All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- command to manually trigger auto export
- set max NC version to 31
- get rid of jquery-ui
- small style issues in filters
- new endpoint to get last position of one specific device (/api/getlastpositions/{sessionId}/{deviceName})
- max nc version is now 30
- order points by date when exporting
- cleanup backend code
- reorder OwnTracks friends SQL query for improved performance
- Bump min NC version to 27
- Remove leaflet-measure because it uses eval
- Make app compatible with NC >= 28
- crash when receiving Ulogger account check requests #460 @
- polish log controller...a lot
- replace many old queries by calls to mapper methods
- fix DB mappers returning multiple entities on find
- optional datetime param to logGet and logPost
- bump js libs
- adjust layer control radio/checkbox style
- fix device_id not defined with Overland logger #399 @Naweap
- url help button style
- bug on session deletion
- change max zoom on layer change, set init value according to default layer
- style issues #412 @Valdnet @florom
- other XSS issues
- tile server management DB issues
- XSS issue
- send referrer header
- jquery-ui import (was breaking autocomplete) #391 @swilms
- use PSR logger interface
- use axios instead of jquery to make requests in UI
- use lint/webpack configs provided by NC
- upgrade dependencies
- qrcode dialog style
- public pages
- allow public view page to be in a frame
- get rid of deprecated escapeHTML
- adapt to NC 20
- replace measurement tool (leaflet-linear-measurement) with leaflet-measure
- reduce memory usage when importing files
- mapbox-gl loading with NC 20
- parameter to filter points retrieved by PT-Android #342 @torkelatgenet
- dark mode and breeze dark theme #339 @GLLM1
- switch to webpack+npm, replace/update some dependencies
- mistake in activity provider #161 @markussvn
- filter date min/max #312 @Valdnet
- share icon blocked by some adblockers #315 @bourgeonnui
- many option values were not actually saved #318 @huste
- translations
- add 'locked' field in sessions table in case it's not present #308 @toastbrot612
- mistake in activity provider
- support google takeout json positions for import #300 @MarkLi
- support google takeout json positions for import #300 @JDButler
- put
when exporting to gpx #285 @florom - accept logging with a user share token
- put correct templates for public pages
- block public logging page if session is not public #286 @ozinfotech
- auto export cron job failing on some setups #296 @reinoudvleeuwen
- missing DB field
- vector tiles support with Mapbox of OpenMapTile server
- Overland IOS compatibility #289 @MarkusGe
- display interactive elevation chart when zooming on specific device #283 @Akitou
- activity stream for sharing, geofence, proximity events
- unit display in tooltips/popups
- add placeholders
- improve proximity icon
- use NC database migration system
- bug when theming color code is compacted #284 @DofTNet
- make location DB insertion more robust #281 @maviar1981
- CI script now uses NC 17
- revert autoexport/autopurge to previous system
- notifications for NC 17 #261 @nickvergessen
- filter table with small screen size #274 @amo13
- use NC blue when theming app is disabled #276 @huste
- adapt notifications to NC 17
- compatible with NC >= 17
- new smaller screenshots
- distance in tooltips !813 @GURKE
- problem with userManager with some database setups #243 @spastis1
- remanent edition marker #246 @creywood
- show filtered points when hovering #246 @creywood
- API route to create session
- API route to get last positions #241 @grandpianisto
- use phpunit 8 and adapt tests
- improve CI tests, add jobs with MySQL and PostgreSQL
- improve auto purge and auto export !760 @robyquin
- sort sessions when front-end gets them
- improve translation automation stuff
- fix sql request DB type compatibility
- show user id and name if necessary when sharing #231 @fwejklwefnk1a
- apply filters after refreshing points to make sure last days/hours/minutes filter is applied #240 @kaistian
- share autocomplete select design
- add button to disable session : forbid log #222 @GURKE
- remove point display, make point appear when hovering the line (fixes UI performance issue!)
- focus and select session name input when showing it
- immediately display value when dragging sliders
- improve sliders design #213 @Valdnet
- add space between settings checkboxes
- improve options design
- improve device and session sidebar design: take as much space as available for the name #221 @GURKE
- send color when getting last positions with private API
- CI tests with NC16beta2
- lots of style improvements (dropdown menus, borders, colors...)
