Description | Elliptic curves over Q and other number fields |
Status | production |
Contact | John Cremona |
Code | elliptic_curves |
Collections | curves, nfcurves, padic_db |
Notes: In good shape over Q (collection curves). Over quadratic and cubic fields (collection nfcurves) complete as far as curves matching Hilbert modular forms go; awaiting addition of curves over more fields of degrees 4-6 to match Hilbert modular forms.
- Complete the finding and uploading of curves over totally real fields to match the HMF newforms for fields of degrees >3.
- compute and add p-adic data for curves over Q of conductor > 130000.
- Precompute more data for the nfcurves collection so the webserver does not have to do any nontrivial computations on the fly.
- Content: elliptic curves over Q
- Contributors: John Cremona, Andrew Sutherland, Jeremy Rouse
- Origin: Cremona database,
- Extent: complete for conductors up to 380,000 (as of February 2016)
Field | Description | Type of stored data | Mathematical type | Example of stored data | Remarks |
_id | Mongo id | ObjectId | - | assigned my Mongo; contains creation timestamp | |
label | Cremona label | string | - | '1225a2' | |
lmfdb_label | LMFDB label | string | - | '1225.a2' | |
conductor | Conductor | int | N | 1225 | |
iso | Cremona isogeny class code | string | - | '11a' | |
lmfdb_iso | LMFDB isogeny class code | string | - | '11.a' | |
iso_nlabel | numerical version of the LMFDB isogeny class label | int | Z | 0 | |
number | Cremona curve number within its class | int | N | 2 | |
lmfdb_number | LMFDB curve number within its class | int | N | 2 | |
ainvs | a-invariants (coefficients of minimal reduced Weierstass model) | list of 5 strings representing integers | Z^5 | ['0', '1', '1', '10617', '75394'] | |
xainvs | a-invariants (coefficients of minimal reduced Weierstass model) | string representing list of 5 integers | Z^5 | '[0, 1, 1, 10617, 75394]' | |
jinv | j-invariant | string representing a rational | Q | '-4096/11' | |
signD | sign of Discriminant | int | Z | -1 | in {-1,+1} |
cm | CM code | int | Z | 0 (for no CM), or a negative discriminant | in {0, -3, -4, -7, -8, -11, -12, -16, -19, -27, -28, -43, -67, -163} |
rank | rank | int | N_0 | 0 | May be missing |
torsion | torsion order | int | Z | 1 | |
torsion_structure | invariants of torsion subgroup | list of at most 2 strings representing ints | N^t (0≤t&le2) | ['3'] | |
torsion_generators | generators of torsion subgroup | list of strings representing points | A^2(Q)^t (0≤t&le2) | ['(5, 5)'] | |
x-coordinates_of_integral_points | x-coordinates of integral points | string representing list of integers | Z^k | '[5,16]' | |
gens | generators of infinite order | list of strings representing points | P^2(Q)^k (k≥0) | ['(0:0:1)'] | May be missing |
heights | heights of generators | list of floats | R^k (k≥0) | [0.4754476141654406, 2.4031247402073275] | May be missing |
regulator | regulator | float | R | 1.0 | May be missing; approximate if rank>0 |
tamagawa_product | Tamagawa product | int | N | 4 | |
special_value | special value of r'th derivative of L-function (divided by r!) | float | R | 1.490882041449698 | approximate |
real_period | real period | float | R | 0.3727205103624245 | approximate |
degree | degree of modular parametrization | int | N | 1984 | |
non-surjective_primes | primes p for which the mod p Galois representation is not surjective | list of ints | N^k (k≥0) | [5] | |
galois_images | Sutherland codes for the images of the mod p Galois representations for the non-surjective primes | list of strings | - | ['5B'] | Sutherland notation; for CM curves, only primes<100 |
2adic_label | Rouse label of the associated modular curve (None for CM curves) | string | - | 'X225g' | based on Rouse, Zureik-Brown classification |
2adic_index | index in GL(2,Z2) of the 2-adic representation (or 0 for CM curves) | int | N | 1 | |
2adic_log_level | the smallest n such that the image contains the kernel of reduction modulo 2^n (or None for CM curves) | int | N_0 | 1 | |
2adic_gens | list of matrices in GL(2,Z/2^nZ) generating the image (None for CM curves) | list of lists of 4 ints | GL(2,Z)^k (k≥0) | [[5,0,0,5],[5,5,0,1],[5,5,0,3]] | |
isogeny_matrix | isogeny matrix | list of lists of ints) | M_k(N) (k≥0) | [[1,5,25],[5,1,5],[25,5,1]] | |
sha_an | analytic order of Sha | float | R | 9.0 | approximate unless rank<2 |
sha | analytic order of sha | int | N | 9 | rounded value of sha_an |
sha_primes | primes dividing sha | list of ints | N^k (k≥0) | [2] | |
torsion_primes | primes dividing torsion | list of ints | N^k (k≥0) | [2,3] | |
local_data | reduction data at bad primes | list of dicts, one per prime, each with keys 'p' (value:int), 'ord_cond' (value: int), 'ord_disc' (value: int), 'ord_den_j' (value: int), 'red' (value: int), 'cp' (value: int), 'kod' (value: string) | N | [{'cp': 1, 'kod': '\\( I_{1} \\)', 'ord_cond': 1, 'ord_den_j': 1, 'ord_disc': 1, 'p': 11, 'red': 1}] | |
min_quad_twist | minimal quadratic twist | dict with keys 'label' (value:string) and 'disc' (value: int) | N | {'disc': 1, 'label': '11a2'} | |
aplist | Traces of Frobenius | list of 25 ints | Z^25 | [0, 1, -1, ..., 2] | a_p for p<100 |
anlist | L-series coefficients | list of 20 ints | Z^20 | [0, 1, -1, ..., 2] | a_n for 0<=np<20 |
Index information on collection curves:
- {'_id': 1} (created by mongo)
- {'rank': 1, 'number': 1} (for searching and stats)
