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File metadata and controls

40 lines (29 loc) · 1.79 KB


This project seeks to expand the functionality of modern operating systems via a large suite of interoperable programs. Using simple single purpose tools that can be used together the possibilities grow exponentially. I intend to build the tools so you can use your computer for whatever you can dream up. Project goals:

Provide source code
Provide binary versions for common operating systems
Define standardized XML schemas for exchange of structured data using the canonical concept
Act as a home base for those standards
Encourage participation and contribution 

Currently available tools:

XmlCompare Compare the content of two xml files and return 0 exit code if identical
XmlUnion use set theory on Xml documents. Merge Xml files without duplication.
lsXmlCmd Document content of file system(s)
du Produce statistics of file systems listed by lsXmlCmd
XmlCmdImageMake creates an image of arbitrary size, color, and transparency
XmlCmdImageToPng creates a Png format image from an Xml command line image document. Includes transparency in output image
XmlCmdPngToImage? creates an Xml command line image document from a Png format image. Includes transparency 

schemas Image canonical is uploaded 

Current projects in the works:

using lsXmlCmd output to create File system copy scripts
using lsXmlCmd output to create File system comparison
image canonical to jpg (with Mozilla changes)
image canonical create gradient
image canonical sub image cut

External tools:

xslt xslt processors
XsdToDDL script create SQL database tables using an XSD 

Pie in the Sky goals: Create a new shell and standard set of command line utilties that use XML. I believe this will dramatically simplifiy scripting and iteroperability.