- fix api to get a public link for a device
- apply dragging option to device main markers
- fix point popup (battery and speed) #223 @Valdnet
- do not export empty devices or empty sessions (MR from @robyquin)
- hide useless elements in public pages #214 @robyquin
- replace deprecated addAllowedChildSrcDomain
- add api entry to get last positions when logged in, works with all sessions
- update CI to NC 15
- on log multiple points, check geofences and proxims just once with last point
- make app description translatable
- send geofence/proxim notifications to all users sharing the session #206 @Valdnet
- sliders design
- number of decimal displayed in popup/tooltip values and stats table #207 @Valdnet
- only check quota once for multiple log
- update stats table after device deletion
- fix LIMIT/OFFSET syntax to be compatible with SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL #212 @lachmanfrantisek
- sidebar logo display in chromium
- lots of translations
- variable in geofence notification URLs (%loc replaced by lat:lon) #199 @olivier.revelin
- api/getlastpositions now gives publicviewtoken of shared sessions, used in PT-android
- add useragent to api getLastPositions
- add isPublic to api getSessions
- replace URL with link or address in translatable strings
- display geofence values to make it more explicit how it works
- improve geofence and proxims UI #199 @olivier.revelin
- make public session button clearer #200 @strugee
- use ellipsis as dropdown menus icons
- api/getlastpositions : missing values = null
- design of geofence/proxims
- LocusMap compatibility #101 @webunraveling
- GET parameters to publicSessionWatch URL #190 @Lucas.Sichardt
- new log method to receive multiple points in JSON (used by PhoneTrack-Android)
- use https for tileservers which support it !464 @webunraveling
- improve session-user sharing system, consider userId instead of username #195 @mikoladz
- check email validity for geofences and proxims #185 @Stat1cV01D
- geofences and proxim now trigger optional NC notifications #179 @Ryonez
- NC notification when point number quota is reached and when session is shared with a user #179 @eneiluj
- add opentopomap tile server
- add empty ping API to allow phone client to connect
- add api entry point to get sessions information
- add api entry point to create/get public share for one device
- update max zoom for base tileservers
- touch() exported files to make nextcloud display correct sizes #181 @Valdnet
- add fontawesome brand icons, use gitlab one
- ability to import google timeline kml export #172 @FloThinksPi
- new feature : save/load filters bookmarks #171 @CH5525
- add API route to get session list
- max NC version : 15 #176 @tacruc
- import/export are now memory efficient, whatever size is the data #172 @FloThinksPi
- fix email notifications (geofence and proxim) : use alias in priority, then name. works with name reservation #173 @mychalwipf
- set empty alias to remove was broken #173 @mychalwipf
- fix : apply filters AFTER having reset the field #171 @CH5525
- jshint in CI
- allow to set email address(es) for geofences and proxim alerts #166 @mychalwipf
- add admin settings additional section to set user point number quota #154 @jookk
- add user options to choose what happens when quota is reached : block, delete oldest point #154 @jookk
- lots of controller tests (import/export/geofence/proxims/purge/filters : coverage close to 100%
- put utf-8 symbols in info.xml and README
- QRcode : use kjua.js, foreground color adapts to theming, darker, round corners, logo, margin #120 @jookk #152 @e-alfred
- press Enter on new session name => create
- make it more explicit when there is no avg speed or no max speed
- rewrite user options system : use NC config
- only save option value which just changed (reset all user option to default values)
- theming support : jquery dialog, layer selector
- fix escape key detection : use keyup event instead of keypress,
- CI works again : apply patch to Nextcloud while deploying
- fix speed logged with Ulogger #167 @nicolasvila
- bugs with geofence URLs
- bug with session zoom and device following #169 @Valdnet
- add QRcode for logging urls in help dialogs #152 @e-alfred
- add button in 'device actions' to generate Geo QRcode with last device position #120 @jookk
- add options to toggle line/point display in public pages through URL GET parameters #155 @Japhys
- add average and max speed to stats table #151 @vixu
- add CONTRIBUTING guidelines
- browser logging URL and OpenGTS URL now have help dialog too #152 @e-alfred
- better SQL queries design in controllers
- use css variables to adapt to accessibility theming @earboxer
- load device points even when line/point are disabled #151 @vixu
- trigger CI in test branch too (easier for contributors who want to keep their master clean and run tests for their work
- stat table cell color when shape is triangle #159 @eneiluj
- secure null values given to escapeHTML (happens when having DB problems)
- session deletion now triggers deletion of all related things
- dirty patch Nextcloud in CI to make PhpUnit tests work again