- {'number': 1} (for searching and stats)
- {'conductor': 1, 'iso_nlabel': 1, 'lmfdb_number': 1} (for sorting)
- {'non-surjective_primes': 1} (for searching)
- {'cm': 1} (for searching)
- {'conductor': 1} (for searching)
- {'lmfdb_label': 1,'number': 1} (for searching)
- {'lmfdb_iso': 1} (for searching)
- {'sha': 1} (for searching)
- {'lmfdb_label': 1} (for searching)
- {'rank': 1} (for searching)
- {'label': 1} (for searching)
- {'jinv': 1} (for searching)
- {'torsion_structure': 1} (for searching)
- {'iso': 1} (for searching)
- {'torsion': 1} (for searching)
- {'label': 1, 'number': 1} (for searching)
- {'xainvs': 1} (for searching)
- curves2.rand (auxilliary collection used for random objection access)
- Content: p-adic regulators for elliptic curves over Q
- Contributors: unkown
- Origin: unknown
- Extent: primes p with 3,p<100 of good ordinary reduction, for curves of conductor up to 130,000 only (last updated in 2010)
Field | Description | Type of stored data | Mathematical type | Example of stored data | Remarks |
_id | Mongo id | ObjectId | assigned my Mongo; contains creation timestamp | ||
lmfdb_iso | LMFDB label of isogeny class | string | - | '58.a' | |
p | prime | int | N (prime) | 97 | |
prec | p-adic precision | int | N | 20 | |
unit | unit factor of regulator | string representing integer | Z_p (mod p^N) | '8471152617139064438417376357679138234' | |
val | valuation of p-adic regulator | int | N_0 | 1 |
Content: elliptic curves over number fields other than Q
Contributors: John Cremona, Alyson Deines, Steve Donelly, Paul Gunnells, Warren Moore, Haluk Sengun, John Voight, Dan Yasaki.
Extent: contains curves over several totally real fields (of degrees up to 6) and a few imaginary quadratic fields, in each case complete up to some conductor norm bound
Note: This collection is currently being rebuilt with additional data fields; the new version is temporarily called nfcurves2. When this process is complete and the necessary code changes made the description here will be updated, and index information added.
Explanation of data fields representing elements of the field, including points:
- Each field of degree d has a distinguished generator
- A rational number is represented as a string
- A field element is represented as a list of d strings, each representing the coordinate with respect to the power basis
- A point is represented (in projective coordinates) as a list of 3 field elements, i.e. a list of 3 lists of d strings
- Generator fields are represented by lists of points
Field | Description | Type of stored data | Mathematical type | Example of stored data | Remarks |
_id | Mongo id | ObjectId | - | assigned my Mongo; contains creation timestamp | |
field_label | Base field label | string | '' | ||
degree | Base field degree | int | N | 2 | |
signature | Base field signature | list of 2 ints | N_0^2 | [0, 1] | |
abs_disc | absolute value of discriminant of base field | int | N | 8 | |
label | full label | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]-e2' | |
short_label | short label (excludes field) | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]-e2' | |
class_label | full label of isogeny class | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]-e' | |
short_class_label | short label of isogeny class (excludes field) | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]-e' | |
conductor_label | condcutor label | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]' or '37.1' | |
iso_label | isogeny class label | string | - | 'e' | base 26 representation of isogeny class index |
iso_nlabel | isogeny class index | int | N_0 | 4 | |
conductor_ideal | data defining the conductor ideal | string | - | '[3618,1146,3]' | representation generators |
conductor_norm | conductor norm | int | N | 3618 | |
number | index of curve in isogeny class | int | N | 2 | starts at 1 |
isogeny_matrix | Isogeny matrix | list of list of ints (degrees) | M_k(N) (k≥0) | [[1, 2], [2, 1]] | |
ainvs | a-invariants | list of 5 lists of d strings | [['1', '0'], ['1', '-1'], ['1', '1'], ['17', '-7'], ['9', '22']] | coordinates with respect to power basis; d is the degree of the field | |
jinv | j-invariant | list of d strings | ['288857903821/4771277298', '7556047939133/9542554596'] | coordinates with respect to power basis; d is the degree of the field | |
analytic_rank | analytic rank | int | N_0 | 0 | |
rank | rank | int | N_0 | 0 | |
rank_bounds | lower and upper rank bounds | list of 2 ints | N_0^2 | [0, 0] | |
sha_an | analytic order of Sha | int | N | 1 | rounded float |
gens | generators of infinite order | list of lists of 3 lists of d strings | A^2(K)^r (0≤r≤rank) | [[['2', '2'], ['11', '-12'], ['1', '0']]] | |
torsion_order | torsion order | int | N | 6 | |
torsion_structure | invariants of torsion subgroup | list of at most 2 ints | N^t (0≤t&le2) | [3, 3] | |
torsion_gens | torsion generators | list of lists of 3 lists of d strings | A^2(K)^t (0≤t&le2) | [[['-9', '2'], ['16', '18'], ['1', '0']]] | |
q_curve | Q-curve flag | boolean | {True, False} | False | |
base_change | labels of base change source curves | list of strings | - | ['4032.k2', '63.a2'] | |
cm | CM code | int | Z | 0 (for no CM), or a negative discriminant |
Index information for collection nfcurves (currently incomplete, to be added)
- nfcurve.rand (auxilliary collection used for random objection access)