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authr3 is yet another autentication plugin for Rails. It is built on top of the new Rails::Engine API. Basically, I was working on a new Rails 3 app, needed authentication and decided to write this plugin on a work-filled Friday night. I wouldn’t suggest this plugin for use in anything besides a local app right now seeing as its missing things like forced HTTPS for login. You can add this to your app yourself if you like or if you have some free time please fork it or let me know and will give you commit access to this one.

Because authr3 is an engine it runs in its container in any app you wish. You only have to generate a migration to create the accounts table. See the install & basic usage instructions below for how to get going.

the bcrypt-ruby library is used to safely store passwords. Currently, the default cost factor, 10, is used. As configuration becomes available this will be something that you can change.


For now, since authr3 is really more of an example than anything else, I am not going to push the gem up to Follow the instructions below to install authr3 as a gem and get it working with your Rails 3 app.

Clone this repository:

git clone git://

Install bcrypt-ruby & authr3 gems on your machine:

sudo gem install bcrypt-ruby
sudo rake install

Add authr3 to your Gemfile

gem "bcrypt-ruby", :require => "bcrypt" #for now you must add this to your Gemfile as well.
                                        #later authr3 will take care of this.
gem "authr3", :require => "authr"

Generate the accounts table migration

rails g authr

The migration defines two fields: ‘uname’ and ‘hashed_password’ . Add any other fields you need in the accounts table to the migration but leave the uname and hashed_passwords fields. These are used by authr3.

Basic Usage

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  authenticate #require valid session for any action in any controller
               #only /session/new can be accessed
               #you will have to create an account in your console
               #before using because /accounts/new will not be accessible

               #authenticate can be passed :only and :except arrays just like
               #Rails filters

class PublicController < ApplicationController
   skip_authenticate!  #every action in this controller is now public
                       #and can now be accessed without a valid session
                       #just like /session/new

                       #skip_authenticate! can be passed :only and :except arrays
                       #just like Rails filters

auth3 defines an Account class. This model has both the :uname and :hashed_password fields as well as the password accessor. To set an account password use:

my_account =
my_account.password = 'myplaintextpassword'

This will encrpyt the plaintext password and store it in hashed_password. You should use


not hashed_password to access the password.

Thats it.