- make CI more generic so any user (fork) can run it in his/her own master branch
- bug in public filtered share when displaying last positions only #164 @Valdnet
- new option to toggle letter on last position #159 @Valdnet
- new option to choose device points shape #159 @Valdnet
- change point radius, line width and opacity input styles to slider #159 @Valdnet
- reorder and separate options
- fix bad INNER JOIN sql syntax refused by PostgreSQL #160 @linux571
- add option to set max number of points to load per device on refresh #107 @e-alfred
- allow to set precise geofence coordinates #142 @Valdnet
- add geo links to open device positions in external apps/softwares #120 @jookk
- new feature : proximity notification for device pairs #126 @poVoq
- notification if zooming on device with no points #156 @Valdnet
- ability to set geofence zone corners with click on map #142 @Valdnet
- remove pushover support (already possible with POST URL) #118 @Brakelmann
- make CI use NC14
- make geofencing email notification optional #136 @abmurski
- manual point adding now also triggers geofencing events #136 @abmurski
- change device autozoom checkbox into an icon
- change routing icons
- zoom on geofence when fence name is clicked
- remember if stats table is enabled #147 @Valdnet
- lots of design improvements in filters and geofence definition
- get entire device list when loading session and not lazy-load it when points arrive #148 @Valdnet
- [filter] if not date is set but hour:min:sec is set, it implicitly concerns today #149 @vixu
- remove absurd automatic device deletion after deleting its last loaded point
- update leaflet to 1.3.4
- fix NaN displayed in tooltip when values are not set
- bug when zooming on device with only one coordinate
- css for filters !150 @Valdnet
- css for geofences
- fix header hiding and initial sidebar state in public page #139 @vixu
- newly manually added point is draggable if possible
- padding when zooming #146 @Valdnet
- sidebar state when collapsed after loading
- manually add point to reserved name, now works for session owner with normal name (not the token) #143 @Valdnet
- bug on some actions for newly added devices #148 @Valdnet
- huge bug when editing recently manually added point and then trying to delete it
- make app pass Nextcloud code check
- device color changing in other browsers than Firefox #139 @Valdnet
- update leaflet.polylinedecorator to fix zoom performance issue with arrows displayed
- translations when locale is en_GB #128 @poVoq
- show other devices in session (only public ones) as owntrack friends
- add link to graphhopper, OSRM and OpenRouteService to get routing information to a device #120 @jookk
- add geofence notification options : pushover and HTTP POST #118 @Brakelmann
- compatibility with Nextcloud 14 #125 @eneiluj
- new feature : set device name alias #116 @stevenhorner
- add option to display arrows along lines #99 @kaistian
- make CI more generic
- get speed and bearing from Ulogger #112 @Tux12Fun
- move auto purge AFTER auto export #109 @NoName805
- upgrade fontawesome
- make some public share filters dynamic (lastdays, lasthours and lastmins) #104 @eghetto
- fix marker update when all device point timestamps are 0
- Fix time-conversion from ms to s on 32-bit systems
- Add speed and bearing to OsmAnd #123 @Mamie
- fix huge bug, missing point ids in gradient (hot)line coordinates #99 @kaistian
- options to cut device lines when point are too far (distance or time) #94 @WNYmathGuy
- ability to send GET requests when device gets in or out of a geofencing zone #97 @einstein99
- option to draw lines with black and white color gradient surrounded by device's color outline #99 @0x53A
- bug when refreshing session shared to another user #96 @mihxx
- escape 'user' in SQL query for PostgreSQL #100 @r100gs
- auto purge option for sessions (delete points older than a day/week/month) #77 @CaptainWasabi
- disable auto refresh when set to 0 or anything else than a positive integer #78 @tessus
- option to export one file per device
- device-specific geofencing #79 @dan-cristian
- new public share option : only show last position (web page and controllers affected) #91 @tessus
- new fields speed and bearing (traccar/gpslogger/logPost/logGet). filters, import/export adapted #90 @mihxx
- new public share option to simplify points to nearest geofencing zone center #92 @phyks
- only get last point if no line/points asked for a device #77 @CaptainWasabi
- delete points by group of 500 to make it faster #77 @CaptainWasabi
- default refresh interval : 15 seconds
- improved tests : add a few SQL injection tries #86 @eneiluj
- update to leaflet 1.3.1
- clarify point values validation #93 @tessus
- nicer svg icons
- use Leaflet.Dialog to display 'loading' animation on refresh, import and export #83 @efelon
- bad string point id when manually adding a point
- refuse to log points with non numeric coordinates or timestamp #87 @phyks
- don't send names, colors or geofences for devices with no points/lasttime in track, publicWebLogTrack and publicViewTrack
- many missing tooltip update after edition, filter change...
