This is a collection of references and resources that are useful for information about codes of conduct, diversity, inclusion, and equity. Please feel free to add to the list. Please include a brief description of the resource you provide. If you are interested in adding to this list, please create a pull request and tag @TzviyaSiegman, @lolaodelola. and @eoncins as reviewers.
Please see our Zotero library for the full list of resources.
- Anti-Racism for Beginners - A guide for addressing systemic racism and beliefs, includes other resources and a list of recommended reads
- HBR Inclusive Meetings - tips for running inclusive meetings
- On Being Black in Computing - information about being Black during spring 2020 in US, links to reading materials and actions to take
- Some Essential Reading on Race and Technology - compliation of readings about bias and racism in tech in VentureBeat
- CiteHER Bibliography compilation of research on race, gender, and computing
- Organizational Statements on BLM compilation of organizationa statements in support of Black Lives Matter
- Resources on Diversity on Boards - boards of directors, advisory boards, etc
- Colorism Impacts the Global Black Community -- looks beyond US-based BLM at skin-tone based discrimination internationally
- Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network Materials - handouts, toolkits, infocards, and postcards (US-focused)
- BetterBrave Rights and Options in the US Workplace for Sexual Harassment targets and allies
- Sexual Harassment in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - a study of the influence of sexual harassment in academia on the career advancement of women in the scientific, technical, and medical workforce
- To Girls Everywhere, I Am With You - Chanel Miller Reads from Her Victim Impact Statement
- Understanding Pronouns - information on pronouns, including printable pronoun stickers and usage guides
- Tweaking the Moral UI - explains why a CoC is needed
- Code of Conduct 101 - FAQ about CoC, including many of the questions PWE has asked in the last year.
The following references are recommended guides for members concerned about the language they are using or unsure of proper terms.