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Content Type: Testimonial

Justin Tadlock edited this page Aug 4, 2014 · 9 revisions


This is the proposed standard for testimonials and how plugins should handle them. It is an incomplete standard and pending further discussion.

Issues / Tickets

The following is a list of issues related to the testimonials standard.

Post Types

  • testimonial


  • testimonial_category


Note that all metadata doesn't necessarily have to be used by all plugins. This is simply a standard so that plugin authors will know exactly how to name and format their metadata.

Customer/Client/User Image

The primary method for getting the person's image is to use their email address to display their avatar/Gravatar via the get_avatar() function.

The secondary method of getting a person's image is to use the standard featured image functionality. Some plugins may opt to only use this method rather than checking for an avatar. This method should use core WP's featured image functionality.

  • Meta key: _thumbnail_id
  • Meta value: 100 (image attachment ID)

Testimonial URL

This meta key is for linking to the person who made the testimonial, such as the person's Web site or the Web page where the original testimonial was written.

  • Meta key: _testimonial_url
  • Meta value: (URL)

Other data

Customer/Client/User Name

The post title should serve as the name of the person who made the testimonial. (Note: filter the enter_title_here hook.)

Testimonial Content

Plugins should use the standard post content field (post_content) for storing the testimonial content.

Testimonial Date

Plugins should use the post date in the case that they want to have specific testimonial dates.