To configure VultureOS, use the vlt-adm
account, and the admin
command :
Using this menu, you have the following choices :
- Keymap : Configure keymap, like during installation of FreeBSD,
- Time : Configure timezone and ntp server,
- Password : Change vlt-adm password,
- Geli Change : Change the ZFS disk encryption password,
- Email : Define the administration SMTP Email address,
- Netconfig : Manage network configuration, like during installation of FreeBSD,
- Proxy : Configure proxy,
- Management : Modify current management IP used to bind services,
- Hostname : Configure hostname,
- Shell : Launch a CSH shell as vlt-adm,
- RootShell : Launch a CSH shell as root,
- Update OS : Update system and jails, with pkg and freebsd-update,
- Exit : Exit admin menu.
You should, at least, ensure the system time and management IP are correct (or update/change them) and configure the hostname (in this order) before bootstraping Vulture
Depending on what you want do to, you have 2 scripts available :
: To create a new Master node/home/vlt-adm/gui/
: To create a Slave and join a Cluster
The first script, to create a new Master, has the following usage :
sudo /home/vlt-adm/gui/ <admin_user> <admin_password>
The second, to add the node to an existing cluster, has the following usage :
sudo /home/vlt-adm/gui/ <master_hostname> <master_ip> <secret_key>
After that, start vultured if it is down :
service vultured start