- avoid zooming on device with no point
- insert NULL in DB instead of dumb values #93 @tessus
- mistake in tooltips behaviour
- change deviceid DB field type to integer
- add index for deviceid and timestamp in points table
- mistake in public page detection
- help dialogs to configure logging apps
- add option to set auto export path #66 @TMaddox
- countdown to see when is next refresh
- button to manually refresh
- field to restrict public filtered share to one device name #45 @Mamie
- unit tests + gitlab CI integration + automatic coverage report
- lots of new translations
- show loading animation when importing
- display progression on refresh
- huge interface performance improvements :
- performance improvement : import queries grouped
- performance improvement : smaller track data -50%, faster load
- performance improvement : update lines/points before and after refresh : interface more responsive
- performance improvement : ~12x speedup when adding lots of points, avoid DOM manipulation and generate popups/tooltips only when needed
- performance improvement : filters and options are not red from the DOM anymore
- performance improvement : avoid intermediate function for .on events
- performance improvement : use same icon for all points of a device #76 @jookk
- cancel refresh if a session is deselected while refreshing
- auto export daily file name mistake
- fix cursor for checkboxes
- word wrap in stat table
- remove useless string replacements
- potential bug in data conversion to new database schema #65 @kaistian
- all points values are now exported/imported
- lots of translations (Polish, Turkish, Slovak, Portuguese Brazilian, Dutch, Spanish) !
- public shares with filters #45 @Mamie
- daily/weekly/monthly session cron auto export #55 @Sander8
- zoom on normal page load #54 @GLLM1
- dropdown menu style improved
- better session zoom behaviour, zoom on any available displayed content
- let user choose export file name #55 @Sander8
- apply current filters when exporting session #55 @Sander8
- move create/import buttons next to the logo
- make session renaming look like device renaming
- allow filters modification when they are activated #55 @Sander8
- optimization : only load (from server) data in current filter interval #55 @Sander8
- change filters background color when activated
- fix GPRMC coordinates parsing #58 @namekal
- mistake in session export #52 @tarator
- bad escaping of user id in controllers
- mistake in session zoom, now zooms on currently displayed content
- newly added points were not draggable
- fix point multiple deletion
- button to toggle line for each device #21 @Mamie
- statistics table #25 @dbielz #42 @Mamie
- german translations thanks to @oswolf
- ability to change a device color (saved in DB) #28 @Mamie
- display precision circle around points on hover #26 @Mamie
- ability to delete points #30 @Mamie
- new style options (line width, point radius, line/points opacity) #29 @Mamie
- new filter : last day:hour:min #32 @GLLM1
- option to toggle values display in tooltips #33 @GLLM1
- option theme to change default colors #34 @GLLM1
- ability to reserver device name (associate with a name token) #31 @Mamie
- add latlng and DMS coords in popup #41 @GLLM1
- ability to rename device and reaffect it to another session #49 @Mamie
- translations are now available on
- improve filters #12 @Mamie #27 @Mamie
- tooltip header is now 'sessionname | devicename' #34 @GLLM1
- elevation is now displayed as an integer #34 @GLLM1
- style adapts to theming #34 @GLLM1
- bigger font for marker letter #36 @GLLM1
- home made button icons #39 @GLLM1
- options are in a single column, change sidebar tabs order #38 @GLLM1
- dropdown menu for device
- put icons in popup #48 @GLLM1
- save/restore filter values, active sessions, devices states, sidebar status #46 @GLLM1
- adapt sidebar filter icon to filter state
- fix marker not on top of points after device zoom
- fix impossible to toggle lines for a specific device when global lines disabled
- fix OC/NC script to produce .pot file and to generate .js and .json files from .po files
- point edition (drag'n'drop), deletion #11 @Mamie
- manually add point #13 @Mamie
- date min/max point filter #12 @Mamie
- add 'user agent' point field #11 @Mamie
- import session from gpx file
- session user share system #10 @ksarnelli
- improve session list and device list style #15 @escoand
- hide device list when session is not followed
- display public view page only if session is public
- update all tooltips and popups after renaming a session
- remove map objects when deleting a session
- display long device/session names
- compatibility with Owntracks and Traccar #3 @escoand
- compatibility with Ulogger and OpenGTS
- take URL deviceid if it's not default or empty, else take app user/deviceid if it's not empty, else 'unknown'
- make two public pages : one to watch, one to track
- able to rename sessions
- add option to make session public. if not, position are not showed in publicWebLog page #5 @escoand
- change 'precision' table field name to 'accuracy', make accuracy and altitude float #2 @tcitworld
- for logging URLs : put token and device in URL path instead of a parameter #3 @escoand
- use a different token for publicSessionWatch to avoid viewers to be able to deduce log URLs #5 @escoand
- bad osmand parameters
- put default values in GET log #2 @tcitworld
- bad field types #2 @tcitworld
- order points by date in SQL query
- remove session name in public URL
- controller warnings
- the app
- from nothing, it appeared
- fix the world with this app