- Option to specify the encoding of tex/bibtext files, defaulting to UTF-8.
- Bibfish now defaults to UTF-8 encoding.
- Fixed parsing of angle bracketed parameters in cite commands (e.g.
- Bibfish will now ignore commented out lines in the manuscript file.
Support for crossrefs. Cross-referenced Bibtex entries will be extracted automatically and placed in the output bib file.
option, which allows you to drop Bibtext fields in the output bib file (e.g., abstracts, filenames, notes, and other unwanted data).
If multiple master files are specified and there are duplicate citekeys, earlier bib files will now take priority over later files.
Bibfish is now fixed to version 1.4.1 of Bibtexparser to avoid potential issues with the upcoming version 2 release.
- Bibfish will now explicitly ignore bracketed text between a cite command and the citekey to avoid issues in which bracketed text might contain braces that are erroneously captured as the citekey, e.g.,
\cite[some \textit{italic} text]{myCiteKey}
- bibfish can now handle multiple bibtex databases with the --bib option, which may be useful if you maintain separate databases.
- bibfish now uses bibtexparser. This permits more robust parsing of bibtex files and produces more consistent bibtex output.
- Added support for nested input files.
- Ignore empty cite commands.
- Fixed bug where bibtex a for closely named citekeys (e.g. Warner2019 and Warner2019a) would not be extracted correctly. This requires that the citekey in the bibtex entry is directly followed by a comma.
- Fixed bug in DOI shortening.
- bibfish no longer overwrites the local .bib file if it already exists.