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{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.389234, "fear": 0.267278, "joy": 0.085045, "sadness": 0.21169}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.0}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.464251, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.97682, "extraversion_big5": 0.98523, "agreeableness_big5": 0.957326, "emotional_range_big5": 0.601531}, "text": "Oh, Officer Starling... do you think you can dissect me with this bluntlittle tool?\n", "name": "DR. LECTER "}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.034194, "fear": 0.452223, "joy": 0.406452, "sadness": 0.134573}, "language": {"analytical": 0.627525, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.827288}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.91992, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.076438, "extraversion_big5": 0.307422, "agreeableness_big5": 0.699614, "emotional_range_big5": 0.439671}, "text": "No. I only hoped that your knowledge -Suddenly he whips the tray back at her, with a metallic CLANG thatmakes her start. His voice remains a pleasant purr.\n", "name": "CLARICE"}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.429536, "fear": 0.127131, "joy": 0.430375, "sadness": 0.523131}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.243452}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.646387, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.012967, "extraversion_big5": 0.836594, "agreeableness_big5": 0.515272, "emotional_range_big5": 0.438418}, "text": "You're sooo ambitious, aren't you...? You know what you look like tome, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. Awell-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste... Good nutrition hasgiven you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generationfrom poor white trash, are you - Officer Starling...? That accentyou're trying so desperately to shed - pure West Virginia. What wasyour father, dear? Was he a coal miner? Did he stink of the lamp...?And oh, how quickly the boys found you! All those tedious, stickyfumblings, in the back seats of cars, while you could only dream ofgetting out. Getting anywhere - yes? Getting all the way - to theF...B...I.His every word has struck her like a tiny, precise dart. But shesquares her jaw and won't give ground.\n", "name": "DR. LECTER "}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.011086, "fear": 0.723224, "joy": 0.061971, "sadness": 0.145532}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.920133}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.710056, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.018553, "extraversion_big5": 0.724446, "agreeableness_big5": 0.805167, "emotional_range_big5": 0.37973}, "text": "You see a lot, Dr. Lecter. But are you strong enough to point thathigh-powered perception at yourself? How about it...? Look at yourselfand write down the truth.(she slams the tray back at him)Or maybe you're afraid to.DR. LECTERYou're a tough one, aren't you?\n", "name": "CLARICE"}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.029184, "fear": 0.027949, "joy": 0.20463, "sadness": 0.077464}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.0}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.01979, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.169379, "extraversion_big5": 0.45683, "agreeableness_big5": 0.682732, "emotional_range_big5": 0.04304}, "text": "Reasonably so. Yes.\n", "name": "CLARICE"}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.131737, "fear": 0.804718, "joy": 0.016098, "sadness": 0.037372}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.869578, "tentative": 0.0}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.236859, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.103409, "extraversion_big5": 0.665027, "agreeableness_big5": 0.78292, "emotional_range_big5": 0.29072}, "text": "And you'd hate to think you were common. My, wouldn't that sting! Wellyou're far from common, Officer Starling. All you have is the fear ofit.(beat)Now please excuse me. Good day.\n", "name": "DR. LECTER "}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.0, "fear": 0.0, "joy": 0.0, "sadness": 0.0}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.0}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.796705, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.36536, "extraversion_big5": 0.521057, "agreeableness_big5": 0.24498, "emotional_range_big5": 0.40357}, "text": "And the questionnaire...?\n", "name": "CLARICE"}
{"emotions": {"disgust": 0.126535, "fear": 0.263875, "joy": 0.371027, "sadness": 0.23722}, "language": {"analytical": 0.0, "confident": 0.0, "tentative": 0.93143}, "sentiment": {"openness_big5": 0.093466, "conscientiousness_big5": 0.109472, "extraversion_big5": 0.010103, "agreeableness_big5": 0.131614, "emotional_range_big5": 0.188589}, "text": "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some favabeans and a nice chianti... Fly back to school, little Starling.", "name": "DR. LECTER "}