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This is a package for writing and setting up Fluid end to end tests using mocha that will generate variants with a specific driver and different version combinations of Fluid API between layers via TestObjectProvider provided to the test. The different layers are loader, driver, container runtime and data runtime (includes DDS). Version combinations and driver selection can be controlled via the mocha command line, assuming your test uses the provided describe* functions. For advanced usage, a test can bypass this mechanism and directly call our exports to get the versioned Fluid APIs.

NOTE: This package is private to the @microsoft/fluid-framework repository. It is not published, and therefore may only be used as a dev dependency.


To get started, install the package by running the following command:

npm i @fluid-private/test-version-utils -D

Versioned combination test generation

Layer version combinations

Similar to mocha's describe, this package provide a describeCompat function that will generate variants with a specific driver and different version combinations of Fluid API between layers. All possible layer combinations that are generated (empty entries are current versions):

Compat Kind Loader Driver Container Runtime Data Runtime
Loader old
Driver old
ContainerRuntime old
DataRuntime old
NewLoader old old old
NewDriver old old old
NewContainerRuntime old old old
NewDataRuntime old old old

Cross version combinations

In addition to the layer version combinations seen above, this package also provides functions to generate variations intended to test all layers of one version against all layers of another version in tests that feature more than one client. The intention is to simulate scenarios where the client that created a document was using a different version than the client loading the document. These variations are applied in our cross version tests where we test the current version against the most recent public release.

For example, at the time of writing, main is on version 2.0.0-internal.7.3.0 and the latest public release is 1.3.7. Therefore, we would test the following combinations:

  • Client A is running 2.0.0-internal.7.3.0 across all layers and Client B is running 1.3.7 across all layers.
  • Client A is running 1.3.7 across all layers and Client B is running 2.0.0-internal.7.3.0 across all layers.

Mocha test setup with layer version combinations

describeCompat expects 3 arguments (name: string, compatVersionKind: CompatVersionKind, tests). There are three compatVersionKind options to generate different combinations, depending of the need of the tests:

FullCompat: generate test variants with compat combinations that varies the version for all layers.

  • Used for tests that exercise all layers and will benefits compat combinations of all layers.

LoaderCompat: generate test variants with compat combinations that only varies the loader version.

  • Use for tests that targets the loader layer, and don't care about compat combinations of other layers.
  • Test combination generated: [CompatKind.None, CompatKind.Loader]

This compat describe* function will also load the APIs with appropriate version and provide the test with a TestObjectProvider object, where the test can use to access Fluid functionality. Even when compat testing is not necessary, TestObjectProvider provide functionalities that help writing Fluid tests, and it allows the test to enable compat testing easily in the future just by changing the compatVersionKind parameter.

Legacy version defaults and installation

By default, N-1 (public release), N-1 (internal release), N-2 (internal release), and LTS (hard coded) test variants are generated. The versions can be specified using command line (see below) to run the test against any two versions. This package includes a mocha global hook that will install legacy packages at the beginning of the package based on the compatVersion settings.

Command line options

Tests using describeCompat will be controllable using the command line options when running mocha on driver selection, versions for compat testing, and compat kind combinations.

--compatKind <CompatKind> - filter to the compat variant. See above table. Can be specified multiple times.
                                Default: undefined (no filter)
--compatVersion <version> - specify the old version. Relative (to base) or specific version. Can be specified multiple times.
                                Default: -1, -2, LTS (hard coded in src/compatConfig.ts)
--baseVersion <version>   - specify the base (new) version. Allow the test to run against any version combinations.
                                Default: <current> (same version of the test package)
--driver <driverType>     - <driverType> = "tinylicious" | "t9s" | "routerlicious" | "r11s" | "odsp" | "local"
                                Default: "local"
--r11sEndpointName <name> - Determine the environment variable name to look for r11s service information to target.
                                Default: "r11s"
--tenantIndex <number>    - Index into the tenant list, modulo the number of tenant available, for odsp server info to target.
                                Default: 0
--reinstall               - Force reinstall any required versions.  Default: reuse if a version is already installed.

baseVersion is a semver or a semver range.

  • If it is a semver range, the latest in that range will be picked.

compatVersion can be a semver or semver range or an integer apply to the minor version relative to baseVersion

  • If it is a semver range, the latest in that range will be picked.
  • If it is an integer, the value will be apply to the minor version of the baseVersion, and create a ^ range including prerelease versions. The latest in that range will be picked.
    • i.e. if baseVersion is 0.2.3, and compatVersion is -1, the resulting range will be ^0.1.3-0

We also accept some of the flags via environment variables.

Environment Variables Command line options
fluidtestcompatKind --compatKind
fluidtestcompatVersion --compatVersion
fluidtestdriver --driver
fluidtestr11sEndpointName --r11sEndpointName
fluidtestbaseVersion --baseVersion

Advanced usage

This bypasses any configuration of version used by the describe* functions and provides direct access to the versioned APIs.

First make sure to call ensurePackageInstalled before running the tests to make sure the necessary legacy version are installed.

The main entry point is getVersionedTestObjectProvider to get a TestObjectProvider for a specific version combinations and driver config. Additionally, you can get versioned API for specific layers using these API.

  • getLoaderApi
  • getDriverApi
  • getContainerRuntimeApi
  • getDataRuntimeApi

All these API returns the current version by default if no arguments is passed. If a number is provided, a relative version will be computed by adding the number to the minor version number of the current version, and find the latest patch version. (^0.<current+requested>.0). If a string is provided, then the string is treated as a specific version or a range of version, and it will resolve the latest version that matches it.

OPEN ISSUE: while these API can be used directly, currently the default global mocha hook will still run and install the default set of legacy versions whether it is necessary or not.

Implementation notes

The legacy version are installed in their own version folder ./../node_modules/.legacy/<version> (current package root's node_module directory).

Legacy versions of all packages in all categories are installed regardless of what compat combination is requested. (See packageList in src/testApi.ts).

For now, the current versions are statically bound to also provide typings. This is a lie since the public API of a package may change over time: ContainerRuntime in [email protected] will not have the same public API as ContainerRuntime in [email protected].

For the most part, public API breaks are relatively contained and the type is "correct enough" that increasing the complexity of the typing setup isn't worth the associated redesign. However, this does give rise to several places in this package and test-utils that have intentional "back-compat" code. See for example versionHasMovedSparsedMatrix or explicitly using ContainerRuntime.load over the newer variant.

Thus it's important to keep in mind that the type provided by static import or import type might not align exactly with the runtime object once taking the compatibility configuration into account.

ChannelFactoryRegistry Rewriting

This package currently has some logic to rewrite the ChannelFactoryRegistry used to create a TestObjectProvider.

This means that statically importing and referencing a DDS in a test file will correctly result in referencing the version of that DDS defined in the compatibility configuration, but this happens implicitly. Test authors are encouraged to use the apis argument of describeCompat's test creation callback to reference the DDS instead.

Contribution Guidelines

There are many ways to contribute to Fluid.

Detailed instructions for working in the repo can be found in the Wiki.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

This project may contain Microsoft trademarks or logos for Microsoft projects, products, or services. Use of these trademarks or logos must follow Microsoft’s Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship.


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Use of these trademarks or logos must follow Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines.

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