features, then put related features in include_features, and set exclude_features to an empty list. If you want to tranform all features except some, then put them in exclude_features and set include_features to an empty list. If both of them are not empty list, then include_features configuration is effective and exclude_features not.
# preprocessing only a subset of features, e.g. ["f1", "f3"]
include_features : [],
# preprocessing all feature except exclude_features, e.g. ["f2", "f3"]
exclude_features : []
# if a feature's frequency of occurrence less than filter_threshold, the feature will be filtered
filter_threshold : 0
model {
# path(checkpoint path) for model parameters, format:
# f1,weight,precision(laplace approximate)
# f2,weight,precision
# ...
# model dict data will be saved in path: "data_path" + "_dict". This dict can be used as other models "dict_path", e.g. you can use model dict of linear model with l1 as fm model's "dict_path"
data_path : "???",
# delimiter in model data
delim : ",",
# whether using user provided dict or other models' dict
need_dict : false,
# user provided dict path, if "need_dict:false", dict_path does not need to be provided.
# dict data format:
# f1
# f2
# ....
# attention: dict_path is input, model dict data is output
dict_path : "",
# model saved frequency
dump_freq : 50,
# whether your model uses intercept(bias)
need_bias : true,
# bias feature name
bias_feature_name : "_bias_",
# whether continue to train from checkpoint
continue_train : false
loss {
# loss function of model. See "Objective Function(active function and loss function)" in for more details
loss_function : "softmax",
# except loss, if you want to evaluate other metrics, like "auc", "confusion_matrix", "RMSE", ..., see for more details
evaluate_metric : ["confusion_matrix"],
# whether you only want to evaluate some metrics(training is finished)
just_evaluate : false,
# model parameters regularization for avoiding overfitting,
# l1 and l2 can be used at the same time(elastic net)
regularization : {
# l1 regularization(parameters with the prior of laplace distribution)
l1 : [5.28e-9],
# l2 regularization(parameters with the prior of guassian distribution)
l2 : [5.28e-7]
optimization {
# optimizer type, this version only supports "line_search"("trust_region", "sgd" will be supported in the future)
optimizer : "line_search",
line_search {
# step search stopping criterion:
# "sufficient_decrease", "wolfe", "strong_wolfe" three modes
# if you use "wolfe" mode, loss will always decrease no matter loss is convex or not
mode : "wolfe",
# backtracking is one of most effetive step search method, just using default values
backtracking : {
step_decr : 0.5,
step_incr : 2.1,
max_iter : 55,
min_step : 1e-16,
max_step : 1e18,
c1 : 1e-4,
c2 : 0.9
# L-BFGS is one of best optimization method use for convex and non-convex function,
lbfgs {
# L-BFGS use recent m curve infomation approximate Hessian Matrix
m : 8,
# converge control
convergence : {
# max iter step, if you can want to converge precisely(have a risk of overfitting), increase max_iter
max_iter : 60,
# if you want to converge precisely(have a risk of overfitting), decrease eps
eps : 1e-3
hyper {
# switch of hyperparameter optimization, if you switch on, be sure to provide test data(validation)
switch_on : false,
# between two hyper opt steps, whether previous optimized model parameters will be used for hyper opt start in the next step.
# if restart is true, hyper opt step always uses random model parameters, otherwise use previous optimized model parameters.
# in general, convex loss function uses restart:false, non-convex loss function uses restart:true
restart : true,
# hyperparameter optimization method:
# "hoag" : hyperparameter optimization with approximate gradient(modified)
# "grid" : grid search
mode : "hoag",
# hyperparameter optimization with approximate gradient.
# using this method, convex loss functions can always find optimal hyper parameters, non-convex loss functions can not be guaranteed.
# attention: l1 hyperparameter is not supported in hoag method!
hoag {
# hyperparameters optimization inital step length, 1.0 always works
init_step : 1.0,
# between two continuous steps, if gradient is opposite, step will decrease, step = step * step_decr_factor
step_decr_factor : 0.7,
# if the diff of the two continuous step tests are less than a limit, hyper opt will be aborted. if you want to get more optimal hyperparameters, decrease this value.
test_loss_reduce_limit : 1e-5,
# max hyper optimization step, if you want to get more optimal hyperparameters, increase this value.
outer_iter : 10,
# l1 regularization value(fixed)
# l1 hyperparameter not supported in hoag method
l1 : [0.0],
# l2 regularization init value
l2 : [5.28e-7]
# grid search, total optimization step=l1parts * l2parts
grid {
# range and interval of l1 hyperparameter to be searched
# format: [l1left, l1right, l1parts], means [left, right] interval will be divided into "l1parts" equal parts, if you want to use fixed l1 value, seting like this: [fixedvalue, fixedvalue, 1]
l1 : [1e-9, 1e-6, 5],
# range and interval of l2 hyperparameter to be searched
# format: [l2left, l2right, l2parts], means [left, right] interval will be divided into "l2parts" equal parts, if you want to use fixed l2 value, seting like this: [fixedvalue, fixedvalue, 1]
l2 : [1e-8, 1e-5, 5]
# class number, if k = 2, it's logistic regression
k : 2